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Bump on the head, now a fever???

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My 6yo dd was swimming at a friend's house yesterday and someone threw something (the thing that floats around the pool carrying chemicals?) and it hit her on the top right side of her head. She has a bump and it is very sensitive to the touch. She winces everytime I go to check it, even when she is sleeping. During the night, she developed a fever of 102.3. Is there a connection between bumps on the head and a fever? Please tell me I am just being silly and overreacting...

Edited by jjhankins97
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My 6yo dd was swimming at a friend's house yesterday and someone threw something (the thing that floats around the pool carrying chemicals?) and it hit her on the top right side of her head. She has a bump and it is very sensitive to the touch. She winces everytime I go to check it, even when she is sleeping. During the night, she developed a fever of 102.3. Is there a connection between bumps on the head and a fever? Please tell me I am just being silly and overreacting...


Yes, there is. Go to the dr.

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I too would go to the ER or the doc if you have not yet just to be sure. The fever may just be from a bacteria picked up in the pool, but then it may not be. Head injuries are scary and should not be ignored especially if her bump is still that sensitive. My dd hit her head a few weeks ago and vomited afterward (sorry TMI). The bump on her head was sore for a day and then began going away. It should be getting better for your dd too.


No you are not being silly! Unfortunately we hear too many scary stories about head injuries from nurses since we spend wayyyyy too much time at the hospital (not related to head injuries :)).

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My daughter threw herself against the fireplace surround, head first, yesterday. She passed out and got a bloody nose, though it was all very short lived (she held her breath and passed out--something that she has done before when she gets the wind knocked out of her, something hurts badly, etc). I called 911, they came on over, and they were SO very nice and said that they are only concerned with head injuries if the injury knocks them out in an instant (not the holding breath thing), there is vomiting afterwards, if the bloody nose was a much bigger bloody nose, and most importantly if the child is not acting normal (lethargic, confused, etc.) I was told to keep an eye on her to see if any of these symptoms developed. If for any reason we wanted to take her in, to just call them back and they would zip her over and the standard procedure is to do a CAT scan. They never mentioned a fever, but someone on here might know more about that. If you do choose to go in, expect a CAT scan!

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My husband was recently hospitalized with a severe concussion and we quickly became experts on the symptoms of a head injury. I do not remember if he had a fever, but he did have chills a lot. The main issues that concerned the docs (or we were told to look for) were confusion, increasing headache, sleepiness, nasuea, vomiting, dizziness, and decreased coordination. I hope all is well. Please update when possible--head injuries now freak me out.


Laurel T.

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Any update??


I am hoping you took her in. I'm also always the one who is concerned about overreacting and having the Doctors think I'm an idiot.. :p - that being said when youngest dd was 7 months old she fell and hit her head really hard. I did end up taking her in and they were SO nice, didn't treat me like I was an overreacting, crazy mom. They said that they look for headache, vomiting, lethargy, just plain not feeling well. I would take her in if there were ANY illness symptoms accompanying a head bump.. including fever. Hope all is well!!

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we went to the ER and they ran all sorts of tests. It turns out her head is completely fine...Praise God!! They also did chest x-rays (she developed a terrible cough), urinalysis, strep culture, flu test and they took a blood count trying to figure out why her fever was getting so high (it got up to 104). Everything came back fine and they said it was a virus. We can live with that. Thank you to all of those who responded and thank you for all your prayers, they were all greatly appreciated!!:)

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