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So my 4 y/o called 911 this morning...

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I was in the shower and dh dozing in bed. The kids had been playing for a long time already...when my dd comes to tell me her brother is being mean. I told her to go play by herself until I could get dressed. Next thing I know dh is throwing open the door to tell me dd had called 911 to 'arrest her brother'.




It's going to be one of those day I think :p

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I know it's not "funny" when it happens. Believe me, my most of my kids have called 911 at some point just "playing" w/ the phone. But to actually call to have her brother "arrested"...THAT is just too funny! Hey, at least she knows what 911 is for! Hope your day only goes UP from here!

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I had to laugh as well. Long ago, my husband programmed a phone with 911. This was way before anyone mentioned staying on the line to let 911 know you are just setting a number. With 3 hang up calls from our address the police were there in a jiffy. I couldn't stop laughing at him for days.

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...to the best of us. ;-)


I think my dear little one was calling about a sibling too, if I remember correctly.:eek:


But the big policemen sternly telling her it was innappropriate made an impression, I guess. Now she knows it's for TRUE emergencies.


I was horrified...but *now* I can laugh, lol.

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...to the best of us. ;-)


I think my dear little one was calling about a sibling too, if I remember correctly.:eek:


But the big policemen sternly telling her it was innappropriate made an impression, I guess. Now she knows it's for TRUE emergencies.


I was horrified...but *now* I can laugh, lol.


I wonder if the stern policeman secretly thought it was funny;) Of course, they could never let you know...

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when she was 3 she unlocked the doors and went looking for me. dh was in the shower and I was gone for the day already. dh comes downstairs wet from the shower to find the front door open and the police standing there with my 3 y/o dd in her pj's.


it was so scary. and yes, we got several visits from social services.


Dh just seems to bring out the 'best' in her ;)

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I know it's not "funny" when it happens. Believe me, my most of my kids have called 911 at some point just "playing" w/ the phone. But to actually call to have her brother "arrested"...THAT is just too funny! Hey, at least she knows what 911 is for! Hope your day only goes UP from here!


of the day goes better...but thanks for the laugh.

I wonder if you could call to have your dc arrested now and then. Would be nice if they actually came and picked them up...just for a while. :D

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