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reading aloud with a health condition that makes it difficult to do so


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Do any of you have a health condition that makes it difficult to read aloud? How do you handle that?


Between pregnancy and hypothyroidism, I have a hard time keeping enough air in my lungs LOL. So anytime I have to read aloud, I pretty much huff and puff my way through. It's rather annoying.:tongue_smilie: But I hope that once we get my meds straight it will get better, so I don't think a real curriculum change is in order to one that requires less reading aloud.


Books on tape don't work because often what I'm reading are things like the passages/dictation in WWE, Streams of Civilization, etc. Having my kids read aloud isn't that great of an option because they aren't really great at reading aloud so that other people can actually follow along.:tongue_smilie:


So do I just continue to pause a lot and huff and puff? Or is there something else I might do to help?

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You've got some older children -- time for them to read aloud too. Go around the circle and everyone able to read does.


Or have DH read (at least some) curricular materials at night to them.


Or hire a teen.


It's temporary so maybe take a few months (until you catch your voice) to concentrate on things like art, math, science, etc. Watch all those videos you wanted to watch with your kiddos.

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I remember going through that during my last pregnancy. Is it easier to read when standing up? I remember it was always a lot harder to breath when I was sitting down.


That's how I am when I'm big, but I'm not that far along yet. I also have trouble standing for long periods of time (again thyroid-related).:rolleyes:

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Not to state the obvious, but have you talked with your doctor to adjust your thyroid meds? I remember having that tight, can't get a deep breath feeling, when my thyroid was low. You may need your meds adjusted.


Beyond that? Well that's what books on tape are for. I used to fall asleep when reading aloud, so dd quickly figured out it was easier just to read the book herself. ;)

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You've got some older children -- time for them to read aloud too. Go around the circle and everyone able to read does.


LOL they are the ones I was talking about earlier. They can read aloud, but it's just not good enough for the others to grasp the info.:tongue_smilie:


Or have DH read (at least some) curricular materials at night to them.


That requires him to be here LOL, plus he's only slightly better at reading aloud than the kids. LOLOLOL


Or hire a teen.


That's tricky too.


It's temporary so maybe take a few months (until you catch your voice) to concentrate on things like art, math, science, etc. Watch all those videos you wanted to watch with your kiddos.


I'd love to do that but really can't. Baby is due in Jan., and until then my endo isn't comfortable adding in the meds we both suspect I really need (too difficult to get the right dose, and he doesn't want to put me in a hyperthroid state, which can cause miscarriage).


It may just be a case of me huffing and puffing my way through.:tongue_smilie:

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Not to state the obvious, but have you talked with your doctor to adjust your thyroid meds? I remember having that tight, can't get a deep breath feeling, when my thyroid was low. You may need your meds adjusted.


I go every 6 weeks to check my levels. My free T3 is consistentely below normal even though my TSH and free T4 are fine. So we both feel that I may need to add in a synthetic T3 or switch to Armour. But since I'm pregnant that's tricky since T3 has such a short half-life and is harder to stabilize than T4. Sigh.


But can I just say that it helps to know that other people experience this out of breath thing? Everyone keeps blaming it on pregnancy, and it's just different than that.


Beyond that? Well that's what books on tape are for. I used to fall asleep when reading aloud, so dd quickly figured out it was easier just to read the book herself. ;)


Anyone know if WWE is on tape?:lol:

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that's interesting. I have hypothyroidism to and never experienced those thing, being out of breath and not being able to stand. Of course later in my last trimester when my girls moved up was when I began having trouble not breathing but didn't have problems standing.

I would get your levels tested because you shouldn't be experiencing that so early on in your pregnancy. I also suggest adding in Co-Q10 as a supplement( it won't hurt you it has no side effects). I know this has helped me greatly.


As for reading out loud do as much as you can. If its too difficult then I would chose books that have audio that go with them, or have someone else read aloud can be helpful. Maybe appoint dad to a reading, or a friend or grandma and grandpa if possible.

Edited by TracyR
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I do have health issues that make it difficult for me to read aloud. I can read aloud about 10 or 15 minutes before I feel exhausted. Learn your limit and don't feel guilty. :)



I am often very hoarse. Drs. have said it's due to my allergies and/or reflux. I've also had Graves which is in remission. Not only is reading aloud difficult, but talking for great lengths of time can be uncomfortable. We don't do the hours of reading a day that I've seen others doing. Yet, I still feel my DC's are getting a great education. DH does read to kids at night, too.



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I used Sonlight for my first few years of homeschooling but one of the biggest reasons I stopped was because of the read alouds. I can

't do much reading aloud since I have Sjogren's Syndrome and don't make enough saliva. Several books dh read aloud. I was able to handle short things like SOTW when we did that. But mostly they read books and sometimes they heard books on tape.

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