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Wisdom teeth out on Wednesday...when do I start to feel better?

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What hurts specifically? The socket where the tooth was, or your jaw in general? Were the teeth impacted, abscessed or fused to the bone? Many variables can go into why they still hurt today. Tell me more and I'll try to help you figure out if you need to go back and see the dentist again. :)

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I had mine out a few years back, and they hurt for a few days. One started to hurt worse a day or two after the extraction, and the dentist packed it with something and gave me meds. Does it hurt worse than the day they were removed or do they just still hurt the same?

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If you are on day 3 or 4 and are experiencing more pain than the previous days, you may have developed dry socket. If I remember right, I think you should be feeling much better by day 3 or 4 and definitely by day 5.


I'm sorry you're still hurting so much.

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They were infected a few weeks ago and hurt bad. I had some antibiotics and the pain went away. That was about 4 weeks ago. Only one was completely impacted, one was all the way out and the other two were out part of the way. They weren't wrapped around the bone or anything unusual. My whole jaw hurts and my head and even my ear on the side where the tooth was completely impacted. It was the upper one. That side of my face is still swollen. The sockets actually feel a little better. I just didn't expect my whole head to hurt. I tried to get by with just plain Tylenol this morning but it didn't work. I'm back on prescription strength Motrin and I'll definitely be taking more Vidocin before I go to bed tonight. I like getting off those strong meds as soon as I can, but I just can't yet! I guess it is only day 3.


ETA: I have a follow-up appointment with the dentist on Wednesday.

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all were impacted.....had the procedure done on Friday....was back to work on Monday. I think I only took the pain pills the first day....after that....I didn't need them.


Mine was like this. All four at once. Three days and back to normal. I credit my surgeon. I think he was just good at it. I am nervous for my DD17, who is getting hers out soon and we live in a different state and I don't have near the confidence in the Dr.

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They were infected a few weeks ago and hurt bad. I had some antibiotics and the pain went away. That was about 4 weeks ago. Only one was completely impacted, one was all the way out and the other two were out part of the way. They weren't wrapped around the bone or anything unusual. My whole jaw hurts and my head and even my ear on the side where the tooth was completely impacted. It was the upper one. That side of my face is still swollen. The sockets actually feel a little better. I just didn't expect my whole head to hurt. I tried to get by with just plain Tylenol this morning but it didn't work. I'm back on prescription strength Motrin and I'll definitely be taking more Vidocin before I go to bed tonight. I like getting off those strong meds as soon as I can, but I just can't yet! I guess it is only day 3.


ETA: I have a follow-up appointment with the dentist on Wednesday.


I'm going to guess you were under anesthesia when they extracted them? (I hope so, anyway). If an upper is impacted, it's difficult to remove sometimes. They probably had to really crank your mouth open wide to get to it. I'm not surprised you still have some pain, but it's good you're going back in. I've known people to get tmj disorder from a wisdom tooth extraction, so that's possible, too. I suggest icing the sore side of your head along with the motrin to help reduce the swelling.


If the sockets are feeling good, then you don't have a dry socket. You'd know that right away. A dry socket is when the blood clot dislodges from the socket and air hits the bone. It HURTS. I'm betting you're head and jaw hurts from the extraction itself. If you have a chiro, he may also be able to help with the jaw pain. I knocked my jaw out of alignment once and my chiro got it back in place and you wouldn't believe how much better it felt!


Good luck Wednesday. I hope your pain dissipates soon.

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The amount of time it takes to feel better varies by person.


My older son took strong pain pills for 5 days. The worst days for him were days 3 & 4.


My younger son took a total of two pain pills. He didn't suffer much at all.


In both boys, the wisdom teeth were impacted but not infected.

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Thanks everyone. I woke up this morning feeling worse actually--hurting worse and more swollen than before. I went ahead and called the oral surgeon's office this morning. They have a 24/7 answering service. Within 5 minutes the answering service called me back and said the oral surgeon would meet me at the office in half an hour. It doesn't look infected but he did give me some antibiotics as a precaution. Apparently I'm just old. :001_smile: He said that most of his patients are 17 or 18 and recover quite quickly. When you are more than twice that age, apparently you heal a little slower. :tongue_smilie: He prescribed a few more of the steroid pills to control the swelling. My right side feels great but my left side....ouch! Even my ear drum on that side is hurting! Hopefully I'll be feeling better by tonight.

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Aw Christy, sorry to hear that you are still having problems though I'm glad you are getting some help.


I go the dentist Wednesday, and I'm sure he'll try talking me out of my wisdom teeth again. I have had them (two uppers) for 20+ years and I don't see the need to take them out. Your experience has convinced me that my teeth will stay put.

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