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Sick kids today, so I should really be cleaning house & doing paperwork, etc, but I keep gravitating to the computer, so I thought I'd wave & see what's going on.


I've been applying for jobs & such over the last month or two, & dh was hired for what looks like a really decent job. He's got 9mos of training at a skimpy salary, but I think it will make ends meet.


After coming to the conclusion that it would really be better all around if I could stay home & continue hs'ing, both jobs that I'd had multiple interview for called back & said they'd chosen someone else.


Since then, I've tried to put more time into my writing, & I've published 2 articles & have another one coming out in August (all for free, lol), but I've also started writing my own curriculum, & it's at that fresh, 1/2-written stage that's so exciting you want to send it to everyone you know, but you really can't yet because it's so, um, *raw,* they'd all think you were a ninny. :lol: So I sent it to my mom. LOL (That's what moms are for, right?)


It's triple digits here, but I have a/c in 90% of my house, & I'm not pg, so I'm happy. Happy, happy, happy!


How about y'all?

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Good to "see" you. We are busy here. Not nearly as hot as you and we have rain! I'm still hoping it will clear up by this afternoon so the girls can practice tennis. (They made it to the state tennis meet!)


Things this board helped me with - School would have started today but I decided to give the kids a break with the extra tennis this week. I now rotate the kids daily through the dishes: A does breakfast, B does lunch, C does dinner. Then tomorrow, C does breakfast, A does lunch, B does dinner.


I don't know if you were "here" then or not. I did my triathlon in May. Just last night I signed up for another one in September. I convinced a friend to sign up with me! This one is much shorter than the May one. May was 750 m swim, 14 mile bike, 5 K run. September will be 250 m swim, 7 mile bike, 2 mile run.


I need to write up our WY trip and post pictures on my blog. But waiting on tennis in the rain comes first!

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Good to "see" you. We are busy here. Not nearly as hot as you and we have rain! I'm still hoping it will clear up by this afternoon so the girls can practice tennis. (They made it to the state tennis meet!)


Things this board helped me with - School would have started today but I decided to give the kids a break with the extra tennis this week. I now rotate the kids daily through the dishes: A does breakfast, B does lunch, C does dinner. Then tomorrow, C does breakfast, A does lunch, B does dinner.


I don't know if you were "here" then or not. I did my triathlon in May. Just last night I signed up for another one in September. I convinced a friend to sign up with me! This one is much shorter than the May one. May was 750 m swim, 14 mile bike, 5 K run. September will be 250 m swim, 7 mile bike, 2 mile run.


I need to write up our WY trip and post pictures on my blog. But waiting on tennis in the rain comes first!


I tried getting my kids to do dishes (no dishwasher but me), and the resulting puddles & bruises eventually got the relegated to drying & putting away.


Wow. Running! Triathalon! I can't imagine--unless running to get baby out of the toilet counts. Maybe it's the heat that impairs that function of my brain power, lol.

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I'm glad to read your update Aubrey and I've missed your posts here. Good news on the job front for your dh - I hope it will work out well.


I am trying to plan school for fall and struggling because I don't know how much will be at all doable - I just found out I'm pregnant with twins and I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed wondering how I'm going to make it work.


Are you taking the summer off school?

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I'm glad to read your update Aubrey and I've missed your posts here. Good news on the job front for your dh - I hope it will work out well.


I am trying to plan school for fall and struggling because I don't know how much will be at all doable - I just found out I'm pregnant with twins and I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed wondering how I'm going to make it work.


Are you taking the summer off school?


Holy cow! Oh my goodness! Congratulations! I don't know what to say, but...wow! That's so exciting! :001_smile:


We were going to school thr the summer, then we were going to school lite thr the summer, then we were basically schooling thr the summer, because I don't do LITE very well w/ anything.


But, basically, I've always planned to do *something* thr the summer, & then when we had 2 babies in 2 yrs, I comforted myself w/ the thought that whatever we didn't get done in the reg sch yr, we could do over the summer, but...ah...I don't know. I like my kids, and that's all I can say for sure about what we're doing w/ school right now, lol. Oh, that, & we're doing the 50 states thing that Knowledge Quest publishes. (Etc.)

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Aubrey - we missed you! I'm glad that your dh has a job and that it will make ends meet. Getting through that 9 months of training will be hard but it sounds like it will be worth it afterwards.


Yeah, I'm a little worried about that, but the effects of a regular 8-5 in-the-office job on dh esp & the fam in general are already so stark that I'm incredibly encouraged. Income seems like a small thing next to that, kwim?

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Good to hear from you! I'd offer my proofreading services, but my fear is that your copy would sit on my desk, gathering dust and shooting arrows of guilt at me as I walked by. LOL.


Eh. Proofreading's four people who don't half spell-check, you no? ;)

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Sounds really good for you and your family. What kind of curriculum are you writing?


Writing, lol. Starting w/ creative writing, & if that goes well, I'm hoping to cover some of the other areas--grammar, essay writing, etc. I've been inspired reading about other curriculum writers--Life of Fred, FIAR, SWB.

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Good to hear from you.


How are dh's allergies and new diet going? Have you continued?


Is dh going to continue with seminary?


His health is not great right now, but we've started doing some herbal supplements until his ins starts in a couple of mos. He has stayed off of wheat & dairy, & he's so thin now, he looks like he might snap in two. He's lost 30 or 40 lbs, weighs nearly 10lb less than when we got married, & I'm starting to get nervous that our weight might converge if I don't get on the ball & do something other than eat ice cream. (I'm kidding...sort-of.)


Seminary. Right now...we don't even say the word. The short answer is...no way. NO. WAY. But, actually...I don't know. If we don't stay, we have about a month to find another place to live & move, & although things are better right now, the balance still feels quite delicate. So that one's under the rug while we give ea other a little more time & space to heal from the past yr. But...I have more peace that it will be fine, whatever happens.

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His health is not great right now, but we've started doing some herbal supplements until his ins starts in a couple of mos. He has stayed off of wheat & dairy, & he's so thin now, he looks like he might snap in two. He's lost 30 or 40 lbs, weighs nearly 10lb less than when we got married, & I'm starting to get nervous that our weight might converge if I don't get on the ball & do something other than eat ice cream. (I'm kidding...sort-of.)


Seminary. Right now...we don't even say the word. The short answer is...no way. NO. WAY. But, actually...I don't know. If we don't stay, we have about a month to find another place to live & move, & although things are better right now, the balance still feels quite delicate. So that one's under the rug while we give ea other a little more time & space to heal from the past yr. But...I have more peace that it will be fine, whatever happens.


I am so glad the clouds are clearing, and you are finding a lil peace. I am sure God will answer your prayers.


Keep on swimmin.

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His health is not great right now, but we've started doing some herbal supplements until his ins starts in a couple of mos. He has stayed off of wheat & dairy, & he's so thin now, he looks like he might snap in two. He's lost 30 or 40 lbs, weighs nearly 10lb less than when we got married, & I'm starting to get nervous that our weight might converge if I don't get on the ball & do something other than eat ice cream. (I'm kidding...sort-of.)


Seminary. Right now...we don't even say the word. The short answer is...no way. NO. WAY. But, actually...I don't know. If we don't stay, we have about a month to find another place to live & move, & although things are better right now, the balance still feels quite delicate. So that one's under the rug while we give ea other a little more time & space to heal from the past yr. But...I have more peace that it will be fine, whatever happens.


I'm glad to hear he's still avoiding wheat and dairy. I remember your posts detailing what a wonderful effect that had. I am sorry to hear about the weight loss--is he eating enough protein?


So, is dh's new job something he intends to settle into for the long term? Kinda sounds like it. I really hope it works well for him and for your family.


A month isn't much time to find a new place to live, but you sound peaceful about it.

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