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I have ruined my dd

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When we clean the bathrooms, I clean the tub, my 8yo cleans the toilet, and the 4yo cleans the sink. We normally do this Mondays, but this week the house cleaning is going to have to wait until Thursday.


This afternoon, my dd8 called to me from upstairs, "Is it okay if I clean the toilets? I know they haven't been cleaned yet, and I just can't stand it anymore. I don't like knowing they are dirty."




After she was done, I just had to laugh and shake my head. Poor child is now ruined - she can't tolerate a dirty toilet. Now if only I could get one of my kids to feel that way about the vacuum ....

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Can I have that child? Mine go into the bathroom, look at the toilet, and say "It's not dirty yet, we don't have to clean it today." Meanwhile, it is dirty, but they have chosen not to see it.


My youngest is good. He's 20 months. He cleans everything. But he will wipe the kitchen floor with the dishcloth if someone leaves it where he can reach it. He's also the only member of the family (other than myself) that knows clothes go in the hamper, not the floor. Sadly he keeps taking my clean panties out of my drawer and throwing them in the hamper. Then I when I need them, there aren't any.

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When we clean the bathrooms, I clean the tub, my 8yo cleans the toilet, and the 4yo cleans the sink. We normally do this Mondays, but this week the house cleaning is going to have to wait until Thursday.


This afternoon, my dd8 called to me from upstairs, "Is it okay if I clean the toilets? I know they haven't been cleaned yet, and I just can't stand it anymore. I don't like knowing they are dirty."




After she was done, I just had to laugh and shake my head. Poor child is now ruined - she can't tolerate a dirty toilet. Now if only I could get one of my kids to feel that way about the vacuum ....


Well, I'm sending mine right over for a proper ruining! :lol:

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I'll make you a deal. I send you my kids to ruin about toilets, and you send me yours to ruin about vacuuming, k? I have three kids that LOVE to vacuum. The Littles fight over it, with Diva pulling the "I'm the oldest, so THERE!" card to trump over them.

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Suhweet. Diva likes mopping. Tazzie LOVES to wipe cupboards and walls! He says its like playing a video game, and he's getting the bad guys! He makes all these weird noises, and "I got you! Ha ha bad guy! Gotcha!" and before I know it, all the cupboards are clean, and he's moved onto the walls :lol:

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