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Should we try a Co-Op this year?


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We have the opportunity to participate in a weekly co-op on Friday afternoons. It would be for Science and a drama only.


We've never done a co-op before because I'm hesitant to give up so much time on a regular basis. However, my kids are a bit older now (11, 10, & 8) and I'd like to see them have more social opportunities.


We've done multiple activities with homeschoolers (park day, swimming, bowling, ice skating, etc.) but haven't really made any friends beyond those activities. I'm hoping the kids will meet some nice friends at co-op.


Is it worth it? Have you found that your children have made friends, or is it more trouble than it's worth? Any advise?




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We're trying a co-op, for the first time, this Fall. Hopefully, it will provide some team work experiences for ds8.


My concerns are academicly focused. The homeschooling styles and expectations among the families vary greatly.


If the academics are too out of sync with our own or the group gains too much "office politics" we'll opt out next session.

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I think it's worth a try, although we are only joining one for the first time this year. We have found it hard to form lasting friendships with the short classes we have done here and there. The people change so much, making it hard to really get to know anyone. We're hoping that a co-op will provided a more consistent opportunity to get to know others.

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We do not do co-ops b/c my educational standards never mesh with other homeschoolers IRL. (I find that many homeschoolers have little understanding of what is grade level appropriate and their expectations can be several grade levels below where I expect my kids to perform.) If you are doing it only one afternoon per week and are doing it for only social reasons, you might enjoy it. I wouldn't anticipate too much from the science, though.

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I don't really expect too much from the academics. I still plan on doing Science at home. I'm kind of looking at this like an enrichment. The classes they'll be taking are Nutrition and Human Body. I wouldn;t feel comfortable with that being all of their Science.



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We do a co-op for enrichment only. I don't think that I could ever find one that would meet my academic requirements. However, sometimes the classes surprise me and are terrific! My dd has made most of her best friends at our co-ops. She's done two different ones with the same results--lasting friendships.

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We do co-op. Our hs group's co-op is regarded as enrichment classes. They provide another means for children to learn, join in some other fun activities and meet other children also. My children have made great friends with some of the children in our co-op. It gives parents an opportunity to socialize with other homeschooling parents also while our children are learning. Our co-op provides classes such as cooking, science labs, health/PE, music theory, drama, financial classes, writing, crafts, etc. We really enjoy it.

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I just wanted to say that I had such a bad experience with a co-op that it turned me off from them. :crying: I know that there are excellent ones out there. The one that I encountered was an academic co-op. The mothers were obsessed with academics that it was just a turn off. The co-op eventually started to loose people. Others started co-ops and asked me to join, but I could not do it. I was so bruised. I came home after every co-op day crying.


I was only teaching 4 and 5 year olds and they gave me a hard time. It was sad.


I know that there are many co-ops out there that are much less demanding. I like enrichment programs where there are lots of field trips. I think that those co-ops are fun.


My 2 cents is I would wait if you have small children to go into an academic co-op. I think that it is better for the child to have a solid foundation with mommy first and then later when they are older and need the socialization part, then the co-op is great. That's just my opinion from my experience.


Blessing in your homeschooling journey.





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Thanks for the input!


I was all set to join the co-op as a trial this year, but it turns out my kids don't want to do it. They don't like the idea of rushing out the door every Friday. I don't really like that thought either, so I guess it's not for us right now.


Guess I should have asked my kids sooner :001_smile:



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