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I am so sad. My 4yo ds wrote his first sentence...

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It said:



or Mom I hate you.




I think he felt really bad when he made me cry. His 7yo brother helped him write a new note that said I Love You but it was a bit too late. Of course, he used to write notes that said "I am mad at you Mama" so I will try to get his little brother to switch to that. We don't allow them to say hate so I assume he got it from somewhere and didn't mean it but it still made me feel bad.


Not sure why I am sharing, it just makes me feel a little better to let it out.

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:grouphug: I say keep it and when he becomes a world famous author you can embarrass him on Oprah. :001_smile:


:iagree: I like that idea!



I'm sure your son didn't mean it. A few of my kids have written me notes like that. It was just a moment of anger and they got over it. I eventually did, too. :)


At least he realized how it made you feel and tried to fix it with a "love you" note. And your 7yo helped him! Very sweet.


I think kids just don't realize the things they say or do can really hurt. Don't worry, mama, he loves you!

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Ahhh, don't worry about it. Today my toddler refused to kiss me. When I pretended to cry, then he went and got me a towel to wipe my nose (but still no kiss).


Don't worry about it especially since you guys don't use the word. He probably picked it up somewhere and was testing it out in a safe spot.

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Aw...I do sympathize...it hurts to have someone you love so much say something hurtful, even if you really know they don't mean it.


I know that you know that this is a childish, thoughtless act. You know he didn't really mean it...as evidenced by his attempt to make it better when he realized you were hurt. I think at that age they are experimenting with the power of the spoken or written word. But it still hurts.




I think though that you are using this as a teachable moment. He is learning important lessons through this interaction. Hang in there, Mom!



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I feel your pain! My dear sweet daughter wrote her first note to me at church, "momy smels. to mom love x." I had to laugh - they are just too funny and too honest. I still have it in the inside of my bible and when I read it I still convince myself it was a *good* smell... It will be funny some day.


As an aside - you gotta love boys! The stuff they come up with is unparalelled!


(((hugs to you)))

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The first "I Hate You" rocked me. My precious first born hated me. I went to our bedroom and cried. The "I Hate You" I got in the check out line at Walmart because I would not buy him (fill in the blank) I was a bit more prepared for and my instant response was, "I'm not real fond of you right now either." It was one of those days. The cashier smiled and told me, "Hang in there Mom, you will have better days." So, let me pass it on...


Hang in there Mom, you will have better days!

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It said:



or Mom I hate you.




I think he felt really bad when he made me cry. His 7yo brother helped him write a new note that said I Love You but it was a bit too late. Of course, he used to write notes that said "I am mad at you Mama" so I will try to get his little brother to switch to that. We don't allow them to say hate so I assume he got it from somewhere and didn't mean it but it still made me feel bad.


Not sure why I am sharing, it just makes me feel a little better to let it out.

Frame it. It's a piece of history. :)

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Ow, that stings. I remember my first "I hate my mom." note. I kept it. It reminds me that this isn't a popularity contest and I'm not his friend. There will be time for friendship later. That doesn't mean it feels good though. I'm so sorry.


Well said.

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Thanks everyone! I will probably keep it along with ds7's "I am mad at you" notes. At least now he really knows not to use the word "hate".


I think it is one of those things where intellectually I know he doesn't mean anything like that but emotionally it just set me off.


I am trying to spend time cuddling and being just with him reading books and maybe going somewhere fun. Just to make sure there are no hard feelings on either side, especially mine!

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