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How long does it take for you dc to do Saxon?


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My kids do a lesson in about an hour. Sometimes 1-1/2 hours. They are in 6/5 and Advanced Math. We do have the old books however. I think it is just getting used to the new format and probably starting again after the summer break (if you take one).



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We started Saxon this year. I really like it but it takes my ds forever! Today it's three hours later and he is still on his last problem. What is a reasonable amount of time these lessons should take? He's in 6/5.


Wow! That is a long time. Does this include teaching time, mental math drills, and the daily timed test? I begin Saxon at the 8/7 level. There are a few lessons that took my children 1.5 hours to complete but that included all the work: teaching, drills, and lesson. How does your student do with the timed tests and mental math? Maybe those basic skills need to be stronger?


In general, my Saxon 8/7 student takes about an hour and fifteen minutes to complete everything. My Algebra student takes an hour (never longer) and sometimes finishes before the hour and that includes instruction time.

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It's been a few years, but when middle ds did 6/5 it usually took him about 1 hour. If he played around or complained it took about 1 1/2.


Ds are in Alg 1 and 7/6 now. Today, our first day, it took middle ds about 1 1/2 hours on the first Alg. lesson. Part of that however, was taken up by him watching the DVD, making sure his notes were perfect, and his younger brother showing him things on his DS.:glare:


Youngest ds took about 45 min on 7/6, but I didn't have him work all of the problems.


Bottom line, for my ds 1 - 1 1/2 hrs, longer if they're playing around, complaining, or just being slugs.

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We've done 5/4. 7/6. and Algebra 1/2 and it usually takes about 45 minutes if no one is messing around. They are required to do the Lesson Practice and 15 of the Mixed Practice. Math is the second thing in the day that we do, so if they dawdle, it can make for a long day-for them.:D Doing their math early in the day allows me to get the corrections back to them early on. Corrections can run from 0 to 30 minutes. I assign extra problems if the work is careless.


As evil as this plan sounds, my boys actually like Saxon. The middle opted to continue with it at home while attending ps high school. There is no accounting for taste.


Best wishes,


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This is helpful. Thank you! Ds tends to dawdle. He sits fairly quietly but whenever I look over, he is staring off into space or doodling or something, anything besides math! I was going to start giving him a time limit and then mark each one left undone as incorrect. He is highly motivated by grades. Each day after I correct his work, he wants me to give him a letter grade. I don't want to skip any of the work because he needs that repetition. That is one of the reasons we went to Saxon from Singapore.

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polar opposites here. my 12 yo does her 7/6 in 1/2 hour or so. my 9 yo doing 5/4 could take 3 hrs...lots of other important things to think about..so we do the lesson practice orally and only the last section written. it shaves off a bit of time. also, i don't often have time but if i sit by her and work some problems with her she's much quicker. my 7yo is finishing 3 and it never takes more than 45 start to finish...but that's because i am doing it right alongside!

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What is a reasonable amount of time these lessons should take? .


Whatever he is taking is likely reasonable.

Does he know his math facts? (all of them, instant rote)

Does he have facility with the pencil?

Is his reading comprehension mature enough for the math teacing?


Saxon Math 54 - 35 mins

Saxon Math 65 - 45 mins.


Saxon Math 87 - took longer. difficult to judge. was an "unproductive" attitude year in general


Algebra and up.... don't know. I don't pay attention.


Edited by Moni
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We just started 6/5 with dd9. The beginning of the book is easy review, as you know, so she's banging out the entire lesson in about 1/2 an hour, but I don't make her copy every little thing--if she can do some of the review or practice orally, we do it (for example, I don't have her copy a question like, "What does the 9 in 2,098 stand for?"). I also went thru and made a little worksheet for the next 15 lessons or so--I copied the computation problems for her, because this is the first year she will have to copy so much.


Just a suggestion--If you give your child a time limit, you might try setting an actual timer, and doing a small section at a time. Bite-sized chunks are often easier to manage for those who dawdle, and the time pressure may help. For example, looking at Lesson 20, Three Ways to Show Division,(2nd edition, so ymmv), I'd set the timer for 10 minutes, and say Do problems 1-5. Check his work, then set the timer for 15 minutes, and have him do problems 5-10. And so on. I might limit a few of the problems, skipping here and there, also.

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My children are in Saxon Alg. 1/2, 76, and 54. In general, it takes around 30-45 minutes to do an entire lesson. (Read the lesson, complete practice problems, and complete the entire lesson. We don't skip problems.) When my older sons began Saxon, it sometimes took 3-4 hours because they wouldn't buckle down and get the lesson done. I generally started a child in 54 doing 1/2 the lesson on day one, and finish the lesson on day two. After a month or two, we transitioned to a full lesson a day.


HTH! :001_smile:

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