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Because of Winn Dixie?

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We just won a copy of this dvd at a raffle today. It looks good, but I want to know if a) I need to follow my usual "read the book first" rule, and b) is it acceptable for 6 and 7yo?



Here is Movie Mom.


I'd honestly say this book to ME wouldn't be worth keeping to the rule for. But then again, the movie might not be much worth watching for me, either.


If it doesn't work out, can you "trade" it in house for a movie that you pick out together?

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I liked the book much better than the movie. In fact the movie glossed over some of the finer points of the book. I would indeed preview for that age group. There a few sad moments and some childish type pranks that you might not meet your standards.


We read the book first and there was warmth in it that was totally missing in the movie.

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I agree completely with elegant lion. This was one of our favorite books on tape, btw.


But yes, the movie is crude compared to the book. I doubt you'd want to read the book after seeing the movie. However, after reading the book, we were very anxious to see the movie. Unfortunately, the movie did not nearly convey the same warmth, etc., and they just HAD to throw in some potty/crude humor. We were disappointed.


I think this is worth doing the book first (or instead, to be honest), even if it's just book on tape.



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I would read the book first, but it isn't as big of a deal as with some books/movies. Dd (then 10yo) loved the book and the movie. There are some difficult themes, but I think they are handled well. Dd told me just the other day that this is one of her favorite books. She is not a big reader (though that's getting better), so to see a book mean so much to her as this one obviously does is very special.

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My biggest problem with the movie is the amount of freedom the children in it are given, especially in regard to strangers. I probably would not be wild about 6 and 7 year olds seeing it.


I've thought that about a lot of books, but then I think back to my own childhood and realize that it was a lot like that:eek: It's different from the way that I've raised my own kids, but I turned out alright;)


I think that many times the authors are just drawing from their own memories and experiences. I don't know that the world is any worse now, but perhaps there was a kind of naivete then that we no longer have. It makes me wonder what children's literature will be like in the future when it is written by a generation that never knew such freedom in childhood.

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