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Everything posted by Stacie

  1. I've seen some people who use it as a vanity signature, ie "look at me-I'm important enough to have a smart phone." :001_rolleyes: I deleted my auto signature as soon as possible. As for typing it on the phone vs. laptop, I use my phone for most email messages now. It's easier, always with me, and keeps me from getting stuck on the computer for way too long...like now. :D
  2. This website has some good information on flushes, supplements, diets, etc.
  3. We have separate accounts. I don't know his password, he doesn't have mine. We have no secrets, but I just don't like others speaking for me, nor does he. I will send an email, a text, or return a call if he asks me to. As for the op's situation, this sounds like sibling dynamics as it's best. :D If your dh wants direct communication with his brother he needs to find an acceptable workaround.
  4. We do sometimes like Pawn Stars and learn a lot of interesting facts. Rick seems like a very bright and knowledgable person. But for the life of me I can't see the logical connection of Larry the Cable Guy and the History Channel. Ugh!!
  5. When you choose a brand or camera line, you should plan to stick with it. Lenses are not typically compatible from one brand to another. Try the cameras "on" first. One may not feel as comfortable in your hand as another. Once you find a line you like, start with an entry level model. You'll upgrade the camera body frequently, but your big investment will be in your lenses. Buy a good lens. They make a huge difference in the camera experience. There are many, many different websites with good information. Frequent them and ask questions as you need. I like the forums at dpreview.com for information on cameras and lenses, and read the book Understanding Exposure by Bryan Peterson. It's a great place to start! Good luck with your endeavor!!
  6. Grandpa's car is called a Beamer, but not because of the sound it makes when you hit it with your bat. :svengo: Honey is not a finger food. Your future is not in the circus...move the stepladder away from the clothesline...put away the umbrella...the line is not sturdy enough to practice your "act"...your younger brother standing underneath you with Daddy's fish dipping net is not enough to safely break your fall... Your underwear should not be used to store office supplies, especially staples and paperclips...and probably rubber bands too. My day-to-day life makes Irma Bombeck look like an amateur.
  7. Prayers, positive uplifting thoughts, and hugs coming your way.
  8. That's perfectly fine! The wax story is one of my all time favorites. We should have a sticky thread for these stories, so when we're having one of those days we can find it quickly!! I missed the leather couch story too. Now I'm waiting patiently on kalanamak to enlighten us. :toetap05:
  9. Thanks Ibbygirl. I'm so exhausted from taking care of the little ones and now the big two are running a fever. I brought the whiteboard we use for school (which isn't getting done now) and now use it to chart who is getting which medicine when. I'm too tired to remember! I suspect she took the job for the income, but either couldn't or wouldn't pay for childcare. I have no basis for this, but my gut tells me that she needs it which was where my guilt was coming from. :001_unsure: My dh tells me I'm a magnet for weird people and strange situations. I could keep you entertained with my encounters, that's for sure!! :lol: I worry about that too, but I really doubt it's the case. I imagine her dh was home to watch them. If having someone watch them during the class was temporary, the other moms and I could have worked with her. It's too bad she chose to do it in such an underhanded and dishonest manner.
  10. I had no idea this would be bumped back...I've been dealing with flu kids and didn't get online. Sorry!! :) The director subbed for her on Monday and on Wednesday there was a new coach. :D The odd thing is that she brought her oldest child, the only one old enough to participate in the class, and she sat in the room with the other parents alone. She didn't bring her other kids either day. :001_huh: You'd think if she can find a sitter to watch while she sat there as an observer she'd be able to find one so she could coach. :confused: Maybe she just didn't want to coach and didn't know how to say no, so she managed to get herself fired. She's much too complex for me to spend time trying to evaluate. I'm just glad she's not coaching anymore!
  11. Beautiful!! Thanks for sharing and blessings on your new marriage.
  12. There should be a switch on the side of your ceiling fans that can reverse the direction the blades spin. I switch them to blow the air up, which moves the dust. I also keep a hepa filter in the house, and will use my hair dryer on the ceiling, with the air filter nearby. I live in a high humidity, warm climate too and have two boys with bad allergies and one with asthma. It's a must-do for us!! :grouphug:
  13. They've gotten rid of their subscribe and save program for most of the k-cups. :glare: They used to be the best deal but between their huge price increases and not offering a subscriber discount any longer, I've been buying from Coffee Cow. There's a new customer discount of 20%, but I don't have the code handy. ETA: The code is new2cow. Please send an email to Amazon requesting they put the subscibe program back for the k-cups. They're probably tired of hearing from just me everyday!
  14. Yes, the truth is stranger than fiction... Monday I sat alone as the coach runs into the room in a hurry as usual. She finds (probably premeditated) a poor victim mom sitting alone reading, and whispers something to her. The lady nods sweetly and the three kids are shooed to her. :lol: The kids tried to come to me a couple of times but I just ran them back to the lady, who smiles sheepishly and said their sitter backed out at the last minute so they're supposed to be sitting with her. :svengo:Then she took them out to the playground. Today I was in the very back corner visiting with the director. The coach runs in and without a word shoos the kids to the same lady, who looked quite stunned. I laughed, pointed it out to the director, and told her what happened on Monday. She turned a pretty shade of purple, walked over to talk to the victim, and then took off to the back. About 15 minutes later the coach walked out, picked up her kids and left. If I were a betting person I'd put all my money on having a new coach next week... :leaving:
  15. If it takes the path of the iPhone and iPod, yes. The current model will drop in price and the new model will take its place. There will probably be only one of the first version available (storage size) or maybe two (one with wifi only and one with 3g). All this is speculation though...only Apple knows and they don't share until the moment of announcement. ETA: Here's a link to a forum for news, rumors, and speculation for iPad. It's a techie site that a few of my friends frequent.
  16. Someone on my friends list posted pics recently of their son's first birthday party at, you guessed it, Hooters. At one year old, my still nursing boys would get very confused with a birthday party there thinking I'd brought them to a buffet. :)
  17. It's likely nothing personal against you or her schooling. So many times we see something terrible happen to a teenager and everyone and his brother wonder if there was any sign. This is the doctor's way of screening for any possible negative behavior. Smile, and preplan for your younger daughter's questioning by talking with her doctor about her unpredictability based on her RAD diagnosis. No need to be blindsided or blindside someone else in the next few years.
  18. Do you know anyone who uses the curriuclum you wish you could? I buy new curriculum each year, but we plan for it by saving each month. I don't want to get rid of it between kids and rebuy, so I keep it and only rebuy the consumables. Instead of storing years worth, I loan it to very trustworthy friends. I don't charge for it, but do get them to promise to return or replace it if it gets damaged beyond use. It's worth it to me just not to have to find storage room or dust all those books. Do you have any friends who have kids in different grades who you think may be willing to loan on a promise to return?
  19. Totally off topic here but I gotta say I just LOVE this board. :001_wub: Just when I thought I had read all available topics on the general board... :lurk5:
  20. The two versions are the same phone, same features. If there's a bug on the AT&T version, it will most likely be there on Verizon. The tech people I know who follow this don't anticipate any issues with Verizon's iPhone. But I'm not so sure they are right! He's probably referring to the main two differences in the function of the phone from each carrier. First, Verizon network is CDMA, which has technology limitations that prevent voice and data being used simultaneously. You can't make a call and look up something online at the same time. You can do this with AT&T, which uses GSM technology for their network. Many people don't think this is a big deal, but for me I love being able to look up a map for directions while talking to someone and explaining that I'm lost. ;) I can talk to someone about an email while receiving and looking at it, and can send someone a picture in an email while talking to them. It does have it's advantages but it's also a feature I could probably do without if I had to switch. The second difference is that Verizon's version will let you use it as a personal hotspot. This means you can let other devices access the internet using your iPhone's data connection. If you have a laptop or iPod Touch, or any other device that uses a wi-fi connection for internet access, you can bring them with you where ever you use your phone. I think 5 devices can access it simultaneously. Unfortunately, this also is a negative thing with the previously mentioned phone/data issue. If you and three others are using your laptops with your iPhone as a data connection, you either can't receive phone calls or the phone call will pause your data connection (I haven't heard which way it will go yet). To the op, I love my iPhone and I like my dh's Droid X. My dh likes his Droid X (work phone) and he loves his personal iPhone. We are an iFamily. :)
  21. You readily admit it was not the fault of the owner of the gym, so on what grounds are you going to ask him to pay? You are not an employee and are therefore not covered by worker's comp. Any money he gives will be coming out of his pocket, or possibly from his insurance company but I imagine it will not meet any deductible. It sounds like you have a good relationship with the owner. If I were you I'd chalk it up to lesson learned about wearing soft sole boots on a gym floor, work out a payment plan on the bill, and not risk ruining the relationship with the gym owner. Perhaps instead of volunteering there to help out you can ask for a wage to help offset the hospital bill.
  22. That promo sounds very interesting! I'm going to have to watch the episode tonight. Thanks for sharing. :)
  23. :iagree: He and his wife likely have some very valuable things. I just feel sorry for the daughter who has to locate them among the other "treasures." ;)
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