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Would you do latin if your child wouldn't get credit?

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I've just found out that our province has ruled that you can only get credit for languages that are available at one of the public schools. There is an extensive list of languages but no latin or greek(ancient or modern). I'm thinking that it would be wise to ensure that my dd will eventually get credit for her second language studies. To that end I'm toying with the idea of having french be primary and doing latin as a secondary pursuit, maybe getting finished the beginning levels but not going on to Henlesque level.


What do you think? Input needed please.:D


BTW I would probably do rosetta stone for french when I do it.

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My kids are too young to get any sort of credit for Latin. It doesn't count until they are older (high school.) And we do Latin - we will do Greek later then Spanish (or other language for credit.) Learning Latin will help with other languages later too.


I don't have them study Latin for credit but for their brains. So no matter what we'd study Latin.


Is another language required at the age your kids are now? If so, I would do like you suggested and do as a secondary. to French. If it's not required until later, I would study Latin now and French later while keeping up Latin as secondary later.

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I haven't even considered the question of credit, so I guess my answer would be, "yes."

Edited by nmoira
silly typo
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Funny you brought this up. A gf in another state mentioned her state will not count latin as a foreign language credit or as an english credit (thinking total language here). Her dc are required to have 2 foreign language credits. She is trying to decide if she will have time in her day to teach latin in 9th and 10th prior to her approved foreign language credit. She wants to do just that, but her day is filling up fast with all the other subjects plus the sports activities and all the other required electives (art, music, health, computer, etc). Tough choice to make. But, dont make yourself crazy trying to fit all the non required courses.

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Okay, now I'm unsure of my source. My facilitator (supervising teacher) said that no ancient languages would have credit. She did say that it was recent and one of the documents sited by a pp was for fall 2008. Anyhow, I have a while until I get there, I just don't want to limit their choices by enforcing latin at the moment.


I think I'll try and do both. Possibly French orally and latin written. I just don't think I can do two full programs with my disposition. We limped through latin this year (we're changing programs for more teacher support) and some of our other subjects weren't exactly stellar in their implementation. I just don't want to get stuck doing too much and fail at everything.;)


Thanks for your input.

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