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Help me word this ad, please

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I want it clear in my ad that we are not a "christian school." However, I'm wondering if the average person (who seems to have no idea what the word "classical" means in terms of education) knows what "inclusive" and "secular" means.


I do not want to turn AWAY Christians either though I understand some people will be looking for a strictly Christian school. But we certainly aren't anti-christian (we ARE Christians! LOL)


I simply want it known, in a way that people will understand, that I will be using secular materials and that people of any belief system is welcome. I do plan on adding a FAQ section to the web site to detail this a bit more fully.


So what wording would you use?

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Imo, "inclusive" makes the most sense. However, I usually read that as "Christian, but all are welcome" and tend to shy away from it.


My experience is the opposite. I usually interpret inclusive as all are welcome except Christians.


I would probably just say classical and use the FAQ to explain more fully.

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I wouldn't make any reference to religion at all in the ad.


I wouldn't either. I don't even think I would put it into the FAQs. You can list the curriculum you use in your ad in the FAQ, and they are welcome to research those if they care enough.


My thought is that if religion is a driving force behind their choices (pro or con), they will certainly ask you. If they don't care, then they won't ask and there is no need to mention it one way or another.

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I'm thinking that the people who have no idea what 'classical' means are not your target audience anyway! :lol:


I agree with just putting classical, and being more detailed in the FAQ - - I'd possibly consider listing some of the specific curriculum in the ad.

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Thanks y'all.


The ad just says Classical School.


I just added SOME FAQs and this is how I addressed it there:


Is this a Christian (or religious) school?


No, it is not. We want to make our school a place where anyone of any creed (or no creed) can feel comfortable.


Any opinions?


As for curriculum, I did not outline exactly what curriculum for each subject. On the "Our Philosophy" page, I did share what subjects are covered and how.

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