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PSA: if you put a coffee filter in the maker when making coffee it works better

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Ah, the memories...just a few days ago my dh turned on the coffee maker but realized too late that he hadn't placed the filter cover on...and hot coffee was literally spewing up and out in all directions. There was an entire pot of coffee dripping down the counter, covering the walls, and none to drink. Terrible to face that kind of disaster so early in the morning. :D

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And there's the rub. How can you remember to put in the coffee filter until you've had your coffee?




It's also helpful, if you're the opening waitress for a restaurant, that you remember to open the huge, thermal carafe that recieves the coffee you are brewing. Otherwise it ends up all over the counter and floor and takes 15 minutes to clean up. And then you have to make coffee all over again.

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And there's the rub. How can you remember to put in the coffee filter until you've had your coffee?


My darling dh makes coffee every morning. I feel a bit miffed if I get up on the weekend before him.


Also note: You must put filter in properly and carefully shut the filter part otherwise.... 1. bottom of pot will be filled with grinds or 2. water will overflow from the filter part and flood your countertop. One does not usually catch this mistake until counter and floor are flooded and entire pot is ruined.

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Also note: You must put filter in properly and carefully shut the filter part otherwise.... 1. bottom of pot will be filled with grinds or 2. water will overflow from the filter part and flood your countertop. One does not usually catch this mistake until counter and floor are flooded and entire pot is ruined.


This is what happened. We over slept, so I rushed to make coffee. Walked into the kitchen later to a counter covered in grounds and hot coffee. Of course I opened the top and the place the filter should have been was full of hot coffee/grounds. sigh.


Atleast, now I am drinking a nice hot cup :D

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You also have to remember that you just put the water in. I tried to put the water in twice this morning and just cleaned up a huge mess.


I did put the filter in though.:001_smile:


Oh LOL! BTDT too. Maybe I should quit drinking coffee? Nah. :lol:

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And there's the rub. How can you remember to put in the coffee filter until you've had your coffee?

Where you grind the coffee, put the ground coffee in filter, filter in the filter holder, filter holder on cup ... Then boil the water in the kettle and pour into coffee grounds (in filter, in filter holder, on cup...)


Only that's a lot to remember. And there was that one morning where I'd set everything up and I was standing there pouring the boiling water and wondering... why.... is there a big... puddle... of coffee.... all over the counter... and dribbling down the cabinets to the floor.... ACK! Forgot CUP!


So rule #1 - if I'm THAT tired, just use the coffee maker. I can't be trusted with anything that relies on my attention before my first cup.

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