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Where is the cheapest place to get flu shots for kids?

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I plan on getting my kids the seasonal flu shot like normal this year, but as we are no longer with the military, i have no idea where the best place to get them is. Can they even give shots to kids at those flu clinics at stores? Is there a reason it is better to get it from their doctor? BTW, they cannot get the nasal vaccine, it must be the injection.

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Some of the drug stores will do them with a doctor's prescription. If you call your doctor's office they may be willing to call in a prescription to the pharmacy.


I'd try the county health department first. They often offer free or reduced cost vaccines.

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Most stores won't do kids that young. If they have a doctor, ask how much it is there. I know we charge the same amount as most of the stores. Also, if you are in Virginia and do not have insurance there is a program called VFC (Vaccines for Children) that means all vaccines are free for kids. This includes the flu shot. The doctor could then give them the shots free if they participate with VFC. Most pediatricians do and I would imagine family docs who see a lot of kids do as well. Most doctors will not also charge a fee for that visit. (Other states may also have the same program, I just only know Virginia.)

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I know that there are clinics in many local public schools and even if you are a homeschooler, depending on your state, you can have them vaccinated there.

We have several local privately owned Pharmacies that offer flu vaccines, and I take my children their versus our pediatrician because my children love the pharmacist and say his shots don't hurt as bad as the pediatrician. The local Pharmacy (not a big chain one) charges $20 a shot....


I would call your local health dept and some of your local non chain pharmacies and see ....


My children started getting flu shots at the pharmacist when they were 5.

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