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s/o - WHY do you blog?

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After reading "where do you blog" post, I started wondering, "why do I blog?" I do know that (like this board!) it sure takes a lot of time away from my family, and I want to know if it is really worth it.


I have NOT told my parents or in-laws about my blog because it isn't a "let's show off the kids to grandparents" blog (nothing wrong with those), but more of a "I want to chew on this subject" or "I want to get this off of my chest" blog. I also like to post funny stuff from time to time.


One thing that I really like doing is encouraging Christians to think about what they believe, and why they believe it, and this is definitely one of the main reasons that I haven't invited my parents to view my blog. The Parents just don't understand...I've tried to bring them into conversations about atypically Christian topics before, and there ends up being hurt feelings or anger....just a different generation, I suppose.


So, why do you blog? Who do you tell that you have a blog? What do you blog about? Do you think blogs are generally self-serving, or just a way to release creative energy that has been pent up in the past few generations? (Kind of like the resurgence in our generations in learning how to knit, wanting to know about canning produce and general home arts, and other fine arts, etc.)


PS, this is NOT a cheap invitation to view my blog (although I get a little thrill out of seeing my ticker numbers creep up)...I'm just really curious because it has become such a phenomenon!

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I love to blog because it clears the head, has given me tons of journal entries that hopefully will be of value to my posterity. I do have to watch it though because it can become time consuming. I feel more accountable for some reason to my personal goals that I list. I have gained a ton of great ideas from other bloggers. Oh and when I am pondering my life writing and reading, I feel so much gratitude for the things I have!

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I blog because it's a good way for me to practice writing. I like to write but don't have a lot of outlets for it. My family and friends all know about my blog and some read it. But mostly I write it for myself rather than a way to share information with them.

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I'll start blogging when my kids start school as a way of keeping my mother and sister informed. Mum lives on the other side of the country and would happily read 500 word essays each day on what her gorgeous grandkids are up to. My sister is moving to Kenya, and assuming she stays there, reading a blog will be the easiest way of staying connected. The download speed over there is terribly slow and loading up a blog would be faster (and therefore less frustrating) than getting into her email and downloading pics.



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My family and friends keep up with me through my blog. I love it! But I also blog to help others and get ideas out. I love it when I get comments on how something I posted was helpful to someone. Some readers also give me good suggestions.


Blogging also helps keep me accountable and it's fun for me. I post about my blog mostly here because 90% of the content is homeschool related (hey...I just finished posting all about schedules and preschool!!).


I just wish more people would leave comments!!


Liz in NC

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I started the blog because it is an easy way to keep my mom updated on what we are doing. I keep my blog public because when I was starting my journey to this path of homeschooling reading other people's blogs helped inspire me and I am paying it forward. If a glimpse into my daily life can inspire someone else I am glad I can help.

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My family and friends keep up with me through my blog. I love it! But I also blog to help others and get ideas out. I love it when I get comments on how something I posted was helpful to someone. Some readers also give me good suggestions.


Blogging also helps keep me accountable and it's fun for me. I post about my blog mostly here because 90% of the content is homeschool related (hey...I just finished posting all about schedules and preschool!!).


I just wish more people would leave comments!!


Liz in NC


That pretty much sums me up, too. Plus, RockerDad loves to read it and see what RockerTot has accomplished all week.

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We (it is a family blog) blog for several reasons.


1-To stay connected.


Our two oldest daughters are attending Vanderbilt. When the oldest left for college I made a promise to begin a blog and post at least a photo or video a day...so that she would have a glimpse of home daily. We kept the promise as her sister joined her.


With our oldest daughter a senior this coming year and a Navy ROTC midshipman, she has summer cruises. It has been great fun for those of us at home to watch see the photos aboard a submarine (the only time girls are allowed onboard is during the ROTC summer cruises), snaps from her F-18 rides, etc. She was excited to share the experience...and we loved be along for the ride.


Our oldest son spent a semester as an exchange student in Botswana, Africa...as another poster mentioned...loading a blog was much easier than downloading large files. It also gave us a chance to enjoy the experience he was having.


My DH is a member of a group medical practice...vacation time is very tight. As a result often I and the kids will drive ahead and he will fly in to meet us. Posting on the blog allows him to enjoy the entire adventure.


During the record breaking floods this spring in Fargo, it allowed extended family and friends to keep tabs on how things were going. The morning my sister turned on CNN and was stunned to find them reporting from our front lawn...she immediately went to the blog for reassurance.


2- Record Keeping


The college kids depend on the recipe section of the blog....as the fastest way to get Mom's recipe for .....kugel, chocolate cake, beef stew, etc.


The middle school homeschoolers slurp the schooling posts into a book as their yearbook.


I slurp the entire previous year's blog in January...as our family scrapbook of the year that was.


3- English and Grammar are not my forte


My homeschoolers post their essays.....and their college age siblings use a critical red pen. It has been great for both sets.


For Whom...Family and close friends.

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