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What do you pay for phone service

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We have a package that includes our home phone and the family talk plan for our cell phones (2 phones included). Every month the bill is about $150. We don't go over our minutes so I know that isn't the problem. Is there a cheaper plan out there? We have AT & T.

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We pay about $20 a month for Vonage for our home phone. Prepaid minutes (t-mobil) for our cell...it's 10 cents a minute, which probably works out to about $10 a month for us. We only have one cell phone right now, but we've been meaning to get another one now that we do the prepaid minutes. So...$30 or so a month. We're not big phone people, so it works fine for us.

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Vonage is $25 (home service with unlimited long distance)

Cells are about $100 for 1200 minutes. Dhs work reimburses him for $70-80 of it a month (determined by ratio of work to private use). We used to use 1600 minutes a month and are trying to cut down :0) Dh uses 3/4 of the minutes for work.

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I pay $43.95 for our high speed cable internet which we need to keep our vonage phone.


Our vonage (local and long distance) is only $20/month because we prepay for the whole year so I only get a phone bill in June.


Our cell phones are through sprint and we pay about $65/month for dh and I. No texting or anything like that. We keep sprint because my parents and brother all have it too so we can call each other for free if we're not at home.

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