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I finished my first 1/2 marathon this morning!

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WOOHOOOO!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!! I'm SERIOUSLY impressed with your time!!!!!! How did you train? I haven't read your blog yet, so maybe you address that there. I am running my first half marathon at Disney in January. I've just started a training program and ran 6 miles today. My legs are so sore! But I feel great! I can't wait until my first race. My goal time is also 2 hours 30 minutes. (But secretly I hope to run it in 2 hours, 10 minutes!!)


For everyone else training for shorter races - it's SOOOO worth it!!!!!! I ran my first race last October - the Detroit Marathon Relay. I got a 6 mile leg (my first race!). It was absolutely AMAZING!!!! I'm hoping to hook my kids as we've signed up for a 5K (I'm running the 10K) here in my hometown in September. I think they'll LOVE it even though they aren't always loving the training runs!! I'm running a 7 mile leg of the relay this year and can't WAIT!!!!

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PS I teared up when reading about your kids holding up signs for you!! I secretly hope my dh will do that with my kids when I run at Disney. But, I think I'd break down and cry right then and there.


So, why was it harder than you thought??


LOL, I did get teary when I saw them! It was so special.


In training for the race, I never knew how far I had gone, just how long. I guess I had been running slower than I thought I was. Plus, it's so humbling seeing a thousand people who are faster! (I smiled at your secret goal - mine was to run it in less than 2 hours - but I didn't tell anyone that;))


As far as training goes, I ran about 5 days a week. Four of the days were anywhere from 40-60 minute runs, and the 5th day was a long run (where I gradually worked up to 2 1/2 hours). I'm wondering now if I should do another 1/2 next or go ahead and attempt a full. ?!


Keep us posted on your race! I'm inspired by all the runners here.

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My goal was 2 1/2 hours, and I finished in 2 hr 11 minutes! YEAH! My digestive system was rebelling around mile 10, but thankfully it held on long enough for me to finish.


There's a smidgen more detail about it on my blog, if anyone's interested.




Wow! Good for you! I'm very impressed. So sweet of your kids to cheer you on - I'm sure they were very proud of you!

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