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Prayers needed - I have periorbital cellulitis

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I got it yesterday when we were at the vet clinic with our dog. My 12yo who had come asked "Mommy why do you have a red streak on your face?" When I got home, I saw I had redness on the side of my face and under my eye. Even though it wasn't itchy, I thought it might be an allergic reaction to something since I am quite allergic to many things. So I bought some hydrocortisone ointment and put it on. It didn't do anything so I went to the doctor's this morning. I am on an immunosuppresant so that is how I probably got it. I am now on an oral antibiotic, an eye drop antibiotic, they took blood tests and I have to monitor swelling, redness, and temperature. Fortunately I am able to be home since my dh is out of town today although he is coming back home tonight. I would appreciate prayers that the antibiotic work and that I don't get bad side effects from it. I am going back to the doctor on Thursday although if things get worse, I have to go there or to the hospital sooner.

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Oh no. Take good care of yourself, rest, and any sign of worsening, even if it is 3 a.m seek help. If they encouraged any local care, like compresses, do it, even if it seems so small and simple a thing compared to antibiotics. Good nursing care is key in many diseases, and forgotten as we rely on meds more.

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Not to scare you, but I'd take this very seriously and watch yourself. My son had this. It came on all of a sudden as you described. I took him into the ER when it was mild but looked bad, and they gave him antibiotics and sent us home. The next morning it was worse. His eye was swollen shut, red and warm to the touch. When we went to the Dr. later that day, my son went straight into the hospital for four days and received intravenous antibiotics. Because the infection was near his eye there was the possibility it would spread to his brain. It didn't. My son said it took a long time for the antibiotics to work.


My thoughts and prayers are with you.

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