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What homeschool stuff do you splurge on? What don't you look at the pricetag on?

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I'm curious. I have been very frugal lately. We have stopped eating out, I fired my housekeeping help (it was long overdue since I was only using them during my husband's deployment...which ended in January:D), and I have started a list for things I want/need to prevent any impulse buying. In other words, I'm being careful.


And yet....


I go to Queens Homeschool to get one thing and I can. not. resist. her cursive writing books. They are just pretty. :D


The fact is, I will at any time throw out the "it is cheaper than private school" line if I need it.


I'm not a curriculum junkie. For the core subjects I like what I like and make it work, but all these edifying extras are a weakness.


What *HOMESCHOOL* stuff must you have, regardless of price?



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Yeah, I'm with you. I am especially prone to buying foreign language books, both instructional and books in other languages. When we travel, we tend to buy lots of guide books about where we're going. Not just travel guides, but books about the castles and forts, histories and historical fiction, books on art and architecture. Really I can justify almost any history book.

And I have a real weakness for math manipulatives and science books.


Really, I love it all. But then, you've seen the shelves. In my defense, we don't have cable, I don't spend money on shoes and a six pack of beer can easily last a couple weeks.

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Yeah, I'm with you. I am especially prone to buying foreign language books, both instructional and books in other languages. When we travel, we tend to buy lots of guide books about where we're going. Not just travel guides, but books about the castles and forts, histories and historical fiction, books on art and architecture. Really I can justify almost any history book.



I forgot about guides. Oh yeah. Tree, plant, animal tracks, and insect guides- yep, I need those too. :D


6 pack lasts weeks? Hmmm. You've moved on to Sake, right?



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Foreign language, writing, math.


I'm good at foreign language, but DS has never been willing to listen to me as an instructor in that arena, thus, Goethe.


I never received formal writing instruction, though I am told I write well. As I can't "pinpoint" what it is I do, I shell out for IEW.


Math is just so vital. I had a poor mathematics education, and I'm not willing to have my child reach adulthood w/o a basis from which he can do whatever he wants.




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I don't think there's anything I would buy at any cost (but I'll keep thinking about it, lol), but I do have an uncontrollable habit of buying just about anything when it's on sale.

I've been known to walk into Borders intending to buy one book, but that all goes out the window when there's a 4-for-3 promotion on bargain books. How in the world can I not spend $15 or $20 on $100 worth of books?!


Okay, I thought about it. There is one thing. SWB could charge $100 for yet another WTM edition and I'd buy it.


:::hoping SWB doesn't read that:::

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I don't look at the price tag for core books: math, history, grammar, etc. I, however, do try to find good prices on supplementary books.


Also, if I am furnishing our learning spaces...the price tag (for the most part) doesn't matter too much (I still look for a deal, but if I like it...I buy it!). I like to buy nice furniture that will last and last. Of course, I don't buy furniture every year.


Manipulatives and other hands-on learning resources are things that I just get. But I figure that I'm just starting out! My oldest is only entering 2nd grade and I have 3 other kids behind him (well, 4 if you count the baby due in August!).


I think I would be more frugal if I was only homeschooling my last child...maybe.


Liz in NC

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A few years ago we had a very tight financial year and my entire homeschooling budget was 100.00. I made do, but I wasn't doing classical. So I still kind of gulp when I spent 100.00 each on Latin and Classical Writing. My extra splurge is buying the workbooks for myself on those two programs. Not only do I like seeing exactly what my ds is looking at, I'm completing the programs as well.

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I'll buy whatever math I think is going to work the best. Not sure what my limit is but I bought Chalkdust without too much angst.


Though I admit I'm embarassed whenever someone tells me what I do for math. Most people IRL haven't heard of Chalkdust so I feel like they are going to go look it up and think I am NUTS!!



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I think I would be more frugal if I was only homeschooling my last child...maybe.


Well...I'm not sure THAT's true, at least in my house! :D I think I've found that spending $$ on materials that make my life easier are worth the investment whether I can pass them on in my own family or not.


On the other hand, there are some materials that I'm holding onto for...oh...10 years until my youngest can use them. (I'm not re-purchasing Algebra or Geometry...how much can it change in 10 years?) They'll be gathering dust on the shelf (unless I loan them out) as there's a big age gap in my kids.


There isn't anything, though, that I just buy without searching for the best price I can find. The $$ I have to spend on curriculum and extras is w a y too limited to not consider cost.

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I haven't ever bought IEW full price (there are a few places that have it on sale once or twice a year).


I buy as much used as I can, but I'm finding it harder as my kids get older with certain subjects. We've used some subjects in CLE for three years now, and it never goes on sale and the levels I need are pretty hard to find used.


I recently bought Rosetta Stone at slight discount, but that's my biggest purchase in ages.

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I buy loads of readers - history, science & lit. I shop around for the price among vendors... but if I want it, I buy it.


I always buy Rod & staff... regardless of price, but that is not a good application b/c they are so economical.


I buy WTM & Mystery of History.... but do try to check my vendors prices to compare.


I really don't skip anything for homeschooling... but do compare between 3 or 4 main vendors. I spend about $800 per year on 2 kids.... that is one months tuition at the local christian school.... I am happy!

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This is a great thread idea!


We spend the most money on:

1) our original math and reading "spines" which are reusable for each child: Ray's Primary Arithmetic, Practical Arithmetic (goes through 8th grade) and McGuffey's Reader (K-8th grade), Christian Life Readers (1st through 6th grade), oh and Harvey's Grammar and Revised Grammar -- most are free online, but having sturdy hardback books has been such a blessing!

2) good pencils (I really don't like having lead that breaks and / or an eraser that just smears!)

3) good pencil sharpeners (I don't like it when they break one week after buying it because someone put it at the bottom of the bag)

4) OH, the big one? Library fines. We do the best we can to get things back on time, but if we ever have fines I don't even care (nor am I shocked anymore by how much they are). I just pay them and load up the car with the next four bags of books. :lol:



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