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Daily Exercise or every other day?

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This question came up recently and I honestly dont know what to think.


SHould I workout daily or every other day?


Just last month (May) A nutritionist and a massage therapist told me to exercise every other day to allow my body time to recover and to process the lactic acid and prevent inflammation/fluid retention. Sounds reasonable.


This week, a nutritionist said to workout everyday and drink more water to "flush the system". She said this would keep the metabolism up better.


Which is right? Generally I do workout everyday, but not the same routine. For example:


M- 3 mile Walk Away the Pounds Power Walk

T - pilates dvd

Wed - a different Walk Away the Pounds (2 or 3 mile walk with weights)

Thurs - bike

Friday - Power Pilates with weights

Sat - something - bike, dvd, walk, balance ball dvd, etc

Sun - something - bike, walk, etc.


This is just a rough idea. Generally, I do whatever my body needs. If I am stiff, I do something geared more toward range of motion. If I am sluggish, I do more aerobics. If I am trying to de-stress, I do heavier aerobics. What I do just depends on how I feel, weather, etc. But, I do something every day for at least 30 - 45 min.


One "expert" said not to do this. Another said this was fine. Both said to increase workout to 60 min. Sorry, cant do that on a regular basis due to time constraints.


Any thoughts??

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Every single PT that I have every worked out with plus all the health magazines that I have read always say the same thing. It is ok to do cardio every day. Cardio is exercising your heart and it is good to exercise your heart everyday. If you have concerns about going overboard you can use periodically check your heart rate while you work out to stay within your target range. Personally, I found it easier to wear a heart rate monitor.


For weight training the goal is to break the muscle down so it rebuilds itself. Your muscles need to rest at least 24 hours to rebuild so weight training should not be done every day with the same muscle group. I weight train on back to back days but work out different muscle groups.

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Unless there is a medical reason why you shouldn't workout daily and it's something you enjoy doing I'd stick with the schedule that works for you.


I run every other day and do cross training of weights, intervals, jillian michaels workout video every other day. I plan to work out 7 days a week but most times I take a day off for one reason or another and someweeks 2 days and just go on from there.

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According to all that I have read, it says not to to muscle building/weight training type exercise on the same body parts two days in a row to skip a day. So I would really think that advice is pretty sound, unless of course you are body building or following some sort of medical program etc.


According to the government we should do 1 to 1 1/2 hours of moderate intense exercise daily. I assume it means cardio? So I am questioning if my hour walk a day is enough. I just ordered a pedometer so I can count my daily steps. I personally do not believe 10,000 is enough for weightloss, so I plan to aim for 15,000-20,000. Just because I walk does not mean that I don't sit too much.


I see nothing wrong with your schedule.

I would think pilates and yoga type exercises are ok for daily as long as weights are not involved. I do know some say do pilates daily, some say every other day.

I am interested in The Core Program, an it says 15 minutes a day 5 days a week. I wish there was a video with the book.


When it comes to exercise there are so many different reccomendations. I think you should go with what you feel and think you need.

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Both said to increase workout to 60 min. Sorry, cant do that on a regular basis due to time constraints.


Any thoughts??



I forgot to add that if you are short on time for your workout then you can burn more calories by adding intervals to your cardio. Intervals are so easy to do and you can do them with any cardio exercise. They will help you to burn more calories and will increase your aerobic capacity in less time.


Start with a warm up then once you are at your normal pace increase your intensity for a minute. After the minute return to your normal pace for 2-3 minutes. Next repeat with another interval set.


Here is an article that expains it a little better:



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One reason not to do exercise everyday is to avoid repetitive use injury, but your workout plan is varied. I run 4 times a week, and I do yoga 2 to 3 times a week, plus some pilates and weights on running days. You want to avoid injury. Weights should not be done daily, unless you are switching which muscles you're working on. I think it's because your muscles need the rest in order to build.

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I think if one is mostly sedentary the other days, that every other day is not enough.


I think one day of rest a week is recommended. Even then, if I would take a stroll with my kids on the 7th day, I wouldn't count that as a workout, kwim?


Even doctors recommend that you do something aerobic for 30 minutes, most days of the week. Not to say I do that enough, lol, but that is the ideal and I don't think it is necessary at all to completely take off every other day.

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Every single PT that I have every worked out with plus all the health magazines that I have read always say the same thing. It is ok to do cardio every day. Cardio is exercising your heart and it is good to exercise your heart everyday. If you have concerns about going overboard you can use periodically check your heart rate while you work out to stay within your target range. Personally, I found it easier to wear a heart rate monitor.


For weight training the goal is to break the muscle down so it rebuilds itself. Your muscles need to rest at least 24 hours to rebuild so weight training should not be done every day with the same muscle group. I weight train on back to back days but work out different muscle groups.



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