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Dr. Hive? What might be causing this pain/discomfort?

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I've been having some unusual tummy troubles these past couple of weeks, and it occured to me that someone here might have some insight.


All of the pain and discomfort is in the same area, just a couple of inches below the spot where my ribs meet. Early in the day it often feels as if I have some sort of heartburn, then I get sharp pains after I eat anything. The sharp pains turn into a dull ache after a short time.

The same cycle (sharp pains-dull ache) happens after lunch and dinner. I generally only have the burning feeling when I have nothing but coffee in my stomach.

I also noticed last night when I went to bed that I felt terribly full. It was as if I'd eaten until I couldn't swallow another bite but I had a pretty normal sized meal. I ate about a half cup of rice, a chicken breast and a half cup of green beans. I had some late work to finish, so I skipped my salad.


It's too late this afternoon, but if this continues through the weekend I'll be making an appointment with my doctor on Monday. Until then, does this sound familiar to anyone?

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Two things that come to mind are heartburn (does not always feel like a burning sensation) and a hernia (thats where I get pain with mine, but not usually associated w/ eating).


It could be any sort of gastro issue, so see your dr for sure, but those are two possible explanations.


Hope you feel better soon!

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Don't know about the full feeling part...but the other sounds like when I had acid reflux for a while...I felt like I had a rock about that some area you describe--sort of stiff feeling. And I didn't particularly feel "acidy". He gave me Pepcid or something like that (probably prescription strength--can't really remember as it was 10 years ago). You mentioned coffee on an empty stomach...coffee is very acidic on the tummy, so much so that I can't even drink it.

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I also noticed last night when I went to bed that I felt terribly full. It was as if I'd eaten until I couldn't swallow another bite but I had a pretty normal sized meal. I ate about a half cup of rice, a chicken breast and a half cup of green beans. I had some late work to finish, so I skipped my salad.




A lingering bug

A gall bladder getting ready to put itself on your map

Gastritis, or an ulcer/ H. pylori


Do you eat motrin? Do you take an aspirin a day?

Black or tarry stools? Stools that are the color of a manila folder? (They look like the stools of Casper the F. Ghost). Very dark urine?


Personally, I'd try 40 mg. of pepcid twice a day over the weekend, and if that is a miracle, tell you're doc that. If not, tell your doc that. Oh, and see your doc. But this isn't advice (:D) and I am a bit of an "investigator". I monkey with everything to see the effect.


My gall bladder warning was 3 days of not being interested in coffee (very odd for me), a skipped meal because lunch was possibly too big and rich, and then gut wrenching pain that woke me from sleep. That was all of my warning.




To badly quote Huxley "Its no joke we cart around a barrow full of tripes"

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Gall bladdar problems are often under one breast rather than in the middle of the sternum, and can also present as upper back pain. GERD is right up the middle--tends to be exacerbated by coffee, other acid foods, rich foods, overeating, tight waistbands, and lying down flat.


Pepcid would probably help GERD--one of the treatments for it is prescription strength pepcid. Other recommendations include not eating within 3 hours of bedtime, and elevating the head of your bed a bit, like with blocks.

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I am wondering if it could be a virus? My ds got a fever for a day or 2 about a week ago and has had stomach problems, feeling of fullness, and very similar symptoms to yours. He has been taking Zantac. I got sick about the same time and just had the worst feeling in my throat and stomach like I just couldn't swallow. I now have a cold and sore throat.

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Do you eat motrin? occasionally. Do you take an aspirin a day? no.

Black or tarry stools? no.Stools that are the color of a manila folder? (They look like the stools of Casper the F. Ghost). no. Very dark urine? no, but it is often cloudy.


Personally, I'd try 40 mg. of pepcid twice a day over the weekend,

Will do. Thanks, Kay!




To badly quote Huxley "Its no joke we cart around a barrow full of tripes"


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Thanks, everyone! I'm going to pick up some Pepcid this morning and take it over the weekend. Then I'll give my doctor a call on Monday morning.


Hope it is something simple. Sounds like you don't have alarm bells for GI bleeding or obstruction of the gall bladder. And, you don't live in outer Mongolia, if you do throw a stone. :)

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I had something similar last year. The doctor told me that most likely it was my gall bladder or an ulcer. He said that if it hurt mostly between immediately to 1/2 hour after eating it was probably ulcer. If it was between 1/2 hour to an hour after eating, it was most likely gall bladder. Of course, mine hurt the worst about 1/2 after eating. He gave me some ulcer medication and said that if I wasn't 100% better after a week to come see him again. I was 100% better so it must have been an ulcer. I stayed on the medication for 2 months.

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