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What - other than Apologia - have you used & like for high school Chemistry?

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For a bright, but not sciency kid who's taken bio in 9th and environmental science in 10th. (He'll do physics in 12th.)


We used Miller/Levine for Bio and it was a good fit. I haven't settled on anything for Chemistry, so I'm looking for suggestions!


We need labs, but they don't have to be integrated with the text. (I'm thinking the micro-chem kit from Home Training Tools).




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My oldest two teens took a home school chemistry class taught by another mom and she used A Beka. I know Apologia is really popular in homeschool circles but there are places like University of CA that will not accept it as credit worthy for high school. I've heard that in several places. Now the schools we applied to never asked what texts we used for the courses listed in the transcript but then we only applied to private schools we knew were homeschool friendly. But anyway, hearing that about the CA university system gave me pause when looking at science curricula.

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"The Spectrum" chemistry from Beginnings Publishing. My husband (who began university life for two years as a chemistry major) thinks it sufficient background for entering college chemistry. He was teaching this program to our (now in college) "nothing-but-history !" son, who did quite well with it.

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"The Spectrum" chemistry from Beginnings Publishing. My husband (who began university life for two years as a chemistry major) thinks it sufficient background for entering college chemistry. He was teaching this program to our (now in college) "nothing-but-history !" son, who did quite well with it.


I'm thinking of using this, too.


There are a couple more we've used for a nonsciency dd:

- Friendly Chemistry (textbook & games, probably best with a co-op but we used it on one kid)

- Experiences in Chemistry (complete year's lab)

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Everyone I know is using Apologia... but then again, we're on the east coast and no one I know is even considering CA schools. If I recall the deal with CA, they had more of an issue that the author is a creationist than with the actual Chem content...


No school we've looked at (from Va Tech to Penn State, then some Christian ones) have had issues with using Apologia. I think it's mainly a CA problem. No student I know that's used Apologia then went on to college has had a problem. Some - esp Bio - have told me (or their parents) that they were far better prepared than their peers. Therefore, I haven't even looked at other possibilities... so, sorry, but I can't help - just explaining based on your 2nd question.

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We were very happy with Spectrum Chemistry as well. DH has a science/medicine background and prefers this program to other known homeschool chemistry texts.


The labs are *fantastic*!


Our dd just completed this, in fact, and I just posted it on the sale board . . . only because our next one is only 3. ;)

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For a bright, but not sciency kid who's taken bio in 9th and environmental science in 10th. (He'll do physics in 12th.)


We used Miller/Levine for Bio and it was a good fit. I haven't settled on anything for Chemistry, so I'm looking for suggestions!


We need labs, but they don't have to be integrated with the text. (I'm thinking the micro-chem kit from Home Training Tools).






If our twins do not take their sciences at local jr college... for chemistry they are going to uses Suchocky Conceptual Chemistry.

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Momof7 - is it possible to get the kolbe answer key without signing up through them for the course?


I've been thinking about using PH, but I just can't see doing this course without some kind of an answer key.


It looks like it. I know you have to be enrolled in order to get the solutions manual to Kinetic conceptual physics, but chemistry can be ordered by itself.



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Thanks everyone, for your ideas! I have a 2nd edition of Conceptual Chemistry, and I may go with that, along with the Teaching Company videos for hs chem from Netflix. But whenever I sit down to schedule it, I keep thinking the text feels too light. I'll take another look at the PH Chemistry.


Thanks again,


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Thanks for this tip Blue Hen! I have heard from science people that Apologia is not the best for college prep. He recommended BJU. My oldest loved BJU Biology, but I have no personal experience with the BJU Chemistry. My youngest found the BJU Biology very dry for him. So, I am still trying to decide what to do.


I live in a university town, and there is a chem professor on campus that wants to do labs with the high school homeschoolers for FREE, but my youngest hasn't had Algebra I yet. I might have my oldest participate though OR hope he delays chem for one year!

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We just finished the course and it was wonderful. (Note I just posted our set for sale on the For Sale Board set includes Student Text, TM, Bridge Math and Bridge math answer guide) I took Chemistry in highschool andn was lost by the third week. With Dr. Dobbins text I really understood the material.


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