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Ugh...what a *wonderful* start to the new school year

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We use a virtual academy so our first day of school is set for us. It's not the best timing for us with Madelynn's birth being just 3 weeks ago. Not only was I not ready before she was born but things haven't exactly worked out for me having time to get ready after either. First there was the normal postpartum stuff, then there was the incredible heat wave that left us all languishing on the couch, then there was the nursing problems due to her tongue-tie, then there was the normal high needs of a newborn, then I passed a huge clot late in the game and got put back on rest again, then I got hit with this plugged duct this weekend. See the problem? Hard to get stuff done with all that.


So, today is the first day of school. The school room is still trashed. The school room table is covered in junk...totally unusable right now. The dining room table is even worse so we can't just move there. My curriculum isn't completely planned and organized...though much of it is. I don't even have some of our curricula yet (foreign language for each kid and drawing supplies for our art class). We need a $140 computer program for a big part of my plan for my daughter's school but we don't have the money to buy it and the school is saying I probably can't use our student fund to get it.


Then I wake up today and my 2 year old has already been in trouble 4 times today and it is only 8:30am. He's. just. not. listening. at. all.


So much for a good start huh?

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Step 1. Have dc gather a laundry basket (or 2, or 3) or garbage bags and put all non-essentials for your first day in said containers. Kitchen table and school table cleared. You sit and watch in a chair with cabbage on your duct.


Step 2. Have each dc get what you have for school in their spots. If they don't have a spot, have them get a box and do so.


Step 3 While this is happening, play a game of eye spy with the little one to keep him busy. Sounds like he just wants some mama time.


You can only do what you can, mama. :grouphug:

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Chin Up! We started 3 weeks back and are only now truly getting the daily schedule completed... adn not always smoothly.


It will get better. Just take baby steps! I like Tina's idea of big basket & put stuff in it.... we have done that & take it to it's home in shifts or as we go.


You can only eat an elephant "one bite at a time". You are a pro at this... you can do it.... but dont' beat yourself up & do a little at a time.

Edited by Dirtroad
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I would read the comments everyone posted here and go easy on yourself -- REALLY!:001_smile:


Then, I would do what Tina suggested, and what Christina (cadam) suggested -- with the mess out of the way, you will feel much better about sitting and sorting things out in your head -- you aren't really doing 'nothing' -- you are just waiting for a more opportune time to get things started formally. Use this as a vacation day or a read aloud day or a mental health day - but get the mess out of the way so that psychologically it is easier for you to take this time for yourself and the kids.


HTH --

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The good news is that things are working out better now...not quite what I envision but ok.


The kids helped me clean up good enough. They picked up the main rooms while I straightened our bookshelf and got the library books out of the bag onto their shelf. Then they helped me clean up the table, with me handing them things and telling them where to put what. My daughter also straightened up the games which were a mess with open boxes and pieces out of the boxes. My husband also put together our infant swing which I had gotten out of the attic but hadn't found time to put together. (Now I know we need to buy batteries for it but it worked good enough between me and my son pushing it occasionally.)


Then I put this week's work into their binders and did "first day of school" like the public schools do...explaining things as they are a little bit different from last year. Finally, we did problem solving (a supplement to our math), math, and logic. My son and I did grammar together while my daughter got started on her first video making project. It took almost no time at all to do these things because I have it broken down in tiny chunks, with some of the first two weeks' chunks being intro stuff.


My toddler did his first coloring page before getting sent out of the room. He fell asleep watching a video. When he woke up, I had my daughter read to him his first "preschool" book (theme is cows this week).


Now they are taking a break.


After break, my son gets his first home ec/cooking lesson (DD will get same lesson next week). Then we do science and history, each of which will only take 15 minutes. After that, I'll probably have my son read the toddler his second cow book. Then they can do some independent reading to round out our time requirement.

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I'm just a little disappointed that we didn't get quiverof10's cinnamon rolls. I wanted to treat the kids for their first day of school but feeling miserable yesterday and baby's needs prevented me from getting them in the fridge to rise last night.


I'll have to find some time during the week to get them made now that I have all of the ingredients waiting.

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I understand, JoAnn. I don't even have an excuse why our first day was so awful. The boys woke up with the boxing gloves on and jumped right into the ring. Ugh. I was yelling by 7:10. Teaching my youngest to read is the most painful thing I've ever done and I had 2 natural births. My oldest started crying through lessons. Ugh. BUT, I didn't lose it. I didn't yell during school. I took breaks when we got frustrated (which was often) and abreviated our work. They both go to space camp in 2 hours and I'm really, really looking forward to the break.

Hang in there, JoAnn. I know it's tough but the coffee table will work for writing on and I like the idea of loading everything not necessary into laundry baskets. It'll wait. Enjoy your little lady and the rest can wait. (I know it doesn't feel that way, though. I'm a schedule girl myself.)

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Step 1. Have dc gather a laundry basket (or 2, or 3) or garbage bags and put all non-essentials for your first day in said containers. Kitchen table and school table cleared. You sit and watch in a chair with cabbage on your duct.


Step 2. Have each dc get what you have for school in their spots. If they don't have a spot, have them get a box and do so.


Step 3 While this is happening, play a game of eye spy with the little one to keep him busy. Sounds like he just wants some mama time.


You can only do what you can, mama. :grouphug:


What a great post!

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