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Are your pets allowed on your furniture?

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Two cats. No countertops, kitchen table or kitchen chairs allowed, although the younger cat seems to have trouble with this concept.


Younger cat sleeps with me or dd. Older cat sleeps with other dd.


Older cat thinks litter boxes are icky too, btw, and prefers to make a quick jaunt outside. Just sayin'.

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Yep, our dog has been a softie lover ever since we rescued her. She's about 75lbs, a border collie mix. She will sleep on ANYTHING soft: couches, chairs, pillows, beds, clean or dirty laundry:glare:, stuffed animals, people's laps, etc. She is very obedient though and knows her place, we just love to snuggle with her. She stays with her alpha male (DH) at night and sleeps on the floor in our room. I wouldn't mind sleeping with her, but she's too big. I often also wake up though with a dh, a small boy and a large dog in my bed.;)


I just figure she's a part of our life and she's exceptionally clean, so who cares. No damage to our furniture either. Her favorite spot is the chair and a half in the formal living room. She can snooze but still open one eye to see who might approach the house.:tongue_smilie:

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Sorry, but for those who say their cats are not allowed on the counters/ tables etc...... I DON'T believe you! You may not allow the cat on the counters when you are home, but I have some swamp land in Florida to sell you if you think your cats don't get up there when you're not. :D


( LOL, all in good fun, people! I mean it, but I mean it nicely! :D)


I know of what I speak, I had cats my entire childhood and all my family has cats. Now that I am grown and have my own house, I just can't imagine a cat up on the counter after it just came out of the litter box. Ewwwww Ewwwww. And I live on a farm and get covered in animal poop dialy! But my kitchen counters and table? No way! It's just me I guess....even my DD has cats and doesn't mind.

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Yes (hanging head in shame). Our family joke is that the reason we don't have a horse is that our bed isn't big enough.


:lol::lol::lol: My sister, at one time, slept with her DH ( big guy!) and three adult boxers in a queen bed! ( 2 of the dogs have since died, the last one is still in bed with her)

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Down to one cat, and she's a cranky old broad whom we know better than to try and train in any way, shape or form. Or touch, should she not be in the mood. Or look at funny. She often sits on top of the refrigerator. She doesn't use a box, though we have one. It is reserved for the most dire of monsoon-season emergencies only. SInce I usually spray the counters and sink and stove down with Clorox several times a day, I fail to see that her germs are any more yuck than raw chicken or the neighbor girl's grubby hands, LOL. I guess thats just one of the things I can live with.


Ditto dog hair- we have a Lab, and its everywhere. It even IN THE FRIDGE, whenever I clean it out, behind the food way in the back. I assure you, there is never a dog IN the fridge, yet the hair somehow gets in there!! Seriously, her shedding is a nightmare. I swiffer the floors (we have white tile) every day, and it always looks like she's lost enough to make another dog. Every day.


Cleo sleeps on the couch, and beds, but only if another person is there, I've never seen her get up there on her own. I don't know why, really. SHe just needs company I guess. Other than the hair though, the kids are way harder on furniture than the dog, and we let them sit there, so, I don't see the harm. We got her as an adult dog (the way to go, IMO)and she has never chewed or torn up anything.


I guess I never understood having companion animals that were relegated to the outside. Especially dogs, who need a "pack" to be part of. Just get a cat already.

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but I have some swamp land in Florida to sell you if you think your cats don't get up there when you're not. :D




Wow!! I haven't heard that expression in awhile! hehehe :)



:lol::lol::lol: My sister, at one time, slept with her DH ( big guy!) and three adult boxers in a queen bed! ( 2 of the dogs have since died, the last one is still in bed with her)


Talk about a rough night's sleep!! So who is the kicker, your sister or her dh? ;) :p hehe

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Our one and only fur baby Daisy Mae is allowed on the furniture. She is a American Staffordshire Terrier and is about 60lbs. She thinks she is a lapdog and loves to cuddle on the couch with me when I'm watching TV or sitting on the couch. She pretty much always wants to be wherever I am. She thinks the love seat in the living room is hers! She sleeps on it pretty much all the time. I work nights, so when I'm sleeping during the day, she sleeps in bed with me. We don't let her sleep in bed at night b/c both DH and I are in the bed and she is a bed hog. LOL. :lol:

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Dogs and cats are outside animals here. Sure, cats have nasty little feet from the litter box...but what about both animals' hind ends? They sit on those things, after all, and I've seen some pretty disgusting stuff come out of them.


Disclaimer: I did grow up in a house that allowed cats and dogs inside--we even had 2 goats, a raccoon, guinea pigs, and hamsters living inside at various points. So, I have had experience with indoor animals.

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Sorry, but for those who say their cats are not allowed on the counters/ tables etc...... I DON'T believe you! You may not allow the cat on the counters when you are home, but I have some swamp land in Florida to sell you if you think your cats don't get up there when you're not. :D




Oh yeah, that's the point. They need to PRETEND to follow the rules. I've been known to shout, "You could at least wait until I'm out of the room to do that!"


We live in a Don't Ask Don't Tell household.

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We have two dogs and they are absolutely not allowed on the furniture, they are occasionally allowed on the bed but it is by invitation only and they both know that. One of our dogs is a boxer and he is a snorer, so I usually don't let him in my room, but he does sleep with dd occasionally.



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I have 2 dogs and 3 mice.


The mice are not allowed out of their cage unless in their fitness balls, they area just to quick and tiny.


My dogs are a 55lb sharpei/lab mix (she's 12) and a 26lb pug (he's 4) they are allowed on any furniture they want. They never sleep in the bed although when a puppy the pug did, but that was mostly because I was pregnant and dh was on deployment for a lot of it so it was easier for me to know when he needed to go out to the bathroom. Now both dogs sleep in their kennels in my room. I find it hard to sleep if the pug isn't snoring. My older dog will occasionally not want to go in her kennel. Those times include when my mom is visiting and she wants to sleep on the couch with my mom, which my mom loves and if my oldest son is sick, then she must sleep on the floor right by his bed or in his doorway to "Protect her baby" He's 10 now but to her that's still her baby and she must keep him safe.

As for the pug, he's happy to be in his kennel at night but at all other times he must be as close as possible to a human. He must be touching you. When I'm schooling the kids he's usually sitting under someones desk on their feet. When I'm watching TV he's cuddled up right next to me snoring away. I'm positive it's my fault he's so clingy because I was so worried he'd pee on the new carpet when I got him that I made him sit by me ALL THE TIME! Now I couldn't shake him if I tried. He's usually laying on the rug outside the shower when I'm in there.

We don't have cats but if we did they'd have free reign.

Edited by nukeswife
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We have two dogs and they are absolutely not allowed on the furniture, they are occasionally allowed on the bed but it is by invitation only and they both know that. One of our dogs is a boxer and he is a snorer, so I usually don't let him in my room, but he does sleep with dd occasionally.




I read your post and couldn't help thinking of this list of "rules" for dogs:


The Dog Rules



1. The dog is not allowed in the house!




2. Okay, the dog is allowed in the house, but only in certain rooms.




3. The dog is allowed in all rooms, but has to stay off the furniture.




4. The dog can get on the OLD furniture only.




5. Fine, the dog is allowed on all the furniture, but is not allowed to

clear.gifsleep with the humans on the bed.




6. All right, the dog is allowed on the bed, but ONLY by invitation.




7. The dog can sleep on the bed whenever he wants, but NOT under

clear.gif the covers.




8. The dog can sleep under the covers by invitation ONLY.




9. The dog can sleep under the covers every night.




10. Humans must ask permission to sleep under the covers with the



I cannot take credit for writing these rules, but I can say that this is exactly the progression of the relationship of my parents' current dog with my grandmother! :lol:





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