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Where do you complete most sit-down lessons?


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I am curious where you work with your children. Do you work at the kitchen table, family room, classroom, or playroom?


We are in a temporary location, so my options are limited. My old setup would have been ideal. However, now I have the kitchen table for the more sit-down activities or my DD playroom.


Would you use a playroom? I know there is a potential for distractions when you need a 15 minute "focus" period. But most of our day is learning through play. Yet breaking up the "where" may be more useful/productive.


What has been your most successful location?

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My schoolroom and playroom are the same room because it is 400 square feet. I have a central table that they use to do most of their work on but they also do art, puzzles, play with their trains etc on this table. We also sit on the floor or lay on the rug to do some activities. It just depends on what we are doing. It so far has not been a distraction. The only time is when my 1 year old comes over to "write" on the table while we are doing schoolwork. I have a big sheet of butcher paper on it so that she can color but the older kids sometimes start ooing and awwing over her and get distracted.


There are plenty of pictures on my blog of us having school in this room if you want to see how it works.

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For stuff that requires concentration, like math/reading/writing/spelling, I don't want any distractions. So we converted a loft area for the sit-down stuff. I don't allow any toys (except if they are recruited to help, like Reading Rita, lol). It's a quiet, carpeted area, and we often lie or sit down on the floor to do most of the work.

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Our guest room has a desk for me, and one for my dd. On the wall are posters, big white board, our book case, etc.


HOWEVER, so far this year we have sat on the couch with our big Ikea coffee table in front of us, and we work there. My daughter has a little chair that she pulls up for writing and math. It's where I had all my books to do planning, so it was kind of a natural progression. I am just not looking forward to going into our little school room, so we might end up staying out there in the family room!

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Kiddo has a little all-in-one fliptop desk and chair, circa 1965 I got at Goodwill. That or the dining room table if it is something that needs a lot of space. He also has a schoolroom type art table about 2.5 by 3.5 feet in the basement where we retreat if it is stinking hot.


For us, having a desk for him helps him concentrate, I think. Sort of a "now its business time".

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We have a school room in this house and everyone has their own desk. I love it but it gets hot in that room. We are in the middle of moving to a small apartment, so we will be doing school at the kitchen table or on the couch. No room to put desks anywhere.

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I have a room just off the kitchen, with our old dining room table in it, that we have designated our school room. It is where all our books are, so I use it for the one-on-one materials that require writing. Then they take their independent work to where ever they like -- their rooms, the floor, the couch. Readalouds I go to wherever they are...bedrooms playing legos, kitchen bar where they are drawing, my bedroom rocker if they are rolling around on the exercise ball. That dining room table in my school room is always a mess, so I am happy not to be continually cleaning it off in order to eat!

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For the last 5 years, I have used the kitchen table or the breakfast bar. But soon, I hope to have the basement cleaned up so that half can be the playroom and the other half will be our classroom.


I've been wanting all of our school stuff in one area for a long time. I have books, curriculum, and school supplies in the basement and our daily stuff upstairs. So when we want to do a special craft or look at a certain book, I have to go downstairs to find it. Our goal is to have the classroom organized so that things are easy to find and use.


I wish you the best in finding your happy place to do school. There is no right answer. I know people who do it on the couch and living room floor, others spread it all over the house, some have dedicated classrooms and most just use the kitchen table.:001_smile:

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We are doing all our sit down lessons at the kitchen table. It is a large table and allows room to spread out. Also, it keeps my son separate from the childcare children.


My childcare space is my large living room, plus a large screened in porch right off the back of it. It is perfect! I can sit at the kitchen table, help my son with his school, and keep an eye on the children all at the same time. I have gates across the doorways that keep the young children from wandering into the kitchen.


Also, it works well because if my son is doing an art project or handwriting that takes a little more time, I can do the dishes and make sure the kitchen is straight while still being there for him.


We have a dining room, but I don't use it as a dining room. It is our office. I keep all "office" items in there, plus I have a wonderful cubbie unit that I have converted to organize all my homeschool stuff. It is working out great! Everything is labeled and easy to access. Again, it is right off the kitchen where we work, so it works perfect.


Eventually, I will put another smaller desk in the office area for my son to work at if he needs a little more quiet or focused time, but for now the kitchen table is working great!


Have a wonderful day! : )))

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We have a huge playroom but the kid's get it too messy for me to even want to try and do school there.


We use our kitchen table or counter with stools. I have a whiteboard on the wall too. There is a large closet next to the table that we can store all of our books, supplies & crafts. It works out really good since I'm in the kitchen most of the time cooking or making snacks anyway.:001_smile: We do our reading on the front porch swing and the sofa.

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We have a schoolroom/office/guest bedroom where we do most of our work. It works for us because no toys (thus, fewer distractions) are allowed in there and we have the option of working on the floor, at a desk or lounging on the daybed. Most days we do all three.

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We have a room that is a classroom in our home. My older children have desks, my younger children play with materials that are designated for school time. It can sometimes be a distraction to have children playing while one is diagramming sentences, but life is full of distractins and being able to work through them is an important life skill.

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