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Grey's Anatomy question

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George was nicknamed 007 after he almost killed a patient during a surgery near the beginning, it was during an appendectomy and he broke the internal sutures pulling too hard. They all called him (007) joke being "license to kill" so thats what he used to tell meredith it was him.


At first I didn't get it either, then had to jog my memory! :001_smile:

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Did you guys hear that TR Knight was not coming back? I thought I had heard that somewhere...And they certainly alluded to it on the show. What about Katherine Heigl?


I heard that both of them were leaving so I was expecting that Izzy would die and then when George joined the Army, I thought that explained him. I was totally shocked by what happened there. As far as I know, no one else is leaving.

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They have until June to decide about TR Knight. He's had very little to do on the show this season, allegedly because he and the head writer/creator have inter-personal struggles.


Last season Heigl complained about lame storylines and writing for her, and said she wanted to be let go from the show. She recanted that later, but I wonder if she's getting her wish.

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TR Knight is definitely gone. Apparently it was a mutual decision.


Not sure about Katherine Heigl. First she was definitely going, then she and the Producer both said she will be back next season. That ending made me think that maybe they left it open, just in case....

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My thought on having George so horribly disfigured is that they can replace him with another actor should they choose to bring him back.


I thought of that too, even if for just a short while. They said something about his arm being too far gone, so maybe if he was in a long recovery and no arm, he couldn't practice medicine and would leave the hospital. That would enable them to not kill off two characters at once.

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There was a leak earlier this year about TR Knight. They wanted to kill him of, but were worried about how that would go over with fans. They thought it might be too cruel, as he's a character many people (who don't have to work with him) like.


I think the idea of him dying to save another person's life kind of protects them from backlash.

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