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Everything posted by freeindeed

  1. Thanks. I joined today.:) I appreciate the information and advice you all have given. It definitely helps me prepare to make a decision.
  2. We have a female lab mix. Her name is LuLu. The last male dog we had was an English bulldog named Bully.
  3. I have definitely decided to do Waldorf with my youngest. I was set on purchasing Oak Meadow K when I felt dd(almost 4) was ready, which would still be quite a while from now, but I like to plan ahead. Today I discovered this Waldorf curriculum: http://www.live-education.com/ Wow, I love the looks of it, too! I've talked to several OM users, but I don't know of anyone using Live Education. Does anyone here use it? What do you think? Also, it would be great if you've used both Live Education and Oak Meadow and could compare the two for me. Thanks!
  4. I voted for 4 1/2. We do a full school schedule on Mon.-Thurs. On Friday we do "school" in the morning and then clean house after lunch.
  5. We have Zumba 2 for the Wii. I really like it. I tell you, you will work up a sweat quick with this one!:) I aim to do it three times a week and choose the mid-length class option, which lasts about 45 minutes. You can input your height and weight and it will tell you how many calories you burned during the workout. There is also a short class (I think it's about 20 min.) and a long class (about 70 min.--I did it once...:tongue_smilie:.) And you can also choose single songs. There are a few suggestive lyrics in some of the songs, as well as some dance moves which are somewhat suggestive as well, but, hey, I am in the privacy of my home, so I don't let it bother me. I am happy with my Zumba 2 for the Wii.:D
  6. I used Volume 1 with my middle children when dd was in 2nd grade and ds was in kindergarten. We really loved it, and we have fond memories of that school year. I still miss Weaver from time to time (although we are very happy with SL.) The main reason I switched is that the planning portion of Weaver just got to be too much for me, especially as we were going through the adoption process to bring my youngest one home. And now that she's here, I know I wouldn't have the time to plan Weaver, go to the library and get books on topic, and research web sites to go with each topic. It is a great curriculum, though, and truly does start with the Bible and "weave" in everything else, which I love. If you have time to plan, then I think it could work for you.
  7. :D That is wonderful! I hope it all works out for you guys.
  8. Yep, your dh is right. Well, at least as far as my ds19 is concerned. He still loves to play those video games even though he is currently deployed.:confused: I told him I don't get it! My ds hasn't mentioned any problems with package tampering, so hopefully it doesn't happen. Some things my ds really likes to receive are snack foods of any type, canned chicken or tuna, soup, energy drinks, and lip balm. He is one of the young, single soldiers, so any taste from home is appreciated. It always blesses me when I see people give to our troops.:)
  9. My middle children are about 2 1/2 years apart & they do the same core, but they have separate science and language arts. We are currently doing Core D+E. We move through the core more slowly than what is scheduled...meaning we will take about 48 weeks to complete Core D+E, as opposed to 36 weeks. We will move on to Core F when we're done, even though my ds will only be 9. Once again we will take more time to get through the core, probably spreading Core F out over two school years. I am adding in some books that are on my ds9's level and also pulling in some ideas from Galloping the Globe (found here: http://www.christianbook.com/galloping-geography-learners-updated-revised-edition/loree-pettit/9781931397650/pd/397650) for him to do instead of the more difficult research found in Core F. So, yes, I think you can use one core. You just might have to "tweak" it some.:)
  10. So sorry to hear this. There are lots of freebies online. Here are some links: http://www.amblesideonline.org/ http://oldfashionededucation.com/ http://www.wegivebooks.org/books#all http://www.homeschoolshare.com/ http://www.homeschool-how-to.com/index.html http://thoughtsaftergod.blogspot.com/2011/11/merry-early-christmas-100-free-kindle.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+blogspot%2FODvN+%28Afterthoughts%29&utm_content=Google+Reader http://heartofwisdom.com/blog/lapbooking-blog-roll/ http://www.charlottemasonhelp.com/ http://budgethomeschool.com/
  11. Yep, we have to go back to the neurologist in three weeks. He is going to have another EEG done to see if dd's current medication is working. It is a relief to know what's wrong.
  12. This book might work: http://www.amazon.com/Story-Inventions-Michael-J-McHugh/dp/1930092407/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1330036654&sr=8-2
  13. Congratulations to you and your son! Please thank him for his service. Also, I'm an Army mom, too, so feel free to PM me if you ever need to talk.
  14. Offer to babysit her children so she can have some "me time" Take her out to lunch Get her a gift certificate to have a manicure/pedicure Fix her a gift basket (fill it with scented bath gel, soaps, lotion, body spray, candy, nuts, books)
  15. That is wonderful. What an awesome experience for your daughter!
  16. We saw the neurologist today and had an EEG and MRI done. The doctor said she is having seizures. Fortunately (I guess) my dd actually had one talking with the doctor and one during the EEG. He prescribed medication for her. Thank you all for the prayers!
  17. We have family friends that recently moved to Washington. They have a daughter that attends this school. Naturally, their daughter is very upset. She texted my dd11 earlier today and told her what happened. It is so awful.
  18. It could be migraines. I have them myself and they are similar to what you're describing. I have to take two preventive prescription medications twice daily, along with supplements of B vitamins and magnesium. I also have two prescription medications to alternate between taking when I do get a migraine. So, although migraines are very unpleasant, at least there are medications to help if that's what is going on with your daughter. Hope you get answers soon and relief for her!
  19. I've had the same problem with my homemade laundry detergent & it does have Borax and OxyClean. I've been toying with the idea of going back to storebought, too.
  20. Five in a Row for both, and add in phonics and math for the older child.
  21. She had blood work done about six weeks ago when I took her for headaches and dizziness. Everything came back normal. The doctor was reassuring today, but also concerned. I am trying not to freak out, and I have been outwardly calm for my dd's sake...but inside I am really scared. My oldest child is currently deployed to Afgh. so I already have to deal with that fear. Now here is something else with another child. I am trying to give it all to God and know that He is in control, but it's easier said than done.
  22. :D That's good to know, especially since I teach Latin to my children, too. Thanks for the ammo.
  23. Dd had an appointment with her pediatrician today. He scheduled tests (MRI, EEG) for this coming week and also scheduled her appointment with a pediatric neurologist for this coming week as well. Hopefully we will have answers soon. I really appreciate prayers for her as we wait. Thank you.
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