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How early did you feel your baby move?

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You'd think that with my 5th pg I'd have this figured out. :tongue_smilie:


I'm 9.5 weeks along, and keep thinking I'm feeling something in there. Intellectually I know that it's not possible (baby too small, uterus too thick...) So I'm wondering what is the earliest women have really experienced quickening? (I think I remember feeling my 3rd or 4th around 14 wks, and that seemed awfully early. I felt my 1st around 16 or 17 wks.) Anyone have experience with "phantom baby movements"? Just curious. :001_smile:

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I've been pregnant to the 2nd trimester 4 times, only one live birth miracle child. I can remember movement as early as 12 weeks, or maybe what I thought was 12 weeks. I've heard the more pregnancies the more sensitive you are to this. Congratulations, by the way!:hurray:

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I can say with complete honesty that my last 3 babies I felt right at 9.5-10.5 weeks. My OB said I was nuts but I found other moms-of-many who felt quickening at that point. I know it was that because it was in the same spot each time, it was right where I heard that precious heartbeat w/my home doppler, and I just "knew" what I was feeling. So I don't care what the medical profession tells me, I know it was my baby moving no matter how early I was.

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I'm on number eight and probably for the past four or five I've felt definite movement as early as 10 week or so. Same experience as Luvnmysvn, movement felt exactly in the spot where the heartbeat was located later in the week. Drs. may say we're crazy, but I don't think so :)

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Another around ten weeks. The ob said no way. But, I was high risk and had a lot of ultrasounds. I had confirmation that what I was feeling was fetal movement when I felt it and saw it on ultrasound at the same time at around 11 weeks. Ob decided I might be right.

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With my last pregnancy (my 3rd), I *know* I felt movement around 10 weeks. At my first Dr. appt (I was 11 weeks at the time), I asked about it and she said there was no way. I didn't want to tell anyone because I didn't think anyone would believe me! I am so happy to hear that others have experienced the same thing about the same time! :hurray:

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You'd think that with my 5th pg I'd have this figured out. :tongue_smilie:


I'm 9.5 weeks along, and keep thinking I'm feeling something in there. Intellectually I know that it's not possible (baby too small, uterus too thick...) So I'm wondering what is the earliest women have really experienced quickening? (I think I remember feeling my 3rd or 4th around 14 wks, and that seemed awfully early. I felt my 1st around 16 or 17 wks.) Anyone have experience with "phantom baby movements"? Just curious. :001_smile:

First- 11 weeks and dh felt it from the outside...

Second 9.5 weeks she kicked the doppler off my stomach and inch. The midwife looked at me dumb-founded. Did that really happen? Yes it did and I FELT it! She still was too small to pick up the heartbeat though!

Third- 16? weeks. I think her placenta was in the front of my uterus and thus I couldn't feel her.

Fourth- 8-9 weeks I felt tickly bubbles but I wasn't sure. At 11 weeks this one kicked the doppler hard, although not off my stomach. I almost told the midwife not to bother looking for the heartbeat since I could feel the baby wiggling EVERYWHERE trying to get away from the doppler. So, no, it isn't too early to feel the baby.

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