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What does your Homeschool Group do for a Kick-Off?

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I am looking for fun, creative Kick-off meeting idea's for my homeschool group. I don't really want to do a picnic because we are having a family picnic tomorrow night and our kick-off meeting is in August. I want something NEW, Creative! LOL


Any ideas would be appreciated ladies!




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Last year our group meet at the roller rink for a Sat. morning. They received a special group rate and the rink allowed them to bring in snacks. So fun!


I just looked at our calendar and they are doing it again this year. It is on the Sat. before our co-op classes start.

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Personally, I don't think our kick-off would work in Ohio.... but we have a sand-sculpture day at the beach and sign yearbooks.:D In previous years, though, we would hold a field day where everyone participated in relays and contests and won ribbons. It was open to non-members as well and we charged a very small ($3) fee to help cover the costs of food, ribbons, equipment rental, etc.


But, the CC group in town had a car wash/used book sale to raise funds for things their group wants to do this coming year, let members get a little cash from selling their unused books, and also spread the word about their group.

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What we call our Kick-Off is a Moms-only events. It is a potluck night where we get to meet new members, connect with old friends, and take one collective deep breath as we plunge into a new school year. :D


We do not have a specific event for the whole family, although many of us meet up to attend the 'homeschool day' at the local amusement park a couple weeks later.

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