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Don't get me wrong, I Love the internet BUT!!!!

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I really need to connect with people in person. I'm new to homeschool this year and I would really like a "mentor" family or two. I can't get any information out of anyone on the threads for Pennsylvania where people meet in my area. Do people just not meet in person anymore. Are blogs and social networks what pass as human contact and meeting now. I know It sounds really old fashion but man...I already feel like the only homeschooler in Pittsburgh ( don't attack me on this I know they exsist because people are always telling me" oh i know another family who homeschools too"). I'm just tired of typing I wanna talk to actual people. Meet actual people. See actual people. In short i'm tired of the internet.

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Don't get discouraged, it will happen!

In our area, a city of 4 million, there are lots of homeschoolers but most of the arrangements are very casual, until you hook into a few people it's pretty hard to find what is going on and where. It's very isolating at first. Just about all my homeschool relationships started by finding people on the net, it's a great resource for finding people in real life too.

I'm sure there are other people in your area, and once you find them things will fall in to place for you.

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I belong to a support group that meets once a month and we do field trips, co-ops and other things in between times too. I'm sure there must be a support group near you. I did a quick google search. Hopefully something here is useful to you. :grouphug: Hang in there honey. Until you can get "plugged in" at least you have support from your internet family. :) :grouphug:













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Did you search your area in Yahoo groups? When I started out I googled "homeschooling suburban city name" and up popped a private Yahoo group. I joined it and they have become some of my best friends. We mostly do park days once a week (this summer has been completely off because of the heat!), field trips, etc.


I know you'll find someone there!!!

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Did you search your area in Yahoo groups? When I started out I googled "homeschooling suburban city name" and up popped a private Yahoo group. I joined it and they have become some of my best friends. We mostly do park days once a week (this summer has been completely off because of the heat!), field trips, etc.


I know you'll find someone there!!!


Even regional searches in those yahoo groups help. We are rather rural and use the big mountain name that is bordered by 4-5 counties in our yahoo name... it links anyone who is close to this area.


So try that idea too!

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I used the internet to find real people! I joined the yahoo homeschooling groups for my county and the next county over. I met a few mom's there and we have gotten together for play dates, and we are attempting to coordinate some Co-op type classes. Another local mom started up a yahoo group for field trips.


Unfortunately in my case, I like the people I know online better than the ones I've met in person. But I do attend some of the functions of the real life people, for the kids sakes. But for conversation and advice I head to the online ladies more.

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I know that there are co-ops for Pennsylvania Virtual Charter School (PAVCS) in Pittsburgh and it might even be an open co-op from what I re-call in that other cyber schoolers/homeschoolers could attend as well. There is a message board on yahoo for PAVCS. PAVCS and the other cyber schools are public schools at home and are not homeschooling per se. My ds is enrolled in PAVCS. I like the flexibility, curriculum, and opportunities for outings that it provides.



You may also want to check out the PA Homeschoolers message board on yahoo as well. I think that there are several PA message boards.


Lastly, does your local library offer home school events. The local library near me loves homeschoolers and offers many events. You could also post a flyer potentially with the library. My librarian was even willing to give out my flyer to any inquiries into homeschooling since she is the home school liason (sp?) for the library.

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I really need to connect with people in person. I'm new to homeschool this year and I would really like a "mentor" family or two. I can't get any information out of anyone on the threads for Pennsylvania where people meet in my area. Do people just not meet in person anymore. Are blogs and social networks what pass as human contact and meeting now. I know It sounds really old fashion but man...I already feel like the only homeschooler in Pittsburgh ( don't attack me on this I know they exsist because people are always telling me" oh i know another family who homeschools too"). I'm just tired of typing I wanna talk to actual people. Meet actual people. See actual people. In short i'm tired of the internet.


You've gotten good advice already. I just wanted to throw in that I ended up starting my own group to meet our needs. We homeschool secularly, we don't unschool, and my kids were young at the time. The only group in the area that even remotely fit had no interest at all in providing opportunities for little HSers, and in fact I think they may have fallen apart entirely at this point. So I found our local HSing Yahoo! group and started advertising a weekly open playgroup. Several other families with the same general issues contacted me, and we've created a nice little group for ourselves.


You could try the same thing. It could be a park day or a playgroup at your house, or whatever. Set up something regular where people can count on finding you and give it some time. I bet you'll meet some people in no time!


ETA: Here are a bunch of places to start looking:




Looks like there are bunch of groups to hook up with.

Edited by melissel
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