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Ukraine Parliament may place a moratorium on international adoption - PLEASE PRAY

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The Rada is meeting on June 2nd (7 hours ahead of EST) to consider a bill that would put a halt on all international adoptions. There is even talk that parents who are IN Ukraine right now could be sent home without their children. Please join me in praying that this bill would NOT pass AND that the Lord would make the way clear for us to adopt Katya this summer. Thanks!!!

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Thanks for joining me in prayer! Here's the official statement:



"The Bill (Reg.№4313) envisages the prohibition of the adoption of Ukrainian children by the foreigners that do not have officially registered marriage in Ukraine, are citizen and constantly live in countries Ukraine do not have bilateral contracts on cooperation on adoption matters.


The Members of the Committee deem that the elaboration of the bill is caused by the lack of the effective mechanism of the state control for the abidance of the rights of Ukrainian children, adopted by foreigners."




There's a lot more that I'm reading between the lines related to their economy, the "saving face" mindset, and the reality that there really are problems with the adoption system in Ukraine.


I will post here and on my blog as soon as I hear something. I don't know when I will hear an "official" report, but hopefully it will be on the 2nd.

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Cindy -


I was just talking to my husband about your adoption and praying for you before I got on the computer tonight.


My heart aches for you and I will certainly step up my prayers for you and your family.


Please keep us updated.

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The Rada is meeting on June 2nd (7 hours ahead of EST) to consider a bill that would put a halt on all international adoptions. There is even talk that parents who are IN Ukraine right now could be sent home without their children. Please join me in praying that this bill would NOT pass AND that the Lord would make the way clear for us to adopt Katya this summer. Thanks!!!


oh my goodness...are you being tested or WHAT>???


More prayers to you & all involved. Keep us updated!

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You know, we've had hard things in life - miscarriages, hard stuff with church, giving birth to 6 kiddoes, etc - but nothing has broken me like this adoption process - and we're not done! The home study and the dossier were a piece of cake compared to what we've dealt with since then! There are definitely times when I just want to "go fetal," suck my thumb for awhile, and curl up with a blankie. But there's a husband to love, six children to care for, and always laundry to do ... I remember when I was pregnant with our second. I had already had two miscarriages and this pregnancy was not going well - intense bleeding/cramping all the way through week 14. When I was having an ultrasound with the last bleeding episode, I asked the Lord to just let me go ahead and miscarry if I was going to lose the baby. At times I've felt like this with the adoption process, but that's my pain talking. There's a little girl on the other end who needs a family. If I had lost my daughter to miscarriage, I'm confident she would have flown straight to the arms of Jesus. But, this little girl is stuck in an orphanage and although it is REALLY hard at times, we won't shrink back. We will keep praying, keep persevering, and keep asking as many folks as we possibly can to pray with us.


BTW, after that last bleeding episode, I contracted bronchitis and coughed for the entire second semester. B/c of the coughing, my water broke at 31 1/2 weeks and then Grace was born one week later - 4 lb. 4 oz. The pregnancy was hard, but the outcome was definitely worth it. Our Grace truly is a grace and I'm hopeful that one day I'll have a story of faith, hope, and love to share of how the Lord brought Katya into our family.


Thanks for your prayers!

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Thanks Tammy! Yes, do be praying for all the little ones. There is even talk that families who are currently IN Ukraine right now adopting children could be sent home without their children. I can't imagine this would happen, but I never would have imagined that we would personally face so many roadblocks either. Today is a day of fasting and prayer.

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Cindy--I'll be praying! There has to be a better way than to shut down international adoption!


In Guatemala they have done this and it is very chaotic. It's been a problem for the orphanages who are full and the children's homes who depend on adoption money to help pay for expenses because now the money has dried up. It's a real problem.


Just a question, if you are at a certain place in your adoption, will they grandfather those families in, or is it just done for everyone?

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Thanks TeacherZee! Dayle, it's VERY hard to get a definitive answer from the scanty reports that are coming out. Some people are VERY worried and say that it could take effect immediately causing families who are currently in Ukraine adopting to have to come home without their children. Others say that there is NO WAY this is going to pass, and even if it does, it won't take effect for several months. Still others say that even if the Rada passes it, the President will surely veto it.


I do know that there economy is in absolute shambles and while they need the money that adoption brings, they also have such a strong value of "saving face." Is this true in Guatemala as well?

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Thanks TeacherZee! Dayle, it's VERY hard to get a definitive answer from the scanty reports that are coming out. Some people are VERY worried and say that it could take effect immediately causing families who are currently in Ukraine adopting to have to come home without their children. Others say that there is NO WAY this is going to pass, and even if it does, it won't take effect for several months. Still others say that even if the Rada passes it, the President will surely veto it.


I do know that there economy is in absolute shambles and while they need the money that adoption brings, they also have such a strong value of "saving face." Is this true in Guatemala as well?



I don't think it's about "saving face". I think it's about trying to clean up a hopelessly broken system and, as is usual here, they didn't think it through before they just shut everything down. It's been tough. I'm praying that all goes well in the Ukraine though, I hope they find a way to deal with corruption without hurting the children in the process.

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Possibility of GOOD news!


This is from an adoption board that I frequent:


"I just received word from Ukraine that RADA is NOT voting to ban international

adoption tomorrow, as was scheduled!


It does not appear on RADA's calendar, so we don't know if it's postponed or

dead. I did learn that there are several other bills being introduced regarding

international adoption, but none sound like they will completely ban IA."


I'm hesitant to celebrate yet, and have posted asking for the source of this news, but I am encouraged. I have been to the RADA website and can't find anything on the schedule for tomorrow either. While I'm not celebrating, I am hopeful AND am continuing to pray. I'll let you know when I hear something more definite.

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