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Mark Sandford and Maria's emails made public.....

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I heard some talk about those lovely messages on the radio earlier. They sounded so...*honestly romantic*...one of the announcers said. :glare: It makes my skin crawl to think that his poor wife will probably hear all about them. I don't think she will be 'standing by her man'. I wonder if those emails were being sent from his office computer?

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My thoughts on this are posted in the original thread. But just to add, I don't think it was necessary for the media to release these with no concern to the hurtfulness their public airing may cause. I am not thinking about Sanford - he has to reap what he's sown - but his wife and kids... they didn't need this info in the public domain.

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I don't want to read them, nor do I think it's anyone's business except the family's. What bothers me is that he went missing. When you are a public servant, you can't just disappear.
:iagree: Not to mention that now his children will have access to them as well. Just because the reporters can get them, doesn't mean we need to know every detail. Just knowing it was an affair was enough information for me.
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It is sad that the main stream media report this stuff. It needs to stay with TMZ and the tabloids. The real media need to get out and beat the pavement for real news... not nasty, intimate gossip of affairs & crushed families.


I really liked Sanford. I liked the fight he was putting against the stimulus. I am terribly saddened by his horrible choice of actions and the miserable situation that he was put his entire family through. Just selfish & wicked.


What is it with these 50 ish men & their need for everlasting youth or great romances? What ever happened to being a Father and anticipation of becoming a grandfather and enjoying the fruits of a wonderful, hardworking life.


Just so so depressing.

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How very, very vulgar.


What ever happened to dignity in reporting? :ack2:


DH and I were discussing with the kids the other day when there was an evening new policy to not show dead bodies. That's a level of respect that's also been diminished.

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DH and I were discussing with the kids the other day when there was an evening new policy to not show dead bodies. That's a level of respect that's also been diminished.


I will NEVER be able to erase from my mind a scene from a local news website. The story was about a little boy who was missing and later found in the neighbor's pool (drowned.) There was a video attached that showed the father's reaction when he was told that his son had been found. It was the most horrifying, sorrowful, agonizing thing I had ever seen. I will *never* be able to forget that and I could not *believe* they had it on there. I posted as much in the comments section, as did others, and they finally removed the video. How HORRIFYING, though, that they thought that was something people needed to see!

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One of my favorite groups has a song entitled, "I don't wanna know"...with lyrics about "a blue dress on the witness stand." I didn't want to know then, and I don't want to know now. Private business needs to stay private. Public responsibility needs to be accounted for...

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Personally, I don't want to know and I feel terrible for his kids and wife, but it serves as good example for my kids. I am always telling them that there is nothing private in this world and one should live their life like that. Diaries (people find them), dreams ( people talk in their sleep), NOTHING.


People feel like the things they do, say and nowadays, email, text and facebook are private, but they are most certainly not.


Scriptures tells us our deeds will be laid bare...wonder if the governor ever read that part :glare:...

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