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Anyone see the video of the crazy Oklahoma Highway Patrol?

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I am flabbergasted by this blatent disrepect both for the patient in the ambulance and the EMTs trying to do their job. I don't care what anyone wants to say in defense of this cop, if it were MY mother (or kid, partner, friend) and I really thought she would die or be seriously harmed because he detained them for 27 minutes and added stress to her heart - I might take him down myself. (Wonder how that would go over in the courts!!!!)


I just don't get it. The cop is so clearly out of line here and he was not AT ALL reprimanded. He received paid leave....kind of a vacation if you ask me. And I wonder why the other cops didn't do anything moral for the EMTs or the patient. Not to mention they erased the videos in other cops' cars. But the kid of the woman on her way to the hospital recorded the cop choking the EMT and the first cop's video is on youtube.


So the ambulance did not have emergency lights on - but as soon as they were pulled over the situation was explained to him and he still acted like a 3 year old. This cop is a thug. Sworn to serve and protect!


I myself know a few good Sheriff's deputies and I love them. But maybe it's because the Sheriff is an elected position and so he (or she) will run their department a little differently than an appointed position (which is what I have been told the head HP is).


I was 19 when I learned that some cops harass and lie.

But I had no video evidence.


That it is plain as day for all to see the dangerous nature of this man's temper and yet no disciplinary action was dispensed scares me even more. He needs therapy. Could be PTSD from the war. This man is a danger to everyone he pulls over as well as to himself. Maybe someone should let him know that citizens carry weapons too.


Wonder if the ACLU is on this.....

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IIRC, I read that the cop is recently back from serving in Iraq and they're thinking he's having issues re-adjusting to life back home.


:001_huh: That's putting it mildly, I think?!? I'm in OK and hadn't seen this until just now and I'm flabbergasted. How sad to see the woman's family looking utterly confused with the situation!! And when the cop poked his head inside and said "Ma'am, we'll get you on your way in a few minutes." :confused: What?! A few minutes???? What???



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IIRC, I read that the cop is recently back from serving in Iraq and they're thinking he's having issues re-adjusting to life back home.





I saw it on the news this weekend. I really don't care if he is just home from Iraq. If anything, I'd just say he has no business being in that position, rather than feeling he needs to be given any kind of break for his horrible behavior just because he's just home from Iraq.

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That just breaks my heart. I feel so sorry for those poor people just trying to get 'Mama' to the hospital. I'm still not clear as to why the trooper was so angry. Why did he want the ambulance to stop in the first place? I thought that the family showed an incredible amount of restraint. I can see myself in the same situation with my husband in that ambulance. I would probably be so out of control I would have been hitting and screaming. :tongue_smilie:Just awful.

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That is just disturbing. He doesn't need to be in law enforcement. He obviously has anger issues that should disqualify him for the job. If my dh or older sons were trying to get one of us to the hospital in an ambulance, they would be working night and day after that incident to have this man relieved of his duties.

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Unfortunately, those types of incidents, while certainly NOT an everyday occurance, do happen more often than one might think. My partner and I were watching the news last shift when this story was on and he remarked that he could certainly see that happening where we work - and the sheriff is elected in the county in (and for) which I work. To say nothing of the various cities within the county.


The problem in my neck o' the woods is that the county deputies are woefully underpaid (especially compared to several of the cities in this area) and therefore don't always attract the best of the best, if you know what I mean.


I remember one incident where my partner and I were nearly arrested because we refused to transport a patient on our stretcher in a hog-tied position even though the police officer "demanded" we do so. This is against our policy and could harm the patient (extreme excitation associated with certain drug use). This officer assumed the standard "cop position" (i.e. he puffed himself up like a blow fish), got in our faces, and threatened to arrest us for [fill in the blank a$$inine reasons]. My partner and I looked at each other and I said, "Sgt. X, it's 3:00 in the afternoon. I get off work at 8:00 tomorrow morning. I'm perfectly content to park this ambulance on the side of the road until the patient is properly secured on the stretcher (which, by the by, included handcuffs attached to the stretcher rails). When does your shift end?"


Fortunately, saner heads prevailed and we transported the patient safely and securely. Stuff like this happen enough that it makes me detest my job sometimes.


Now, let me quickly say that not every police officer is like this. Most are very professional. And, yes, this particular cop ought to face some sort of disciplinary action beyond paid administrative leave. In Texas he could have been charged with official oppression and assault when he put his hands around the medic's neck.

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Why did he want the ambulance to stop in the first place? I thought that the family showed an incredible amount of restraint. I can see myself in the same situation with my husband in that ambulance. I would probably be so out of control I would have been hitting and screaming. :tongue_smilie:Just awful.


He was mad because the driver didn't pull over quick enough to let him pass. (But the cop did not have his siren on). He was on his way to backup other cops but when he got there he was not needed. That's when he went after the ambulance. I guess he was trying to impress his wife or intimidate her by showing his power, because she was in the car watching the whole thing.


In regards to your comment about if it were your husband - I wonder what would have happened if one of the family members DID make him stop harassing the drivers so the mom could get to the hospital. What if it had been a life or death situation and they lost precious seconds and the patient died?


'Cause I am thinking I would have shot him dead if I thought that his behavior would cost me my child's life. And then what? Now I am cop killer and I go to jail, but NOTHING happens to him. Our government officials are so out of control that it's dangerous.

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and I was originally horrified by this. However, there are some things that I did not know because they are not being reported.


1. The ambulance did not have its lights or siren going.


2. The police car was driving with its lights on.


3. The other EMT got back in the car when the police officer told him to.


4. The police officer needed to get control of a traffic stop.


How many times do we NOT hear of officers injured or see the dashboard camera shots of officers injured or even killed when they did not take control of a tracffic stop. You do not mess with officers when they have pulled you over. They are in a potentially very dangerous situation.


There are several minutes of video which are NOT being shown. This reminds me of the Rodney King situation. The people I know who saw the whole video say it gave a completely different picture of the situation than what was seen on TV.


I would wait until all the evidence is out there. The officer may have been in the wrong, but the EMT did not respond the way he should have. And again, traffic stops can be deadly for cops.

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Disgusting. My kids learned the hard way not to trust cops a few weeks ago. THey witnessed a cop beating a teen with a baton yelling at him to get up but cracking him in the back repeatedly so he couldn't. They were traumatized by it, ds has had several nightmares and both now believe cops are dangerous not safe.


The last time I was in an ambulance I was giving birth to a preemie. If a cop pulled us over and something happened to her I would be out for blood.


ETA the offence of the teen btw was that he threw a rock through a library window. My son witnessed it. The cops refused to talk to him about what he saw because he saw the violence they commited.(I was not with the kids, it was on one of my son's frequent trips to the library)

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and I was originally horrified by this. However, there are some things that I did not know because they are not being reported.


1. The ambulance did not have its lights or siren going.


2. The police car was driving with its lights on.


3. The other EMT got back in the car when the police officer told him to.


4. The police officer needed to get control of a traffic stop.


How many times do we NOT hear of officers injured or see the dashboard camera shots of officers injured or even killed when they did not take control of a tracffic stop. You do not mess with officers when they have pulled you over. They are in a potentially very dangerous situation.


There are several minutes of video which are NOT being shown. This reminds me of the Rodney King situation. The people I know who saw the whole video say it gave a completely different picture of the situation than what was seen on TV.


I would wait until all the evidence is out there. The officer may have been in the wrong, but the EMT did not respond the way he should have. And again, traffic stops can be deadly for cops.


I'm sorry. But I don't think you could give me any evidence that would justify his irrational behavior. There was a patient in the ambulance. PERIOD.

And if a cop is truly afraid of some EMTs (one of which calmly explained the situation of *a patient in the car*) then how good is that cop going to be against the real bad guys?


Even after the CALM and RATIONAL EMT in in charge explained the situation the cop still yelled and acted like an idiot. Maybe they don't teach them in cop school that acting like a prick and yelling at the top of your lungs is NOT the best way "to gain control" of a traffic stop. The only loss of control in this incident was the cop and his irrational belief that somehow he needed to punish the EMT because his ego was hurt.


The reason the cop was so mad is that the ambulance didn't get out of his way "fast enough" when he was trying to pass in order to go be backup for some other cops. When he realized that he wasn't needed, he turned around and went after the ambulance. I guess he couldn't harass anyone at the first stop so he needed to take out his aggression elsewhere.


Did you watch the whole video?


If cops can act like this then I believe we have too many of them with too much time on their hands and we need to let a few go! And he is the first!

Edited by Karen sn
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Disgusting. My kids learned the hard way not to trust cops a few weeks ago. THey witnessed a cop beating a teen with a baton yelling at him to get up but cracking him in the back repeatedly so he couldn't. They were traumatized by it, ds has had several nightmares and both now believe cops are dangerous not safe.


The last time I was in an ambulance I was giving birth to a preemie. If a cop pulled us over and something happened to her I would be out for blood.


ETA the offence of the teen btw was that he threw a rock through a library window. My son witnessed it. The cops refused to talk to him about what he saw because he saw the violence they commited.(I was not with the kids, it was on one of my son's frequent trips to the library)


So the kid was stupid and and needs some discipline, but I fail to see that spinal injury is a punishment that fits the crime.

Rage in cops should not all be tolerated. And if one ever does that to my kid - I will no longer follow the laws as well. Hammurabi's Code.....eye for an eye, baby!


Your poor kid! But better he know now.

I raised my dd to not trust the city cops at all because that is where I always have or see the problems. I tell her to find a Sheriff's Deputy if she ever needs help.


Bad cops get outed all the time and are still permitted to work. If they got fired, we'd get rid of some of the bad apples and then we'd have less people who hate cops. Because I do know that there are a few really good ones out there. It sucks that they suffer because of the idiots. If you can't handle the beat, get an office job!

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Wow, that has to be one of the craziest things I've ever seen. I wonder if the officer was made to watch it himself. He shouldn't have a job as a police officer, his first duty is to the welfare and protection of citizens, not his own ego.


If I was driving the ambulance I probably would have driven to the hospital and thanked the officer for the escort!:D

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and I was originally horrified by this. However, there are some things that I did not know because they are not being reported.


1. The ambulance did not have its lights or siren going.


2. The police car was driving with its lights on.


3. The other EMT got back in the car when the police officer told him to.


4. The police officer needed to get control of a traffic stop.


How many times do we NOT hear of officers injured or see the dashboard camera shots of officers injured or even killed when they did not take control of a tracffic stop. You do not mess with officers when they have pulled you over. They are in a potentially very dangerous situation.


There are several minutes of video which are NOT being shown. This reminds me of the Rodney King situation. The people I know who saw the whole video say it gave a completely different picture of the situation than what was seen on TV.


I would wait until all the evidence is out there. The officer may have been in the wrong, but the EMT did not respond the way he should have. And again, traffic stops can be deadly for cops.


I don't think there would be a thing in the other minutes of video that would justify the ridiculous, violent behavior that was on that video. No. That cop was wrong.

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If it was my mother, I would have simply removed her from the ambulance and drove her to the hospital myself. Even better, I would have called 911 and had them send another ambulance out.


It was completely uncalled for. Did the ambulance driver even see the police car? It was so close behind I wonder if it was in a blind spot.


I know many good, honest police officers. I feel so sorry that this man represents them.

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