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So, I dropped off my application at my Graduate School of choice.......

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For those interested, it's the Houston Graduate School of Theology.


I had a preliminary appointment. Today I dropped off my transcripts. It was weird seeing those after all these years. I really did get 2 degrees with a 3.5867 average. I really did get a C+ in Accounting II. ;)


I LOVED THE PLACE. It was small, cozy, intimate, and much like where I went for my undergraduate degrees. For who I am and the nature of my degree, less institutional "works". So does not-secular. Although I am not exclusive spiritually, I am also not secular.


If I get accepted (conditionally, because I will have to take the GRE sometime fall semester), I will start in just over a week! Can you imagine??


Our estimated family contribution is a big fat "0", so I qualify for the max in loans both subsidized and unsubsidized. I plan on taking 9 credits to start, maybe bumping it up when I can quit my Tournament Director job. I will attend in the summers as well.


There are 3 tracks: Licensed Professional Counselor, Licensed Marriage and Family Counselor and one with both. I'm going to do both even though it adds a semester or two. I think both will work for where I want to go with this.



I need a backpack, pens, paper, ......and probably a new planner.

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Good luck. The GRE is a piece of cake.


Keep us updated.

Are you kidding me?? The GRE was proof to me that there should be a special place in hell for test writers. The LSAT was in my opinion a piece of cake but the GRE....( shudder) I performed well but it was truly a huge effort. I would certainly prepare for the exam.

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