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Great article by Clark Howard on U.S. public education

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I like choice in education. Lots of Choice, lots of different schools using different methods, different materials, different school days and different school calendars. I like parents being able to choose which school to sent their child to and the money following that child.


I am Pro-Choice in Education.:001_smile:

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Obviously, as a homeschooler, I'm totally in favor of "school choice"—if you foot your own bill. I am not in favor of vouchers. I do not support taking money from public school systems and putting it elsewhere.


Can you explain more? What you wrote seems contradictory to me, so I'm trying to understand.


The only people in the educational system who don't foot their own bill are public school students--so I'm not understanding the emphasis on footing one's own bill.


Secondly, I understand our public school system to have been set up for the benefit of all children, not just those of financially well-off parents. So if you want the best for the kids in that system and think choice is good, why wouldn't choice be good for kids whose parents aren't as well off as it is for those whose parents are well off?


Just trying to understand your views.

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Obviously, as a homeschooler, I'm totally in favor of "school choice"—if you foot your own bill. I am not in favor of vouchers. I do not support taking money from public school systems and putting it elsewhere.


Vouchers aren't the only way to provide choice in public education.

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Great opening line! Hard hitting to say the least. Thanks for the link.


I don't understand being in favor of choice, but not vouchers. I wish we could use our tax $ like they do in Canada. I already provide a better education to my dc, if I had all that $...HOLY COW! I could own an RV and travel as I taught American History this year. It would be Amazing!

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Obviously, as a homeschooler, I'm totally in favor of "school choice"—if you foot your own bill. I am not in favor of vouchers. I do not support taking money from public school systems and putting it elsewhere.


Vouchers aren't about taking $ from the public schools, it's about giving all parents options. Vouchers would actually benefit the kids who have no choice but public schools b/c public schools would have to compete for kids (and the voucher $ that comes with them). If parents are choosing where their kids go (and where the voucher $ goes) parents will have a a very LOUD voice when it comes to quality of education. I think most parents would prefer the ps just down the street, all else being equal....right now, all else is *not* equal - yet parents have no choice in the matter unless they have one parent who can stay home to HS or they make enough $$$ to send their kids to a private school.


The $ follows the kids - how is that harming the ps system? If they have fewer kids, they need less $ to educate them. (Granted, I do think tax dollars should front the upkeep of the basic ps buildings above and beyond any voucher $.)

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Obviously, as a homeschooler, I'm totally in favor of "school choice"—if you foot your own bill. I am not in favor of vouchers. I do not support taking money from public school systems and putting it elsewhere.


You know, this shows how ignorant I am. I don't even know what vouchers are. I posted the article because I agree with the author's description of our public education system. I am not 100% anti-public school but I do believe that the school systems have gotten worse over the years. I find some of the rules and regulations harsh and unnecessary.

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Obviously, as a homeschooler, I'm totally in favor of "school choice"—if you foot your own bill. I am not in favor of vouchers. I do not support taking money from public school systems and putting it elsewhere.


I think that I do support vouchers or at the very least letting parents choose what public school they want to send their kids to even if it is out of their district. I also would like to see more charter schools. I read of one European country that allows parents the choice as I described and it has caused the schools to want to please the parents so to speak which I think is a good way to improve schools.

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Just so you know... funding to homeschoolers is not a federal benefit. Homeschooling is regulated by each individual province, and only a few (AB, BC, ON -- am I missing one?) give homeschoolers funding. In order to receive that funding, there are numerous hoops through which one must be willing to jump, though. In my province, we get no funding. We also get no hassles and report only on paper, not to any person(s), school divisions or other "noses in my business."

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I completely agree with Clark Howard. They need to end the stranglehold on charter schools. Here in NC, only 100 in the entire state are allowed! Some schools have really long waiting lists. The schools are free and they get the money per child but no facility fees, so most charter schools are doing a better job, being more responsive to parents' wishes, AND paying for their facilities out of less money! Exactly why the NEA wants to get rid of them!

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