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Why are people so rude?

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:grouphug:You sound like you just need some encouragement - You do not want to have rude bullies for children and you know that. Remember every bad playmate experience you had as a child? How about every action mean neighbor kids did against you? No? Well, they probably won't either. And the ones they do remember will probably help them gain empathy for those around them in later experiences (as long as they have parents who call a spade a spade and consistently expect greatness from their children.)

You love you children and hurt for them when it doesn't go well. That's ok. Remember, kids are resilient and adversity makes us strong.


**Note, I am not talking about life-threatening behavior, obviously, or dangerous behavior that can have long-lasting repercussions.*** I am sure most people will assume that

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Okay, indecent exposure. Scrooge that, Mom, call the cops and complain. That is freaking disgusting!


They're rude because they can be.


Not only is it rude, indecent exposure, and disgusting, but that's like... a public health concern...??? Eww! What a crazy person! That's just wrong!!! He needs to just stay his grumpy nasty butt in his house!

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Well, now another neighbor (adult) just dropped his pants and peed in the gutter because he was mad that my kids were playing with their little boats in the rain.





Pardon? An adult dropped his/her pants to pee in public exactly WHY?

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It is raining. My kids have been going out everyday with little tiny boats (a la Paddle to the Sea) and letting the boats run in the gutters.


A man sitting on his porch became very belligerent and yelling at my kids to go home.


I walked over and said, "Let them alone. They are kids and they are not bothering anyone. It's ok for them to play outside in the rain."


The man started cursing at me in Spanish.


He walks over, drops his pants and pees in the gutter while cursing.


Someone from that house opens the door and starts screaming something that I cannot understand.


I tell the boys to go inside and I go with them.


After about 10 minutes an ambulance comes and takes man away. I think someone from the house was worried I would call the police and calls the ambulance first.


I don't want any trouble. We live in an urban area and we are new here.




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I'd be tempted to call in a report anyway. That's some nutty stuff to have to deal with.


It's always hard to tell where defending your kids' rights end and proving a point begin (I'm against using kids to prove a point). If it were me, I would be outside with my kids enjoying the rain and daring anyone to say anything, in the hopes that enough outside rain time and the neighbors would learn to shrug and look elsewhere. But if it got too nasty (now that your pee neighbor's gone, hopefully it won't get nasty again), I would bring them in and try to make a rain gutter boat run, so they could play away from those mean people.

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I wonder if he has some kind of dementia or other cognitive related illness. I wouldn't be surprised.


Danestress, I hope you are right. Because if he is not demented in some way, at what other conclusion would one arrive?


Snickerdoodle, I am sorry you and your children cannot float boats in peace! I'd love to come over and play with boats in the rain right now - we have F102. :tongue_smilie:

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Well, now another neighbor (adult) just dropped his pants and peed in the gutter because he was mad that my kids were playing with their little boats in the rain.






That is a little bit more then rude behavior.:001_huh: I think the police should have been called after you ran a got your camara.

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