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I need some advice from Catholic moms

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I'm not Catholic, but one of my good friends is, and she will be turning 50 soon. I want to get her something special, something that is faith related, because her faith is so much of who she is and what she does. She has encouraged me greatly in matters of marriage, parenting, and homeschooling, so I'm looking for something special. Any ideas?


Thank you!

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They have unique, high quality, religious jewelry of all sorts that would suit any denomination. I own several pieces and can only speak highly of the company.


I really like this bracelet in silver although it's rather expensive:



Check out the link to the Nativity pin on the bottom of the page which is way cheaper although just as special.


Really look at the entire website for ideas. They even sell ornaments and note cards if jewelry is not an option.


Good luck!

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you might see if there's a local catholic store you can browse in?


things I have gotten:


religious medal (of her name, of a patron you think good - patron of friendship, mothers, wives....)


a rosary


a crucifix - there's some really beautiful ones on all kinds of sizes


a statue/picture of the holy family or madonna and child


anything by Francis deSales, imho!


a missel (sunday or daily or a 3 yr set) She might have a sunday, but many people don't have daily or more - just a tad expensive for some budgets.


if you go into a store, they will probably be able to help you. this is what my non-catholic husband does for me. usually the staff are so impressed that a non-catholic would do something so thoughtful that that they bend over backwards to help them.:D


ETA: there's also leaftlet.com

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Yes, I'd probably recommend a piece of jewelry over a rosary, only because she is very likely to have one or more nice rosaries already. Rosary bracelets are also a good choice; they have nice crystal ones and they can be worn almost anywhere.


If you want to look at stuff other than jewelry, try:








edited to add that you might consider a high quality journal; it's the type of thing that most hs moms would love but we always tend to be a bit practical and not buy a really beautiful one!

Edited by katilac
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You could have a mass said for her.


If you get a rosary or something similar, it is always nice to have them blessed.


If she is Irish Catholic - getting something for Ireland could be nice. Or if she is Italian Catholic maybe something from the Vatican or somewhere else in italy. They make rosaries out of stone from Ireland (green Connemara marble) and I'm sure various type of marble from Italy.

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I recently purchased one of these:




It is the chaplet of St Raphael - really lovely beads. Saint Raphael the Archangel is the Patron of Safe Travel, Physicians, Pharmacists, Lovers, and the Sick - so I don't know if any of those apply? It's a small gift, but one that is very special to me.


God bless,

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