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When can you put toddlers in regular glasses?

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My ds just turned 2 and wears glasses with the cables around his ears. Yet again, they are broken. I'm wondering if he's old enough to handle glasses without cables, mainly because they are easier to find (and sometimes cheaper). I'm just not sure if he would have trouble keeping them on or not. How long does he really need the cables?

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I"ve seen toddlers of all ages with regular glasses. We have a child under 2 in our congregation with them and there was a child in one of the toddler rooms (15-23mo) I worked at.


I don't think they have trouble keeping them on as in they wouldn't stay put. It depends on whether they child would take them off a lot. You can pretty much guess how difficult YOUR child will be regarding that. And then how effectively you can discipline also.

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I am bumping this back up because my dd will be 3 and needing glasses soon. I have heard of indestructible ones that are sold online but I can't find them...


My son is older and wears glasses. We paid more but we bought some that come with a warranty and made for kids. We actually bought 2 pair so he is never without. Everytime he has broken them, they fix without complaint.

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I would look at two things: "bendable" glasses (the ones that flex every which way and don't break) and "sport" glasses (the ones that are essentially clear swim goggles.


I had to learn the hard way that taking one's glasses off repeatedly does no favors to the eyes. Granted, not everyone loses their "elasticity" (as my Ophthalmologist called it), but boy does it suck when it's gone. I kept mine a long time, but then I went through this "I don't want to wear my contacts" period where I kept whipping my glasses off of my face. Poof.


I would think that, for a toddler, one would want to keep everything going in the right direction for as long as possible.




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While sport glasses might be a good fit for some, they didn't work for my son. He becaime very nauseous while wearing them. They curve and if the prescription is large it seems to produce a spinning sensation.


He got his first pair of glasses at three. I used regular glasses with a strap for sunglasses attached to the back. They come in every color and if he yanked the glasses off, they would still stay attached to him.


You will want the safety lens. They do scratch easily, though.

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My 3 year old will not allow you to take her glasses off! Granted, she's practically blind without them. It's the first thing she reaches for in the morning.


They are standard glasses, just in miniature. We narrowed the choices down to two frames and let her choose, we also let her clean them and take care of them, so she has a strong sense of ownership with them. We do have a spare pair just in case, but she's had them for 8 months now and have not had any issues. And we also bought the warranty, just in case.

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My 3 year old will not allow you to take her glasses off! Granted, she's practically blind without them. It's the first thing she reaches for in the morning.



That is how my dd is. She won't take them off for anything because she can't see well without them. He Rx is +6.75, so she's been awesome about keeping them on from the beginning.

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Most of our troubles with his glasses have been with the cables breaking. the current pair has a warranty on the frames, but we moved, so we can't get a new pair. They are also scratched (my fault, not his), even though the dr says the scratches aren't affecting his vision. I'll have to discuss it with Dh, but I think we may have to switch to regular glasses frames.


Thanks for all the thoughts and info. The Hive is always so helpful!

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My dd had glasses starting at 18 mos. She always had regular glasses, and it was never a problem. The first year or two we did go through a couple of frames or lenses (warranty for first year, so they were replaced), but none because the glasses fell off.

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