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I lift weights every day - switching between upper and lower body workouts. I do keep upping my weights when I can easily do 12 reps and many times I only do one set each since I am short on time. I don't think that I have ever bulked up...I just look more toned. Keep up your cardio and slowly add in the weights.



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How often do you lift weights? How do you rotate different muscle groups? I'm trying to get these last few stubbon pounds off, but I don't want to bulk up.



Added- I do cardio daily.



I do a bootcamp video using lighter weights(5lb) and adding the heavier weights(8 or 10lb) once a week and a workout using no weights once a week. I also do a 5 mile run/walk most days.


My schedule looks like this.


Mon: light weights

Tues: light weights

Wed: no weights

Thurs. heavier weights

Friday: light

Sat: light weights

Sun: my day off

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I do a bootcamp video using lighter weights(5lb) and adding the heavier weights(8 or 10lb) once a week and a workout using no weights once a week. I also do a 5 mile run/walk most days.


My schedule looks like this.


Mon: light weights

Tues: light weights

Wed: no weights

Thurs. heavier weights

Friday: light

Sat: light weights

Sun: my day off


How long do the weight sessions last?

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I alternate days with cardio and days with weights. On my cardio days, I either walk for 45 minutes with nordic poles (about 3 miles) or do the ellliptical trainer at the Y in bad weather. On my weight days, I warm up with 10 minutes on the elliptical and use the machines as the 'Y'. I exercise about 4 -5 days a week. I need to beef up something because my weight is not going anywhere either. However, I have bad knees so there is a limit to what I can do.

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How often do you lift weights? How do you rotate different muscle groups? I'm trying to get these last few stubbon pounds off, but I don't want to bulk up.



Added- I do cardio daily.


I do weights 3 x/wk as part of my Curves workout. I do aerobics only on the other 2-3 days.


It is really hard for most women to "bulk up." Our hormones don't promote that. Women who do have to really try to, as a general rule.


A more important consideration is that after strength-training, your body needs time to rebuild the muscle, so you need to leave at least a day between sessions. 2-3 times per week is fine.

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I think that works for me. The workouts I have are all total body, so I need to skip a day in between. I guessed that means 3x a week.


About the bulking up... it's those veins in the arms and shoulders that some of the ladies in my tapes have. Sometimes their arms are so thick. That wouldn't look good on me.


Now if I could just find some ab-work that's doable. I usually skip ab sections because they kill my neck. I'm probably not doing it correctly.

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I do all major muscle groups twice a week and 30 minutes on an exercise bike twice a week. I idealize more than that, but I have to go with what is realistic and I'm happy with the results anyway. My weight-training is all dumbells because they fit nicely into the space I have for it.

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You probably won't bulk up. You might look heavier because you could be eating more. You'll gain muscle but not enough to look beefy. To really look lean, you will need to do cardio for about an hour a day, every day. :glare:


Of course, if you have a naturally stocky build, bulkiness might ensure. The solution is of course heavy cardio.


I go heavy with weights. I shoot for 6-8 reps.

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Wow, I'm really jealous of all the lady's who can do a weight work out and not look beefy. Even whole body cardio leaves me a little more defined than I'd like most of the time.



My daughter is a gymnast and I have found just by observation that there are definately different body types. My daughter is thin and wiry but as strong as a cable. Some girls there do half of the workout she does and have twice the bulky definition. Drives my daughter crazy. So some bodies are just genetically programmed to build more muscle. But in general I agree that it takes alot of strength training for the average woman to bulk up. Most people could work out with weights quite heavily and probably never see the bulk that they are afraid of. Just my 2cents. Ruby

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I do cardio 4-5x a week and do strength/weight training 3-4x a week. I alternate upper and lower body and do almost daily core/ab work. I use dumbells ranging from 7.5 to 12 pounds and a medicine ball that is 5 pounds for some of my crunches/ab stuff.


Jillian Michaels (Biggest Loser, 30-Day Shred) says that most women go too light on the weights because they think that they will bulk up, but that one would have to train with very large amounts to get that feared bodybuilder physique. lol I think she's right and there are so many great health benefits to using weights! In combination with cardio, of course, for a total body workout. :)

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I do one or two muscle groups each time. For example, day 1: chest and triceps, day 2: back and biceps, day 3: delts (shoulders), day 4: legs. I do about 3 or 4 different exercises for each muscle group. I am also changing my exercises each month. I still work all muscle groups, but use different exercises. Bodybuilding.com has tons of exercises, and shows you how to do them. I also do cardio at the gym 4 days per week, and try to get in a hike or bike ride outdoors once a week, just for fun. :001_smile:


By the way, I've been working out with weights for a year and a half, and I am not bulky by any means, but I have seen increased definition and strength. I think most women have to work very hard to bulk up.


I hope this is helpful!

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You probably won't bulk up. You might look heavier because you could be eating more. You'll gain muscle but not enough to look beefy. To really look lean, you will need to do cardio for about an hour a day, every day. :glare:


Of course, if you have a naturally stocky build, bulkiness might ensure. The solution is of course heavy cardio.


I go heavy with weights. I shoot for 6-8 reps.



i work out 4-5 times a week, 2 hours a day at the gym. weight training interspersed with 20-30 minute cardio intervals. that makes a minimum 1 hour cardio (and cardio is not walking on a treadmill) and 1 hour weights. i also use heavier weights than pretty much every woman in the gym...my results prove that it works. i have good definition, but i'm not terribly bulky...my neck's not thick for sure! i also run a mile every evening.


this is a good book:


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