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funny for the day - sleepwalking child

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My son has had night terrors from the age of about 6 months, but as he's grown, the night terrors have simply progressed to sleepwalking. This usually happens when he's having anxiety about something, and most of the time it's benign.


Last night... oh my... I haven't laughed so hard in months.




About 9:30, he came dancing out of his room, holding his crotch like he needed to pee.


So, of course, I told him, "GO! Go pee now!"


He immediately turns tail and dashes into my bedroom, at which time I shriek at him to get out and go to the bathroom (we only have one bathroom, and it is not in my bedroom).


Instead, he streaks down the hall, still dancing, back into his room... and shuts the door.


Remembering a past history of him peeing down the A/C vent on occasion when he was younger, I sent my husband after him to get him back to the bathroom since I was in the middle of working. So DH opens DS's door, and DS shoots straight past him into the bathroom. DH wanders down the hall behind him, and the next thing I hear is laughter. DH comes back into the living room, where I'm curiously waiting on the outcome of this, and informs me, "I think he's asleep."




DS did indeed need to use the potty... and had decided, in his sleep, that the TRASH CAN was the toilet. So he peed there. Then he picked up the hand towel from next to the sink, tossed it in the trash can on top of the pee, washed his hands, turned the bathroom light on, and went straight back to his room.


By the time DH got down there again, he was sound asleep in bed.


I haven't mentioned it to him this morning, because I'm sure he doesn't remember it and there's no point in bringing it up, but ohhhhhh the laughter. DH and I spent probably a good five minutes rolling with tears coming out of our eyes over the whole thing.



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That is funny! All four of my boys AND my dh sleepwalk. We have had them pee in all kinds of places.:001_smile:


One of the funniest stories is when my dh was a teenager, he mom caught him going out the door in the middle of the night in his underwear and his motorcycle helmet. When she asked him where he was going, he said "To see the Creels," who happened to be their pastor. I've always wondered if he would have made it there if she hadn't stopped him.

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I had a roommate in college who would go to bed at 9:00 every night and sleepwalk to the bathroom at 10:30 every night! Fortunately, at 19 she had been doing this enough times that she always made it to the right place.:D


Since I was usually up until 12:00, I was often in the hall when she came out. It was really funny having to explain to people in the hall that she wasn't being rude when she completely ignored their greetings and walked past--she was truly asleep!

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OK, so there's more people out there like our family! My sister has to lock and sleep in front of the hotel room doors so that her son and my niece don't sleepwalk out the door on vacations. We temporarily lost them a couple of times before we developed our techniques to harness them in and still get a decent night of sleep.

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That is so funny!


I've taken up sleepwalking the last 2 months, according to dh. Last week, he called me at work to tell me I was studying the bedroom door in my sleep and looked concerned. He told me to go back to bed, and I pointed at the door and said, "but look at all the cavities!"

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I thought of another really funny one.


My dh took my then 12yo ds to the Philippines, and while they were there had to stay in a hotel that was "less than desirable." There were "ladies of the night" in the lobby, pickpockets, etc. I had forgotten to pack my son underwear, so they bought what they could find there, which happened to be tiny brightly colored Nike bikini underwear.


They bolted the huge lock on the door and went to bed. My dh woke up to the sound of what he thought was someone breaking in. Instead it was my 12yo leaving the room with only his brightly colored bikinis on and heading downstairs to the lobby. By the time my dh got his pants on to chase him down, he was coming back UP the stairway. As my son passed him he asked him (why, I don't know) what he was doing. My son replied in his sleep, "I was just checking the shrinkage." He then walked back in the room and went right back to bed. My dh, who was a bundle of nerves at that point, was wide awake.

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I feel bad interrupting this thread and getting serious (you've all made me LOL :) ) But my son used to do this also. We began giving him GABA supplements and he's stopped (we started him on GABA for other reasons). He takes them right before bed and never gets up anymore. For a while I thought maybe he had just outgrown sleepwalking, but when we ran out of GABA and I was slow in ordering more he began sleepwalking again. Just thought I would share since this seemed to be the solution for my son who had walked in his sleep since he was about 6.


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Oh no -- I'd never thought of peeing being an issue w/ sleepwalking!!! :blink:


My best friend w/ I was in 4th/5th grades was a sleepwalker. I saw many weird & funny antics. One time, I woke up to her jumping up & down on the bed screaming, "There's a snake in the bed! There's a snake in the bed!" (We had seen "Raiders of the Lost Ark" earlier that evening.)


She never did believe her parents or me when we told her about it. :lol:

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Our son used to sleepwalk. He would come in our room and stand by the bed scaring the heck out of us.


One morning he woke up to find he was laying in a pile of fish food. He had a small aquarium in his room. The only thing we could figure is that he had been sleepwalking during the night and had tried to feed his fish. He had somehow dumped the entire container in the middle of his bed.

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I didn't really sleepwalk as a child, but did hold full blown conversations.


One night, my bf was spending the night and we had been debating who would get which pillow before finally going to bed. My dad's told me that he woke up much later to the sound of us talking and came in to repeat the order to go to sleep. He found bf sitting up in the middle of the bed holding said pillow and saying, "Give me the pillow!". I was curled up at the foot of the bed w/o a pillow telling her, "No, it's mine!"


My "d"h, though, would sleepwalk on occaision. One night I woke up to the sound of water splashing on the floor. He was sitting on the corner of the bed peeing onto the clothes he had taken off earlier. When I tried to tell him to stop he said, "What's the big deal? I do this all the time!" :001_huh:


Another time he actually got to the bathroom, but sat instead on my dd's training potty. The potty overflowed all over the floor and puddled around his feet, but he didn't wake up... he just got right back into bed with pee all over his feet!! I went to the couch for the rest of the night!

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When I was a kid I used to sleepwalk all the time. Apparently, my favorite thing to do was make phone calls. Long distance phone calls. I especially liked to call my grandmother at 2 or 3 in the am. I'm not quite sure how she reacted because I don't remember any of it. I do know my mom started hiding the phones at night. That must have been a real pain to do every night.


My bff used to get on her bike in her pjs and ride around the block, then go back to bed. No one knew until one night when she decided to stop and visit the neighbors. Her parents ended up putting an extra lock way high up on the door where she couldn't reach. We actually had to do the same thing because our middle ds was a rabid sleepwalker/talker and would always try to get out the door. To this day, we're not quite sure just where it was he was trying to go.

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We discovered the extent of DD's sleepwalking when she escaped the house at 4:30 a.m.:eek: and was standing outside crying because she was too little to open the latch on the screen door. Soon after we moved into a house and she walked into a closet and hit her head pretty badly. We had to put latches high up on all the doors in the house to keep her from getting out/hurt. I thought she'd stopped it until 2 yrs ago, she went to visit my brother with my mom and Mom kept waking up in the middle of the night to find DD sleeping on the rug in the bathroom floor.

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Her parents ended up putting an extra lock way high up on the door where she couldn't reach.


My friend & her mother were both sleepwalkers. In order to keep them from getting outside in the middle of the night, they had a variety of locks on every door to outside: 1 or 2 deadbolts, 1 or 2 chain locks, and 1 or 2 slide locks. Every night, the dad (who was not a sleepwalker) would lock some of the locks on each door. The hope was that while the sleepwalker might be unlocking a few of the locks, she would also be locking a few -- and hopefully in that amount of time of messing w/ locks, the dad would wake up & be able to stop them. As far as I know, it worked because I don't think I ever heard of one of them making it outside. Their house did kind-of resemble Ft. Knox, though. :lol:

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I have to wake my oldest every night to go pee (otherwise she STILL wets the bed! Ugh.) Every single time I wake her up, I tell her to go pee and she walks out her door into the Living room, so I turn her around and tell her the bathroom is right across the hall from her door and send her in...so she stands in front of the toilet scratching her belly and saying "yes ma'am". I have to tell her to pull her pants down and she'll close the lid and sit on it, or only pull her pants down and try to sit...so I tell her to pull down the rest so she'll pull up her pants and walk out...or sometimes just stand there and say yes ma'am, or lay down on the rug...it's really funny afterward, but can be rather frustrating during! She has NO idea she does this every single night.

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OH THANK YOU! I'm not crazy. My 3 yo DS has been sleep walking. He will talk to you but he doesn't answer questions appropriately, I thought it was weird until I realized he is sleeping. My husband still didn't believe me until he did the pee in the trash can thing. (at least it wasn't the corner of the room.) The thing that scares me is the steps. I'm petrified he is going to fall down.

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