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What would you do: health problem in ds's college dorm room

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Ds was recently notified by his college that due to too many students and not enough housing, he and his roommate have been switched from their assigned room to a room that is not a regular dorm room.


It is the room in the hall that houses the internet servers for the dorm. There is a floor to ceiling stack of internet servers that is fully enclosed right in the corner of the room. The room also has no sink, which all other rooms have.


Having no sink is not that big of a deal, but sleeping in a room with all those electronics concerns us. I always thought that it is harmful to be near a lot of electronics.


I have already called the college and expressed my concerns, but they said that they checked with the college doctor and he said that there is no research that proves it could be harmful, so it should be perfectly fine.


My son and his roommate are in student leadership for that hall, so they need to remain on that hall. There is also nowhere else on campus where they could stay, as it is full.


What do you all think?



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I do not think I would be happy either.:grouphug: I would ask if it could be rectified. Are they paying the full cost of this so-called dorm room?


Yeah, if I am paying, I better have a regular dorm room. I would raise a fuss, super research it and perhaps take up w/health dept. That cant be legal???

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Does having a window help?


For me that would be a question of safety. The chances of a fire are higher with the servers, I would want a way out. Server rooms often do not have windows this is why I asked. If the AC does not always work then I would tell the school that this is a no go. Those rooms get HOT. For various reasons this would be bad, sleeping would be hard and as someone mentioned this could mean that there are people coming and going to fix the servers, which would undoubtedly break if the AC does not work.

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That is crazy! I know many schools have overbooked dorm rooms at the beginning of the fall. Usually in a few weeks it all levels out as many drop out or move out and by Chrsitmas everything is usually back to normal. However, I would not be happy with that arrangement! They would have no privacy with techs coming and going. Personally I think it would be just as bad to put them in a janitors closet.


What the colleges do here is triple up some rooms that are larger or they pay for hotels and apartments until they can move the students back on campus. I would demand some other arrangements, and let them know you would happily go to the media. This is a story they would eat up on the local level.

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That is crazy! I know many schools have overbooked dorm rooms at the beginning of the fall. Usually in a few weeks it all levels out as many drop out or move out and by Chrsitmas everything is usually back to normal. However, I would not be happy with that arrangement! They would have no privacy with techs coming and going. Personally I think it would be just as bad to put them in a janitors closet.


What the colleges do here is triple up some rooms that are larger or they pay for hotels and apartments until they can move the students back on campus. I would demand some other arrangements, and let them know you would happily go to the media. This is a story they would eat up on the local level.


I like the media idea, you always have great ideas and tips.

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Usually when this happens and the college screws up... they rent out an off-campus apartment as a way of saying "oops". Perhaps because they are RCs or Student Govt leaders -- they have to stay on that floor? I'd then move the other students who CAN move.

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Does having a window help?


It must have a window large enough to exit in an emergency. I don't remember if it's a national requirement for a fireman in gear to enter or leave via the window.


You also mentioned that the room has AC that doesn't always work. What sort of air does it have, central or a window unit?

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Sounds like a very educated doctor. Not! There are thousands of studies warning against this.

There is no way I would want my kid in that room. Or even on the other side of the wall!!!

I would google "effects of EMF" if I were you.

Here is one place to start:


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At my old job my first office was in a room that housed all of the computer servers. It was awful, constantly dusty, and the buzzing from them really got to me. The pp's are right about the heat from these servers. I was eventually moved to a new office after I complained enough. There is no way I would be happy with this situation, I would definetly tell the college that this is not acceptable.

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I'd absolutely refuse. That sounds dangerous and uncomfortable.


In addition to the other scares, I'd be concerned about the heat. Dh and I are/were into computers and have a few computers in each room, my office has 5 computers and even though only one is on now, I can't stand going into that room, it's sooo hot.


My neighbor has an allergy to such electronics and the waves they put out in the air, they specifically moved to the remote mountains to get away from it all. (If they knew how many computers we had at our house, they would probably move away again!)

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This is a pretty standard thing to do in colleges and it won't be for very long into the school year. It happenes every year because they need the overflow space until they can sort out who will actually be attending and who will actually stay in the dorms. It happened to me every year in college and was a part of living in the dorms. Within the next month, everyone should be resettled back into a normal dorm room.

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