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Other than consumables, what would you NOT buy used and Why?

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For me it depends more on the source than on the item. There are plenty of thrift stores here, for example, but I'll only darken the door of a couple, because I know they "vet" their stock well.

Maybe it would help if you told us what you are looking for. I hesitate to ask, though, because it always looks like fishing for personal info! LOL You don't have to share if you don't want to.


Oh, and if it's a big ticket item that would ordinarily come with some sort of warantee (spelling?) I might consider how important that could be. Also, sometimes I can get new things for close to the used price, so it's not worth it.


And I won't buy undies used. Ever.

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used bedding, washing machines, or refrigerators. I don't buy used exercise clothing or casual clothes. I don't buy used computers.


I will buy used furniture, used cars and some used clothing for example an winter coat. I'll buy some used sports equipment, but never shoes, boots, skates or ski's. I'll buy used books occasionally, textbooks always if I can get them used.

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Weird things happen to me, so I am guessing this isn't a usual thing, but...every time I buy used curriculum, they have funky smells. Some have smelled like moth balls, others like incense, etc...it's so awful. This is just me, but I rather buy new (I know i'll keep it new), and then resell and get some money back. If I buy used and get a smelly book- I have to endure smelly books, not enjoy schooling, and then refuse to resell! LOL I know, I"m goofy like that. :D Bottom line: Enjoy your new smelly free curriculum. :) Plus, if there is a problem, you can likely return it.

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MAYBE the Teaching Co. DVDs. And only if I wasn't sure we'd like the dvd. I would buy many of the titles mentioned by posters here used because I usually agree with their assessment. If it's a title I can't find a review on, I'd rather buy it new so I can return in for my money back.


Other than that -- I always check the For Sale board here.

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IEW is what I am looking at purchasing used.


This thread is taking a funny turn because, obviously, people didn't catch the IEW in your OP. But, I have to laugh when I think about your thread starter in relation to what folks are commenting on (ie: NOT curriculum)


As soon as you take the curriculum bit out of the equation, it makes it pretty funny to imagine someone purchasing used consumables ....as in, products that get eaten! :D


For me, it depends on how many pieces come with the curriculum and how likely it is that something will be missing or broken. Also how much I feel I can trust the person selling it. I've bought lots of used curriculum, though, and for the most part, I have not been disappointed. On two occasions, I felt the materials were misrepresented. Ask lots of questions, be precise.


Good luck,


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but frankly I'm always nervous with big ticket items, especially if they have DVDs. I bought both of my IEW sets (one since sold) new when I found a 15% off sale on them (that's EXTREMELY rare BTW). I recently bought "Teaching the Classics" used from someone who hadn't unwrapped the DVDs with a slightly shelf-worn book. I was nervous there, but the DVDs truly had not been used.


Personally I wouldn't buy used DVDs unless I knew that they were unused or I had assurances that they had been cared for as well as I care for DVDs (i.e. not left on top of the player or on the floor). And I'd pay with Paypal and insist on insurance and tracking.

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This thread is taking a funny turn because, obviously, people didn't catch the IEW in your OP. But, I have to laugh when I think about your thread starter in relation to what folks are commenting on (ie: NOT curriculum) .


I'm so easily amused, but I was CRACKING up (no put intended) when people started bringing up used underwear!


I would definitely buy IEW used. I would ask lots of questions, but I think it is the kind of program that would be great to get at a reduced price.

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I'm so easily amused, but I was CRACKING up (no put intended) when people started bringing up used underwear!


I would definitely buy IEW used. I would ask lots of questions, but I think it is the kind of program that would be great to get at a reduced price.



In my defense, the IEW was added AFTER we all made our now-strange sounding replies. ;)

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I am thinking about purchasing a big ticket item(IEW)..well I think it's a big ticket item. Dh is saying purchase it new, but it is a big savings if I purchased used.

How do you determine what to buy new or used?


Big ticket items are the one thing I wouldn't usually buy used. I've gotten burned once or twice and I'd rather spend $13 on something that isn't worth it than $50 and feel the same way. That said, I would jump at the chance to get a big ticket item from someone I knew and trusted...either this board from a regular poster or from a friend where I could see it first.



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I am thinking about purchasing a big ticket item(IEW)..well I think it's a big ticket item. Dh is saying purchase it new, but it is a big savings if I purchased used.

How do you determine what to buy new or used?


Well, I recently refused to even consider buying a mattress of off craig's list. YUCK!


d'oh!! See what happens when you don't read the thread! Never mind.

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