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Publishing brag alert for dd, and what is the size of a normal school picture?

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My dd11, Allison, has been notified that her artwork for a contest in the American Girl magazine will be published in the November/December issue, barring any extraordinary circumstances. I need to sign and return the consent form by July 13th, and I only just got it yesterday!


Anyway, they want a normal school-size photograph, whether professional or printed digitally on high quality photo paper. We're going to do the digital photo because we don't know how else to get a photo within the next day. So when I print it, what size do I make it?

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Congratulations to your daughter! What a wonderfull accomplishment.:hurray:


I am not sure about the exact measurements, but I think that the normal size school pic is slighly smaller than a wallet size.


Maybe someone else will come along with a more exact answer....

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Congrats to your dd. Normal school size would be about 1 1/2" x 2". hth

It would be acceptable to send one a little larger, about 2x3, just in case. They'll have to scan the picture anyway, and if the one you send is too small for what they have in mind, they'll have to enlarge it, and lose quality.

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Allie entered a design-a-cookie contest. I don't have a picture of it, just a xeroxed copy that A.G. sent back along with the consent form I had to sign. Allie called it a Smart Cookie and decorated it like a calculator. :tongue_smilie: I'll post a note when it is published. It's so cool!


We took a digital picture and tried to print it on photo paper. Our printer is horrible though and the picture didn't turn out nicely. So I emailed the jpeg to A.G. and the lady wrote back saying she thought it would be fine.

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