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Tiff in TX

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Everything posted by Tiff in TX

  1. Loved this as a kid... too bad you have to get the disks and can't stream it :glare:
  2. Hi Negrin, Just want to give a shout out to homeopathic drops. I had a lot of success with them. I went to the site that you listed and it looks like it is a sales company (I could be wrong about this). They may have some good information, but they may also be bais in their findings. I would say do some more research for yourself. Approach the diet like you would approach new curriculum... you can visit websites and learn what the company is saying about the curriculum, but you would probably also come to the WTM forums and ask other moms who actually used it to get more of a solid opinion. Same with HCG, I would go and stalk out some HCG forums and find out what real people are saying about it. I frequent here http://hcgdietinfo.com/hcgdietforums/forum.php#hcg-diet-info and I think that Pamela had mentioned some yahoo groups/forums that are pretty active... maybe she will chime in with those again. In the long run, it is your decision and you have to do what is right for you. :001_smile:
  3. Wow Pamela, it sounds like you must really know your stuff :001_smile: I am just entering my first phase 3 and I am still trying to soak up information about the diet from those who have BTDT. Congratulations on your weight loss so far. I did homeopathic drops as well and only continued the VLCD for 48 hours after my last drops. I had read in many places that the homeopathic drops leave your system faster than the Rx:001_smile: Congratulations to your husband! And the part I bolded is very important and well said. I tried to explain this earlier in the thread, but you explained it much better.
  4. I did read all of P&I and I strictly followed the diet, I just use a different form of HCG. :001_smile: It worked for me and works for tons of other people who can't afford to get the perscription through a doctor and are too scared to order perscriptions online. ETA...Pamela, did you eat bread with the subway one? Did you have much success? Were you able to reset your hypothalmus?
  5. Hi Pamela, It does get confusing when talking about days, this is a direct quote from Dr S's Pounds and Inches (P&I) When a patient has more than 15 pounds to lose the treatment takes longer but the maximum we give in a single course is 40 injections, nor do we as a rule allow patients to lose more than 34 lbs. (15 Kg.) at a time. The treatment is stopped when either 34 lbs. have been lost or 40 injections have been given. The only exception we make is in the case of grotesquely obese patients who may be allowed to lose an additional 5-6 lbs. if this occurs before the 40 injections are up Patients who need to lose 15 pounds or, 7 kilos or less require 26 days treatment with 23 daily injections." The VLCD is continued for 3 days following the end of the injections to avoid weight regain. For me, I stopped because I mentally needed a break and wanted to give my body a chance to reshape. Most reshaping is done in P3 and I wanted to give my skin a chance to bounce back. I guess you are right in that you wouldn't have to stop at 40 days... but with significant weight loss, you want to give your body time to adjust. Plus, for me, the food got boring.
  6. You can find the diet here: http://www.hcgdietinfo.com/HCG-Diet-Protocol.htm basically no breakfast, as much coffee tea and water as you want. 100 g of protien , 1-2 cups of select veggies, one apple or orange or 1/2 grapefruit or 5-7 strawberries and one melba toast... this is the meal for lunch and dinner. You must do this phase for at least 23 days, but no longer than 40. After that you have 3 weeks of no sugar and no starches ( I am currently in this stage) I eat a lot of calories now, but they are all good fats. Full fat sour cream, avacados, all types of meats, cheese (lots of cheese), almonds and the like. I am eating about 1800-2000 calories a day now and my weight is holding steady from when I stopped my HCG drops.
  7. This is true... sometimes people do get scammed with fake HCG. You can tell it is fake because you are constantly hungry. There is a lot of information out there, and if you do proper research, you can find lots of good perscription and homeopathic brands. I did have success with homeopathic HCG that I purchased at our local health food store, the Sunflower Shoppe. The homeopathic is said to have less side effects and there isn't a chance of developing an immunity.
  8. That is a typical question. If a person were to only eat 500 calories, their body would go into starvation mode and start burning up the wrong type of fat. HCG burns abnormal fat and attacks the fat stores. There are lots of diet pills that suppress hunger... the difference is, they aren't causing you to burn additional fat. The HCG uses about 1500 to 2000 calories, in addition to the 500 you are eating. If you over eat with a plain appetite suppresant, it isn't so bad... if you over eat on HCG, you see a gain on the scale the next day. It isn't all about traditional dieting.... the diet part is between 23 and 40 days. Then you go into maintaince for 3 weeks and eat no starches or sugars... this phase resets your hypothalamus and sets your metabolism to burn more calories. During this phase, you are not supposed to gain or loose (+/- 2 lbs). After this 3 weeks, you slowly start adding in starches and sugars for another 3 weeks or forever... depending if you have another round to do. In response to your last questions, yes, people have tried to go off protocol and the results are typically weight gains. Dr S spent years and years developing the very low calorie food list and found that the foods listed offer optimal weight loss.
  9. Hi! I am following the HCG diet... it is very restrictive and simple on one hand, but it can also be a little complicated. I take homeopathic HCG, so I don't need a perscription. I took about 15 drops under my tongue 3xs a day.... the HCG works to take away your hunger and causes your body to burn abnormal fat.... so I eat 500 calories, but my body starts burning store fat equaling about 1500-2000 additional calories. I lost 25 lbs in about 27 days and I just started my maintaince phase. Here is a link to the protocol for the very low calorie diet, including food options: http://www.hcgdietinfo.com/HCG-Diet-Protocol.htm I would be happy to give you more information if you want to PM me.
  10. Time to make the donuts? Cake/donuts... it all tastes good and has 0 calories during a crisis?
  11. Thanks for posting this... DD is too young for Beakman's World, but I watched that show growing up and loved it! I always thought Beakman was way better than Bill Nye.
  12. "Yeah, but how does he get along with letters?!?!" :lol: /bad joke //probably only funny in my head
  13. Congratulations Nance!:hurray: That is great news... keep up the good work:thumbup:
  14. I answered 'yes' because there was no option for 'most of the time'. If dinner isn't brought to the table, I fix everyones plate. If dinner is put on the table DH fixes his plate first. If we have take out, I will fix his plate. This is more of a give and take and I don't mind doing it. I like to fix his plate for him, just like he likes to always be the one to put gas in the car:). We serve each other in the ways that we can.
  15. Before last night I would have said it would be between Prince Poppycock and Jackie, but I think Prince Poppycock blew it and it will be between Jackie and Fighting Gravity. As for a Vegas show, I would much rather see Fighting Gravity or Prince P. As far as talent goes, Jackie wins, but I don't know how healthy or practical it would be to have a 10 year old headlining a show in "Sin City"... just my humble opinion. Tonight should be interesting.
  16. Hi Mariann I started the HCG drops on 9/6 and so far have lost 11.6 lbs. I am doing this with a close friend and she has lost 7lbs, but she has less to loose than I do. My hunger has been under control and a few days I didn't eat all of my alloted calories. PM me if you have questions about HCG... it's a lot to take in.
  17. I second the R&S books. We are enjoying them and they are very gentle. The workbooks are black and white so they would be great for a child who loved to color like mine does.
  18. Some of our favorites: The Tale of Despereaux Raggedy Ann and Andy Treasury (this isn't a chapter book, but it isn't truely a picture book) Now We are Six (poetry book) The Phantom Tollbooth (We started and stopped this one to wait till she is a bit older)
  19. We are currently using this and DD enjoys it. She turned 4 in late June and we have finished about 20 lessons.
  20. We follow Dave Ramsey and use excel cause Im an accounting dork and like to do things myself:tongue_smilie: For the first three months of Dave, we used pen and paper... I liked being able to see what I scratched out because it didn't work, instead of just deleting it off of a spreadsheet. We have looked into mint.com and might make a switch in the future.
  21. I will chime in too. I just started the HCG diet today. I would love to get to 145, but I have a long way to go.
  22. We fly out tomorrow morning, and I haven't been on a plane since pre 9-11. Are pipe cleaners considered dangerous? I wanted to take a few to entertain a 4 year old for the 2 hour flight.
  23. Have you thought about Bunko? I play this the third thursday of everymonth with a large group... it is a lot of fun. DD even acts as a place holder and gets to role the dice. She doesn't know what is going on, but it is still fun for her. This also allows people to talk to everyone because you are constantly moving to different tables.
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