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Cat birth

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Guest Katia

How precious! Thank you for posting these. My cats are all fixed, but we love all four of them to pieces.....and if we had more room, I would have more as well. :001_smile: So, yeah, I would keep all the kittens, too.


Crazy Cat Lady is a myth I tell you.....a myth. ;)

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How wonderful for your kids!


We let one of our cats have a litter before fixing her so our kids would have the opportunity to see a birth. However, the cat had different ideas. She chose to give birth inside our dog's kennel, which we kept in a corner and covered to make it more den-like, so we couldn't really see anything. She also didn't help the first kitten out of the sack and it died. We (the parents) watched closely after that to make sure she helped the next three. We wonder if something was wrong with the first one and she knew it somehow.

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(all the animal births I've witnessed were full of gutteral grunting and pitiful yeowling)


Congrats! What'd the kids think of the afterbirth scene? That's where my dcs moved away quickly, lol.


lol. They did not have a strong reaction. My middle one said, "What is she doing?" and we talked about how cats eat the bag and sever the cord. They thought it was amazing that our cat just knew how to be a mommy and knew exactly what to do. This led to a wonderful conversations about God, instincts, and the chemical difference between males and females of all species.

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lol. They did not have a strong reaction. My middle one said, "What is she doing?" and we talked about how cats eat the bag and sever the cord. They thought it was amazing that our cat just knew how to be a mommy and knew exactly what to do. This led to a wonderful conversations about God, instincts, and the chemical difference between males and females of all species.

Lol, my ds almost tossed his cookies. The older dcs both said, "Mom stop her, oh!!! Gross!!!" This spurred a discussion from my dad about some families that eat the placenta, and then I almost lost my cookies. Have to love those family education moments ;)

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Our kittens are now about 9 weeks old...soooooo cute.



I, like you, expected the momma kitty to go off somewhere dark. But she, like your kitty, meowed around us constantly until we figured out she wanted to sit in the box *with one of us in attendance*. In fact, she even had one person she preferred above all others. Seriously, every time my daughter tried to get up from her box-side chair, the cat got out of her box and rubbed against Sophia's legs, meowing pitifully. We didn't know cats liked mid-wives!

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Our kittens are now about 9 weeks old...soooooo cute.



I, like you, expected the momma kitty to go off somewhere dark. But she, like your kitty, meowed around us constantly until we figured out she wanted to sit in the box *with one of us in attendance*. In fact, she even had one person she preferred above all others. Seriously, every time my daughter tried to get up from her box-side chair, the cat got out of her box and rubbed against Sophia's legs, meowing pitifully. We didn't know cats liked mid-wives!


They sure do! We had a cat that would not let my mom out of her sight until the last kitten was born. :lol:

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