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Everything posted by Emba

  1. I think I might return two and keep one. Three seems like a whole lot of extra.
  2. My library did something like this, you could check out wrapped surprise books, around Valentine’s Day, I think. No extra goodies, but it was low risk because of you opened it and it wasn’t your thing, it was free and you could just turn it back in.
  3. Is something like this what you want? i think the keyword you need might be “molded cup”, in addition to pull-on. although, eww, molded cup sounds gross.
  4. A couple of years ago I bought one at Duluth trading that fit that description, but unfortunately I can’t find one that matches it now on their website. you might try Amazon, I know when I was looking a few months ago “sewn in cups” was noted as a feature For some bras.
  5. Some funny sewing signs. I would buy them for myself, but my sewing area is my kitchen table, not a dedicated room. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C2NVKHD1/ref=sspa_mw_detail_6?ie=UTF8&psc=1&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9kZXRhaWw https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08QCRTHH9/?coliid=I2V6PNEOM3K8XP&colid=2V7VYVJQ7U60M&psc=1&ref_=list_c_wl_lv_ov_lig_dp_it
  6. Re: which places offer “massages” and which are legitimate massage therapists, I have found google reviews useful. Not just that some are directly called out as sketchy by people who were looking for actual massage, but also if there are lots of positive reviews from men mentioning how pretty the woman who did their massage was that tells you something.
  7. I’m sorry to hear about your cognitive difficulties. That would make everything harder, for sure. I was surprised at how much fabric costs now, compared to what it was when I last quilted, but really shocked by how high the batting (same thing you call wadding, I think) had gone. You can piece large chunks of it together, if you have leftovers. The Christmas table runner I made recently had pieced batting inside. My sister made a quilt once with no batting but a polar fleece backing, if you see any fleece blankets in good condition in the op shop.
  8. Oh yeah, my SIL does that all the time. It means she doesn’t like the gift. If she likes it she’ll say thank you. When my DD was about 12 she spent a good bit of her limited Christmas present budget on a bath set for SIL and SIL didn’t bother to say thank you or react at all. I’ve not bought her personally a gift since. I’ll buy gifts for the family but not just her.
  9. That’s such a lot of work, I can’t believe Ake doesn’t appreciate it! But I bet MercyA is right, the kids will. My aunt crocheted us afghans, and we loved them. They were aids in make-believe play (build a tent, roll up like a hot dog, wear as a cloak, etc) as well as a way to keep warm. i also have a SIL who is ungrateful about gifts. I give my nephews gifts, and I don’t worry what she thinks about them. It is 100% for the boys, and I have let go of thinking it will matter to her at all. That was a process, though. I just hope she doesn’t throw them out or give them away before they get some good use out of them. I used to make a lot of quilts for children in foster care. I gave them to CASA, which is an organization here that arranges volunteer advocates for children in the system. CASA distributed them to the kids. I also donated a batch to the local emergency services for firefighters, police, and paramedics to carry in their vehicles and give to children in traumatic situations. You might look into local organizations and talk with people to see what they could and would use. Another thought is to focus on more complicated patterns or techniques so that sewing the same size quilt takes longer.
  10. Another thing that doesn’t help is the popularity of buying jeans with holes already in them. I know I sound old and cranky here, but if you buy your jeans half worn out, of course they don’t last, and create more waste.
  11. I would love to find socks that my boys wouldn’t just destroy in short order.
  12. Even back in the 90s i knew a girl who was well off, and her grandmother bought her clothes all the time. She rarely wore things more than once. So there are people out there skewing the average, and probably more of them now, since fast fashion has really ramped up. what i can’t believe is the clothing that only lasts ten wears. Like, if I bought something and absolutely hated it, I would still probably get ten wears out of it before passing it on or making rags out of it. Years ago I had a couple of Walmart tees get little holes after only a few washes. That was basically the end of Walmart clothes for me. I still wore them, I was just annoyed by the little holes. But I buy mostly secondhand clothes, and I repair my clothes (and my husband’s, and my kids’). I think if more people had basic sewing skills, they could get more out of their clothes. I had a roommate in college who got really upset when a button popped off of her nice wool pea coat. She was amazed that I could just sew it back on. I was amazed that she couldn’t.
  13. And not just a pawn. They are deliberately keeping her from seeing a granddaughter she clearly loves, during a time of precarious health. This is so needlessly cruel, not only to popmom but to her grandmother as well.
  14. Really? I know exactly how I would feel. Completely disgusted! I hate mice, I do not want them in my house, dead or alive. (And yet, mice in illustrations, like the mouse hole stickers, can look adorable.)
  15. That’s really cute! I love making kids quilts with fun novelty fabrics. And what a deal on fabric!
  16. I do the same thing, hopping from hobby to hobby. 16 years ago I started quilting a lot, was serious about it for five or six years, then got busy with kids and dropped it except for occasional gifts. Then I knitted for a bit (which I had done a lot of several years before). I did some bookbinding for awhile. I hardly ever get rid of hobby supplies because I always find back to them sooner or later. I’ve started quilting a lot again, and it’s nice that I already have books, templates, quilting gloves, a walking foot and free motion quilting for my machine, everything I need, including a whole lot of fabric. I really over bought on fabric back then. I too also have a partly finished quilt ( two actually) from years ago that Id like to get done. But the lure of new projects is strong.
  17. Well, I guess mostly it’s black suit Anne white shirt. But that is exactly what they would wear to a funeral. About half, probably more, of the weddings I’ be been to, the groom doesn’t wear as tux, just a nice suit jacket with jeans. And if DH pulls out the suit jacket he wore at our wedding, people tease him about going to a funeral.
  18. I Didn’t, but my slightly older cousins did, and I played with theirs. i bought one a few years ago for my daughter with updated styles, and there was a version with superheroes with different masks and outfits and stuff more aimed towards boys.
  19. Can I just say, why is it tradition that the groom wears black, but if guests wear black b it’s some weird sign of disapproval? This is one of those things that belongs on the cranky thread of things to do away with😡
  20. Well, thanks for all the suggestions, everyone! I did go ahead and buy a blue and gray plaid skirt this morning, so I’m done overthinking that, at least. I’ve got lots of sweaters and tops to choose from to go with it, and I had been kind of wanting a plaid skirt anyway.
  21. No, i just wish I could because I have a nice black dress and it would save a lot of trouble!
  22. Yes, I was not going to run this by anyone except maybe DH. The bride is very busy and stressed, as well as super sweet, and she would say anything is fine. It’s more that I just want to avoid any unintentional offense/faux pa.
  23. I am definitely not a single-use dress person. Whatever I get, it will be part of my future church/dressy wardrobe. It’s not a very formal wedding, just a dressier than denim wedding. That’s actually part of my dilemma , because a black or gray skirt would be most versatile for future use. i have one really nice black dress for funerals and a black sweater to go with it for winter funerals, and you have no idea how badly I wish I could wear it for this wedding. So much stupid thinking and shopping avoided! But as I wore it to MIL’s funeral, that would be a bad idea on multiple levels.
  24. You’re hosting the meal, it’s your house. Do what works for you. If anyone doesn’t like it they can eat somewhere else on Thanksgiving. In my family, i can imagine my Dad giving me a hard time about it, and myself telling him to go somewhere else for dinner then, but all in good fun with no one getting upset. Nobody else would comment.
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