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Elementeo Card Game ~ Why didn't I think of this!?


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So, I'm teaching an Intro to Chem for some 7th graders at co-op this year, and my 10th grader is doing Chemistry this year. So, I ran across this article about this 9th Grade Boy who made, designed and is marketing this game about the Elements, in the fashion of Pokemon (which I was never fond of). What a genius! It's one of those things you want to bang your head wondering why you didn't think of it first. Probably because I didn't like Pokemon, is why :tongue_smilie: !


Anyway, the biggest drawback is the card set is $30.00. Is that high!?? Or am I just a super tightwad (who just came back from the used book store) ~



But, I really WANT this game!! Has anyone bought this for $30.00 and regretted it? That is a chunk of change. I'm just such a sucker for clever games and with DS doing CHem this year, what better thing to do along side? Right :001_huh:


This is NOT a sales plug ~ I'm just researching the value of this card game!




If you have bought it ~ please give me some feedback, so I can determine what I need to sell in order to appease my science impulse here ~


Many thanks ~ Debbie

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I didn't think it was all that engaging.

A walk through the periodic table might be more useful in the long run.

Tiner's "Exploring the World of Chemistry" covers that pretty well, at about a 6th grade level or so. As a supplement to the regular curriculum, I think it would be engaging and helpful.

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Well, here's another game that might be more worth $30. http://www.rainbowresource.com/product/ElementO/002169/1250188647-1838362


Also at http://www.ellenjmchenry.com/id72.html she has some free downloadable chemistry activities and games. I'd do that first before I spent $30 on a card game. But I'm like you - I'm a sucker for educational games




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I bought Ellen CHerry's things ~ the basis of the class for the INtro, though I'm packing stuff on the front and back ends of all this and I really like her stuff.


OK, girls, my feet are back on the ground now. I think I can live without it! Thanks for the tips ~

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Guest CTmama

We're doing chemistry this year (7th/4th/2nd) and I decided to try out Elementeo to peak my children's interest in the subject. My son (9 yo)absolutely loves this game. He's talking non-stop about the properties of various elements and is now inspired to learn more about them. He's really beginning to understand the periodical table and is excited about learning more. That was the goal I had for this game. I didn't expect it to take the place of our reference book and chem set. It's met its objective quite well.


My daughters (11yo/7yo) are enjoying it as well (they're just not obessesed with it in the way their brother is). The games are generally quite brief and this is a very good thing. It's a nice break in the school day right after a lesson and it's turned out to be a good incentive to finish up.

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  • 4 months later...

I have just heard of this game. I think I will get it. I have three boys, all are interested in Pokemon stuff and this would be right up their alley. I don't expect it to replace any actual chemistry, but it will give them a nice intro to it in a fun way.



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If your son loves playing games like Pokemon or Yu-Gi-Oh he will love it. Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon are very involved games. Many kids don't actually play, they only collect and trade. You learn everything about the cards' powers.


The elements cards look as if they will do just that. You will learn all about the elements and its' powers. Most card games just feature the pictures but don't use the elements (or presidents or etc) in the game. Although you see elements (or whatever) on the cards, I know, my boys don't pay attention to them because they are not, essentially, part of the game. This game looks to be different. The elements ARE the game.


What a fabulous idea and absolutely worth $30, imho.



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Yeah, my boys are VERY into playing Pokemon and Y-Gi-Oh and are part of a homeschool group of boys who play the game and trade as well.






If your son loves playing games like Pokemon or Yu-Gi-Oh he will love it. Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon are very involved games. Many kids don't actually play, they only collect and trade. You learn everything about the cards' powers.


The elements cards look as if they will do just that. You will learn all about the elements and its' powers. Most card games just feature the pictures but don't use the elements (or presidents or etc) in the game. Although you see elements (or whatever) on the cards, I know, my boys don't pay attention to them because they are not, essentially, part of the game. This game looks to be different. The elements ARE the game.


What a fabulous idea and absolutely worth $30, imho.



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My son has been playing with a friend and finally got his own game for his birthday two weeks ago. He loves it. He is really into all card games such as Magic and Pokemon. Sort of a card game using a board and the elements can battle. There are different levels of play as well, starting with just elements and going up with reactions, alchemy, and compounds.

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Thanks! My son's birthday is Feb. 2. Maybe this will be on the list!




My son has been playing with a friend and finally got his own game for his birthday two weeks ago. He loves it. He is really into all card games such as Magic and Pokemon. Sort of a card game using a board and the elements can battle. There are different levels of play as well, starting with just elements and going up with reactions, alchemy, and compounds.
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Oh my gosh. I'm right there with you. My girls love Pokemon, they know the creatures, the powers they have and they play the games too. Wohoo! I'm sold.

I hope I can find it used though. I think $30 for a card game is a bit much. Or maybe I'm a tight wad too. LOL!

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Oh my gosh. I'm right there with you. My girls love Pokemon, they know the creatures, the powers they have and they play the games too. Wohoo! I'm sold.

I hope I can find it used though. I think $30 for a card game is a bit much. Or maybe I'm a tight wad too. LOL!


My girls love Pokemon, too. I showed Elementeo online and they both exclaimed "Can we get that?!" The artwork looks really nice. This game will be earned as a reward.

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