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Anyone else find the behavior of MJ's doctor odd?

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As I read through the news accounts of Michael Jackson's death, I find it odd that the accounts of the 911 call have the caller implying that the doctor has been doing CPR for a while. My recollection from CPR training (I'm not a medical person) is the protocol for adult victims is to call 911 immediately and then do CPR (with kids, you try a minute first before calling 911 because they are less likely to have an underlying heart condition). There were clearly at least two people present in the house, though it sounds like the doctor was alone with MJ "attempting to resuscitate" for some period of time.


So why was the 911 call delayed?



The other thing I wonder about is that the doctor was apparently just doing CPR. I wondered why there was no defibrillator mentioned. Perhaps it was not indicated, but with the possibility of a drug-induced cardiac arrest, wouldn't that have been likely to have been indicated? Does anyone know? (I'm assuming that since MJ was worried enough about his heart to have a cardiologist with him, that he would have forked up a couple thous. bucks for a defribillator.

Edited by Laurie4b1
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As I read through the news accounts of Michael Jackson's death, I find it odd that the accounts of the 911 call have the caller implying that the doctor has been doing CPR for a while. My recollection from CPR training (I'm not a medical person) is the protocol for adult victims is to call 911 immediately and then do CPR (with kids, you try a minute first before calling 911 because they are less likely to have an underlying heart condition). There were clearly at least two people present in the house, though it sounds like the doctor was alone with MJ "attempting to resuscitate" for some period of time.


So why was the 911 call delayed?



The other thing I wonder about is that the doctor was apparently just doing CPR. I wondered why there was no defibrillator mentioned. Perhaps it was not indicated, but with the possibility of a drug-induced cardiac arrest, wouldn't that have been likely to have been indicated? Does anyone know?


Yes, it's very strange. The fact that they couldn't find him afterward is also bizarre. Has he been found yet?

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Authorities suspect prescription drugs were involved. The doctor disappeared before he could be questioned, but has since been located. Micheal Jackson had some health problems and the addition of overprescribing drugs may have resulted in his cardiac arrest. The autopsy toxicology results won't be available for a while.

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I thought it was odd that the doctor was apparently doing CPR on the bed which is a big no-no (it's in the 911 call).


I didn't listen to the 911 call, just read about it, but yes, on the bed would be next to useless, right?


So doctor was totally incompetent...or what?

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well, its michael jackson. i can imagine that the reason they didn't call first, then do cpr was to keep the whole scenario out of the tabloids. maybe they didn't think it was quite as serious as it was. who knows. doesn't matter much now though.


Minutes matter in preventing cardiac death. It would sure matter to me if I had a family member being attended by a physician and that physician delayed in calling 911.


If he had needed CPR, he would have been hospitalized even if he had been revived, so it would have been in the tabloids that he went to the hospital.


Something isn't right.

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disturbing. Read that the Dr. has now hired a law firm! I feel that something's up here. My DH and I feel that this so-called DR. gave Michael too much demerol or something and that's what stopped his heart.

I still feel so sad about this, especially if Michael could have been saved.

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who the person was that actually called 911....since he said the Dr. was with him doing CPR....who was the caller? The caller didn't sound very disturbed by the whole thing.....


The doctor is in a bunch of trouble.....if you ask me.



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I just read that the doctor's own lawyers say that it could have been up to a half hour before 911 was called. If that's true, can't imagine how he'll keep his medical license, let alone avoid prosecution. He apparently was bankrupt or close to it, so family won't be able to secure much with a wrongful death civil action.


As I recall from my CPR class, the reason that you are supposed to call 911 first when an adult needs CPR is that there is likely to be something systemic going on. You can wait a minute after performing CPR on a child because it's more likely to be something situational (swallowed and object and is choking). CPR may actually fix the problem in the case of a child, but not if there is heart failure, etc.


So this doctor, finding a weak pulse and no respiration tries himself to revive MJ for possibly a half hour before calling 911. That is just unbelievable.

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Doctor said he didn' t know the exact street address & yelled for help... may have even had to find help.


As for hiring a law firm, I would immediately. Jackson (by all the accounts hitting the news) was doing many cocktails of meds.... the doctor will be the first person at which they are going to look. I might not disappear, but I would hire an attorney pronto!

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I also imagine that this doc made some mistakes. I've been an RN for 12 years - always in a hospital setting - worked hundreds of codes. I can probably count on one hand the number of doctors who activly participate in codes. It's the nurses and respiratory therapists who are hands-on. The doctors stand around and consult with each other and toss out ideas. If this doctor works in an office, it would be almost certain that his code experience would be minimal. It's obvious he panicked - due to fear or inexperience or both.


The toxology report will be interesting.


Oh - I've never worked in an ER. Maybe there doctors are more involved. I've only worked in ICUs and on floors.

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I wonder how they chose this particular doctor for MJ? He has had a questionable career at best. Why, of all the doctors in the world, was this one chosen to attend MJ so closely? I wonder if it's related to this Dr.'s willingness to do unethical things for his patient?

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