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New Puppy Owner + Dog vomit = no sleep. Need advice!

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OK, Hive -


I don't think I should worry. But what do YOU Think?


Brand new, 7 week old puppy came home Saturday afternoon. Doing great, so far.


Tonight (last night? Sunday night. Whatever.) We had company over. DD16 fed puppy her evening meal - this was her third meal of the day. (Same food her previous family gave her, btw) Shortly thereafter, the kids all were visiting with her. She threw up, mostly undigested food. I was pretty unconcerned - it was undigested, I figured it was excitement, plus having 3 meals/day when she had previously only had 2.


Dd just woke me up (she was on evening puppy duty). She said puppy was heaving in her crate, and again outside when she took her for a walk. Sure enough, there was a small pile of dog vomit in her crate. I cleaned it up, now we're wondering what to do. She's acting fine - happy, a little sleepy but interested in us, her eyes look ok.


We pulled her water up by 8 pm. Should we give her a drink?


Is this normal? Strange? Could she have eaten something - a piece of grass outside (although she was an outside dog before), a piece of yarn from her chew toy - that's causing problems? Is this even worth a vet call in the morning? (She's not seen our own vet yet)


Who wants to chime in?

Edited by HeatherH
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Well, I'm usually a wait-and-see type. I don't rush off to the vet for much. However, since you have not had this pup to the vet yet, why not call? I always take a new pup in for an initial evaluation to check for congenital defects and overall health within a couple of days of getting him/her. ( After that, I give my own shots do my own routine care, farmer you know.)


If it were me and the pup had already been to the vet for a first visit...I would wait and see how she did tomorrow. One more vomit and off she goes. She could have gotten into something, you never know. I'm sure she is fine though. Puppies do throw up, sometimes just from eating too fast. Those whole, undigested bits of kibble are familiar to me.

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Well, I'm usually a wait-and-see type. I don't rush off to the vet for much. However, since you have not had this pup to the vet yet, why not call? I always take a new pup in for an initial evaluation to check for congenital defects and overall health within a couple of days of getting him/her. ( After that, I give my own shots do my own routine care, farmer you know.)


If it were me and the pup had already been to the vet for a first visit...I would wait and see how she did tomorrow. One more vomit and off she goes. She could have gotten into something, you never know. I'm sure she is fine though. Puppies do throw up, sometimes just from eating too fast. Those whole, undigested bits of kibble are familiar to me.

I would also say go ahead and take her to the vet for an initial checkup. It is fairly common for a pup to throw up undigested food if they become excited and going to a new home is exciting. It's great that you are feeding the pup the same food as before.

Well my pup is asking to go out so I need to take her for a walk.

Keep us posted.


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It probably is just the excitement of the weekend. A positive stress is still a stress.

What kind of dog is she? Why did you put her up to 3 meals per day?

Has she had shots? When? What about wormer?




Is she still vomiting all night/ this morning? Is there a smell?


If she's fine this morning, don't worry about it. Of course, you should be doing the new puppy vet visit anyway. But if she's not fine this morning, see if your vet will see her ASAP (and PUSH fluids in the meantime...EVERY hour, use a syringe or whatever it takes, but get water into her). They can give her something to calm her stomach and a bland diet. And they'll check for anything big (the reason you're pushing the water).


Hopefully she's feeling better this morning.

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First and foremost - IS THIS THE FOOD THE PUPPY IS USED TO, OR IS IT NEW? If the puppy is eating a new brand of food, then a period of adjustment is to be expected.


Puppy has just experienced some major upheaval in his/her life, and these momentous events are ongoing, at leas from his/her perspective. Put yourself in his/her paws for a few moments, and you'll see why s/he is so overwhelmed.


Chances are very good that the puppy just needs a calmer life for a while. Keep the household calm. Walk the puppy in a quiet place without other animals or rambunctious kids. Cuddle the puppy. Feed the puppy frequent, small meals. Give the puppy food and water separately. (Take the water away at meal time, bring it back a half hour after the meal.)


Vets are great when the puppy's truly ill. When the puppy isn't truly ill, they tend to suggest expensive treatments, food, toys etc., and they perform interventions that make the puppy ill. Besides, going to the vet's office is exciting and stressful in itself.


Remember that just about anything will bump the puppy's temperature up a bit. So don't panic unless the puppy's temperature is really high, or it stays moderately elevated for 12+ hours.

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Well, good morning!


Puppy is fine and raring to go this morning! I took her out at 4 am to go, she had normal feces, and she slept until 6. She is frisky and happy :) We're about to give her some of her puppy food, so we'll see how that goes.


Thanks for the reminder, though - even though she had her 6 week shots, I do need to take her in for her first "check". I'll let you know if anything comes "up" later in the day!


To answer a few questions: she's half-Golden Retriever, 7 weeks old, has NOT had a de-wormer. We've got a cute picture, I'm hoping to post later today.


Thank you SO much, everyone!

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Yup, she's eaten breakfast 2 hours ago, and so far nothing has "come up".


She's quite bit friskier this morning, too!


It is funny how much this reminds me of having a newborn :)


Oh, and one more thing. She's had only 1 accident in the house, and that was the very first hour we brought her home. So far, she's gone when we've taken her outside. This morning, she even went to the door and started sniffing and whining a bit - and sure enough, had to go poo.


It couldn't be this easy, right?

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